View Full Version : Dog

April 19th, 2008, 02:19 PM
Here is our dog from HELL!!!!

He was an inside dog but chewed on the Wii cable and bit the hell out of Wayne's hand and the dog ALMOST got shot if it wasn't for the kids crying saying he's just a puppy daddy!...

April 19th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Nope, hes a dead dog... Hes got chow in him, and already bit the Master of the house... as a puppy... (Y'all are asking for trouble)

cute or not, no dog does that to me and lives.

April 19th, 2008, 04:37 PM
We both feel the same way. I was hoping he would grow out of the puppy biteing but I really don't think he is going to grow out of it. So I think when wayne comes home I'm going to get him to take him somewhere with out the kids knowing about it. The kids can't even play in the yard with out him biteing at them and pulling on their clothes. He cut Waynes hand open good. The dog got the mess beat out of him tho. But I just don't think it did any good. I told the kids a dog that bites his owners will bite kids and everyone else and that it's not a good dog to have.

PS, Yella! It's good to be back. I've just been going threw some stuff. I feel very tired all the time and most nights I go to bed about 9 to 9:30. On top of all that both kids are in ball so we've been at the ball feilds every week. Hopefully I will be able to get back into playing the game soon.

April 19th, 2008, 06:51 PM
Well I hope you get to felling better :)

Back on the Dog, I would put him down...

(1) its crueler to abandon the dog somewhere.. and nothing good is going to become of him if you do that.

(2) Yes, he will bite one of your kids, its just a matter of time, I had a friend with a full Chow, this dog was OK when he was younger, but got mean as he|| when he got older

(3) Hes a dog, not a person... and has no soul, all that animal is thinking is...
(a)where's his next meal is coming from, and
(b) where does he stand in the Hierarchy of this "PACK" hes a part of, It seems to me, he wants to be the ALPHA.. and that's not good with kids around.

April 19th, 2008, 06:59 PM
You're right! :tribe

April 20th, 2008, 08:34 AM
(3) Hes a dog, not a person... and has no soul, all that animal is thinking is...
(a)where's his next meal is coming from, and
(b) where does he stand in the Hierarchy of this "PACK" hes a part of, It seems to me, he wants to be the ALPHA.. and that's not good with kids around.

My .o2 on this:

I worked in a Veterinarian clinic for 6 yrs. I would like to think of most the Techs I saw in the job, I was far above par dealing with difficult canines. With that being said here is what I think:

1. The chewing/biting or general mouthiness can be corrected. It usually comes from the puppy being handled roughly while playing. The puppy then in course thinks that is how it is appropriate to play (i.e. they do not possess hands).

2. The breed of the canine. He is part unknown if I remember correctly. What are his other attributes? The running around biting at the kids could just be misguided play or he could have some herding dog in him. Australian sheps. and heelers are both messes with kids running around. They would try to keep it orderly. Hence "heeling" the kids to stay put.

3. I have dealt with some aggression issue with my 3 dogs. It all worked out. sLingbLade knows I was about 2 mins. away from giving away or putting down who I consider my dog now. She is a 7 yr old black lab that turned out to be the best dog I have owned. A dog I never once trusted around my kids, but now I have nary a doubt about.

The long short of this is; You will either have to walk a long road to curbing bad habits or another long walk down he road explaining to the kids. The kids will be forgiving the shorter amount of time they know "scooter". This is not an easy decision in my book. Just like I vow to never give up on my kids, it is hard for me to give up on a puppy. My Grandfather used to raise American Staffordshire Terriers (aka The "Pitbull") and I love the breed to this day. To see how mellow and forgiving they can be. I grew up around some chows and I believe that they are also very good dogs. I would recommend visiting with a trainer in your area. It will help out both, the family and the new addition, in the long run.

April 20th, 2008, 08:55 AM
nice post r00k- please remind me to never let YD pet sit for me :stick

April 20th, 2008, 10:57 AM
Well the dog is a puppy and acts like a puppy in every way but the minute you try to correcte him or get on to him about something he gets mad. And thats what happend to Wayne this is the 2nd time the dog bit Wayne and he wasn't just being playfull either. He gets a defensive attitude. He acts like a puppy and I understand the difference between the puppy in him and the defensive side. He snapped at us a hand full of times. And he ment to bite Wayne. The look on the dogs face will tell you if he is just being playfull or for real. I'm trying to train him. Not sure if I'm going about it the right way but I've gottn' to the point that I take a fly flap and pop him on the mouth and tell him NO. But after a while if you do it long enough he gets defensive and starts snapping at us. He is a smart and playfull CUTE dog but just wish he came with a better loveing attitude...

April 20th, 2008, 11:06 AM
;211779']Not sure if I'm going about it the right way but I've gottn' to the point that I take a fly flap and pop him on the mouth and tell him NO. But after a while if you do it long enough he gets defensive and starts snapping at us. He is a smart and playfull CUTE dog but just wish he came with a better loveing attitude...

This is why I suggest visiting with a trainer in your area. I am a FIRM believer that it is 90% nuture and 10% nature that will make this puppy what it will become. I bet a trainer will chat on the phone for free to help you make up your mind. Good luck.

April 24th, 2008, 08:32 PM
that dog looks like he has some pit in him I agree ith some rook said and some yella said. I am partial to Labs you generally have no problems there "generally" but i wouold suggest if you can not invest the time or money for a trainer take him to the pound and see if they can find a home for him that way when the kids ask what happened you can say you gave him to a new hom not a lie or daddy killed him Heh. When he bit him was it in anger or play I had a poodle bite me one time i was playing and he didnt do it intentionally i actually caught his tooth more than he bit me. if it was in anger i would get rid of him if you cant invest time

April 25th, 2008, 12:33 PM
that dog looks like he has some pit in him I agree ith some rook said and some yella said. I am partial to Labs you generally have no problems there "generally" but i wouold suggest if you can not invest the time or money for a trainer take him to the pound and see if they can find a home for him that way when the kids ask what happened you can say you gave him to a new hom not a lie or daddy killed him Heh. When he bit him was it in anger or play I had a poodle bite me one time i was playing and he didnt do it intentionally i actually caught his tooth more than he bit me. if it was in anger i would get rid of him if you cant invest time

YES he bit him in anger Wayne was getting on to him about biting the cord to the new Wii and When wayne picked him up to take him outside he bit the hell out of him... In other words the dog was "fighting back" He seems to be ok now but he is no longer an inside dog.

April 28th, 2008, 08:30 AM
You need the Dog Whisperer or bring him to the ASPCA or vet.
