View Full Version : TF2

May 19th, 2008, 07:31 PM
Picked this up after the free weekend they had a couple weeks ago. can't stop playing it, very fun. some of the sound bites, facial expresions and special moves (air guitar with the axe) are hilarious.

I've noticed on steam that a handful MERC's are playing TF2. what times are ya'll usually playing?

May 19th, 2008, 07:48 PM
dude i added you as a friend in steam but you are never on. unless there is another CO out there. add me! (onji)
drifter and i play as well

May 19th, 2008, 09:04 PM
haha sorry man. been playing under a different name. Monkey Mashing Buttons

I need to change my name back and put the tag back on since I'm now playing a game other MERC's play. LOL it's been a few years.

I play almost every night, mostly on the EGO server group (they have around 8 - 10 servers that are all full almost all the time, and they stay clean). I noticed the other night you don't have many of your achievements, lets take care of that and get you the uber weapons for the Medic.

May 20th, 2008, 07:14 AM
I saw you on the other night but the server you were in was password protected. As for Darren if it isn't the rocket launching soldier he isn't having any of it :)
I have been playing quite a bit and both of my boys are playing it like there is no tomorrow... lol. Their names are Sareth and Oblivion. They are in my friends list. We all need to hook up and play together thats for sure.

May 20th, 2008, 09:08 AM
sure it was me? maybe the server was just full?

I figured Darren for the Spy so he could pull some ninja moves. LOL

I'll keep checking the friends list when I'm on.

May 20th, 2008, 11:24 AM
Pretty sure it was you. You were in the Merc group. Might have been something else going on that wouldn't let me join.

I will add you as a friend tonight. I wasn't sure who Monkey Mashing Buttons was and if I wanted to add them :)
