View Full Version : question????

April 25th, 2008, 11:57 AM
Ok I'm looking for a new camera! Want to know the difference in these cameras AND wich one is the better one. I'm wanting the nikon tho...



Any info you guys can give me? Oh and what does SLR mean????

April 26th, 2008, 11:52 PM
The biggest difference is about twice the megapixels with the canon.

April 27th, 2008, 07:21 AM
So does that mean the canon is better then Nikon? I know the megapixels has a lot to do with it but what does the megapixels really do? and what is SLR?

April 27th, 2008, 02:45 PM
SLR just means it operates on the same principals are a standard 35mm camera. You can do stuff like change lenses and do timed/over exposed pictures like you can with a normal shuttered camera.

Megapixels are what the picture is built from. Think of it like resolution on a TV. Alot depends on what you are doing with the camera. If youre just taking photos of family and such, the Nikon is more then enough horsepower. If youre looking at doing some stuff you want to REALLY enlarge then the Canon is the way to go.

The Canon also has a faster frames per second rating but thats for fast action stuff like sports where you take a series of pictures looking for the PERFECT picture.

Both have lots of after-market lenses and flashes so accesories wont be an issue. My suggestion would be to hold each one and see what feels better but for the diffrence in price the extra megapixels are not really needed for most normal applications.

April 27th, 2008, 04:36 PM
Thank you CFH Very helpful to me. I'm not wanting to inlarge pictures no more then an 8X10. Let me ask one more question. The camera I have now I have to hold the button down FOREVER before it will take the picture my question is...... On the nikon will I have to hold the button down or just snap it fast before it takes the picture??? I want one that all I have to do is press it down BUT not hold it down like the one I have now. I've missed I couldn't tell you how many wonderful shots because I have to hold that dang button down forever!

April 27th, 2008, 07:25 PM
That happens because of 2 things....

Auto focus and red eye reduction. If you turn off auto focus (OMG! I have to do it MANUALLY?!?!) and red eye reduction, you will get instant pics. I have to turn those features off when shooting my daughter at cheerleading competitions or I miss the good ones too.

Red eye is no biggy. The Kodak kiosks in the stores auto correct that for you. You just have to get comfortable with the concept of manual focus if youve never used an SLR camera. On the lens that comes with your camera, there are 2 rings. One ring is the zoom and the other is the focus. It's very simple once you do it a few times.

April 27th, 2008, 07:28 PM
Come to think of it, it may be one ring on the lens. Some have the function where you pull it toward the camera to switch between zoom and focus. Either way, its simple to operate.

April 27th, 2008, 08:06 PM
I just have a point and shoot, but pressing half way down on the button will cause the camera to auto-focus. I will then hold it there until I get the right shot and press it all the way down for the picture. That way you don't have a delay.

I believe that the SLRs work the same way so you can still use your auto-focus and take a quick shot. Most serious photographers will manual focus, so this doesn't apply to them.

On the discussion of which camera to get, consider the size of the camera. For baseball games and special events, the larger SLRs aren't too bad. For day to day usage, you should have a relatively inexpensive point and shoot camera (that will fit easily into your purse) to grab those cute shots of the kids. The phone cameras aren't quite good enough yet (even if the megapixels are there).

my 2 cents.
