View Full Version : Getting the Fark out of Flowtown! :)

April 24th, 2008, 05:15 AM
Headed to Ann Arbor M.I. to hang out with some friends for a few days... MaggotPulse and family are going to meet up with Me, my G/F and her friends in Ann Arbor on Saturday... We are flying out tonight (North Bound)... This will be the first time I've flown up north... :)

I'll be out for a few days, LATER FELLAS!

April 24th, 2008, 07:04 AM
have fun yella!

April 24th, 2008, 07:05 AM
Take a coat....

April 24th, 2008, 07:25 AM
Come back soon Parker

April 30th, 2008, 06:39 AM
So Parker... Got a trip update? How was it??

April 30th, 2008, 11:49 AM
Ok guys, I made it back in one piece.. Mostly.. WE had a blast... went out at night, and recovered during the day, and back out again... I drank beer my body was not prepared for.. such as at a bar called Ashley's.. they had 70 beers on tap, and absolutely no domestics.. so if you go in there and ask for a bud light,, they will promptly kick your a$$ out.. I had drinks with names such as Ruination,, and as the name states.. it will ruin your pallet,, therefore not being able to taste another beer the whole night....

So yes folks, I had fun... And Gas... A lot of Gas.. seems the Hop's were so strong in most beers I consumed were more than my sustem could handle.. I am Ruined for life for the Beer you buy in a grocery store. Its amazing what we consider beer today...

These guys actually had 1 beer on tap that was rated at 21% alcohol.. at $18 for 16 ounces.. I just didn't have the nerve to try it "Or the tolerance"

There were many fine restraunts in Ann Arbor.. with foods I have never had the pleasure of experiencing. Along with plenty of options for REAL FOOD... not the Over cooked, prepared chemical raised food we have here in S.C, I must admit... All in All, Ann Arbor was a great place to visit.. I would not want to live there,, Too many people,, and no Freaking parking.. but a very clean town with plenty of nice things too see and do.

April 30th, 2008, 07:23 PM
Cool! Glad you had fun. Of course, I you need some of Jayson Rowe's turkey whiskey or whatever the he11 that cheap stuff was to clean out your system. :)

April 30th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Cool! Glad you had fun. Of course, I you need some of Jayson Rowe's turkey whiskey or whatever the he11 that cheap stuff was to clean out your system. :)

Yea, its that cheap stuff thats gets you sick, and not drunk. I swear to you man that crap J-Row grabbed up didn't do worth a dam for catching a buzz, but it sure did turn my stomach about 5 hours later.

I know better now, I stay as far away from whiskey and liquor as possible.

I'm strictly a beer man now, life is much easier that way. :)
