View Full Version : well well well

April 9th, 2008, 07:06 AM
O.o guess whos back, back again, Lodan's back, tell a friend....

Wow its been a long time guys. A lot has changed, I now also have a son, hes 9 months old. I am back in PA, was in TX again. Getting married in a few weeks. Also, I left xXx, they were just going a different direction than me in the gaming world. I have since then joined a DoD clan -=PHX=-. We are looking into BF2 and I am glad to see you all play that here. Ill be letting PHX know about LaMerc. We are a bunch of cool people, I think our youngest member is 20, most of us are 30+. God its been forever, i missed you guys heh.

oh on a side note how do i get my log in name changed to -=PHX=-Lodan?

also do you have a bf2 server? if not where do you guys go, any recommendations?

and yes i plan on playing some cs 1.6 soon :p but im waay out of practice

one more edit can you delete the mex | [IRDASUK] Lodan account i dont even remember what email it goes too

April 9th, 2008, 07:50 AM
Welcome back!

April 9th, 2008, 08:34 AM
sup, i went ahead and merged your old account with your new one

April 9th, 2008, 10:11 AM
Well, it has been a while.. But I do remember you from the 1.6 days :)

We no longer have a BF2 server, Mainly keeping the darn things funded, its not like in the old days when you could grab some bandwidth from a gracious provider,, and setup a box.... :(

but we do have some favorites...Im a little out of the loop on what servers we frequent now.. but im sure one of the other guys will chime in with a couple...

April 9th, 2008, 11:04 AM
What up.

First things first. Congrats on the newborn and the upcoming marriage. Both will be very trying on your gaming time.

I will play CS 1.6 w/ ya. Just let me know or post your "friends" name. There are a few of us still playing CS here and there. BF2 is fun. If it is Infantry only, it is like CS:Source but you get to respawn. Get set up and jump in a game. We may be able to get you on TeamSpeak with us also.

:soapbox Good to see old faces even if it is for the first time for some of us. It solidifies why we are here.

April 9th, 2008, 03:00 PM
sup, grats, and welcome back!

April 9th, 2008, 03:18 PM
BF2 is fun. If it is Infantry only,


April 9th, 2008, 06:30 PM


April 10th, 2008, 11:53 PM
hehe cool cool, ill have time this weekend to get some game going ill let you all know :P

and ty Onji :)
