View Full Version : Ok, That hurt!

April 23rd, 2008, 03:51 PM
I woke up about 5:00am Tuesday morning to the most horrible pain I have ever experienced in my left back down around to my groin. I thought it was intestinal gas or something so I popped some gas-x and waited. No-go, after an hour, the pain did not go away I figured that I must be suffering from a kidney stone. I am practically in a ball on the floor. I call my mom to look after the kid so the wife could carry me to the emergency room. When I get to the ER, there is no one waiting and the ladies at the check-in knew I was in pain and rushed me to the back. About 2 minutes later, the nurse and the doctor came in to look at me. After conversing a moment about my desire to be freed of this demon that has its knife stuck in my back, the nurse comes back with the most wonderful medicine. Two minutes later, I was feeling much better and was able to lay down on the bed. After the normal gambit of tests, CT scans, it was confirmed that I have a 2mm kidney stone and it was almost to my bladder. I should be able to pass it without any problems. I was given a prescription to percocet and sent home. Apparently, either the percocet on an empty stomach or the kidney stone was not through with me as I got sicker that I have ever been in a long time and was hurling to the poing of dry heaves. So I quit with Percocet, took some dramamine and went night night for the rest of the day. I passed the kidney stone this morning (without any pain) and it is amazing that little rock can give a man the most painful experience of the natural life. I do not want to go through that again.

April 23rd, 2008, 04:08 PM

You can mail me the Percocet....lol

April 23rd, 2008, 04:09 PM
jeeeeeeeeeeeez! Im squiming in my chair for ya mano. Glad it made its way out and didnt cause you anymore agony. I cant imagine.

April 23rd, 2008, 04:15 PM
Percocet will mess your stomach up bad. Always take it with food or else upchuck city. At least you passed the stone and didn't have to have a stent placed or have to stay at the hospital. My friend told me her kidney stone hurt 10x's more than when she gave birth.

April 23rd, 2008, 04:39 PM
Ouch Henry! Glad you got rid of it ok though.

April 23rd, 2008, 04:51 PM
Percocet will mess your stomach up bad. Always take it with food or else upchuck city. At least you passed the stone and didn't have to have a stent placed or have to stay at the hospital. My friend told me her kidney stone hurt 10x's more than when she gave birth.

I kinda of figured that the percocet was the cause of my nausea. Lesson learned on that subject.

My wife had a kidney stone about 6 months into her pregnancy, and she feels the same way.

April 23rd, 2008, 05:25 PM
I heard some good kidney stone stories this weekend as well...drink lots of water, cut back on the sodas...and don't get dehydrated. That's all I learned about this really

April 24th, 2008, 11:48 AM
You also have to watch how much caffeine you take in with stuff that has a lot of calcium. They form crystals that are the kidney stones. My friend used to drink a lot of apple juice and cokes so he got a stone and he quit drinking so much juice. He hasn't had a stone since.

April 24th, 2008, 07:10 PM
ouch man... just.. OUCH!

April 26th, 2008, 01:11 PM
yeah as you where explaining the ammount of pain your where in i already had you diagnosed with kidney stone haha i see quite a few of those come threw the ER. and you can tell usually right away, just be glad you didnt come to our ER. they are like ohh you should not die from pain so you will have to sit in the waitting room till the dr. calls you and i can not give you anything for your pain because a dr has not seen you and prescribbed anything, go sit down we see you in a hour or so. Ouchh!!

April 29th, 2008, 10:35 AM
Cry me a river. 2mm. That's tiny. Mine back in November was almost 5mm. Luckily I passed it before they decided to operate. But yes , you are right. Those little bastards will bring a man to his knees, LITERALLY. I'll I remeber from the entire incident is that morphine is my best friend. I wish he would come back and play some day.
