View Full Version : A little project I have going, and need some help?

April 5th, 2008, 10:26 AM
Ok, its a pretty simple idea I have, but not sure how to make it happen.

I have an old PC, out in the garage thats on my wireless network, I use it to play tunes in the shop when I'm out there... Its a headless unit... just the box. I access it through remote desktop in the house. heres what I want to do.

upon start up, I want winamp to launch and start playing.. so when I turn it on outside, I do not have to go back in the house, log in, and start it up manually.

I figure I may be able to get winamp running through Startup, but dont know what kind of script it would take to get it playing?

Also, the only way Startup launches is when the user logs in through remote desktop.. so can I get it running without logging in? Maybe a script I can have run when windows is loading?

Any ideas guys?

P.S the reason I have the box playing out in the garage... is so I can send music files out to it whenever I get new stuff... Plus its something I aready have...im not going to go buy a freaking I-pod just to have several gigs of music available in my shop.

P.S.S, I don't want to set up a monitor, keyboard and mouse... that takes up space... I like the idea of just having the box in corner on a shelf.. just doing what I want it to do, and not having to Fark with monitor keyboard and mouse

April 5th, 2008, 12:52 PM
1. How to make an XP box automatically log in (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315231)

(or here (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/234562) if you're running 2K on that machine)

2. Add WinAmp (or maybe just a .m3u file?) to your Startup group.

Should take care of it.

April 5th, 2008, 08:29 PM
Frag.. that worked like a charm, boots up, and BAM! I got music... I set an old keyboard out there as well and bind the up down left right keys in winamp to volume and select forward backwards...
so now I have full control the player W/O having a monitor out there..

That freaking rocks man :)

Thanks !!

BTW,, I D/Led a program to create M3u playlist files, created a playlist and added it to the startup menu.. that worked fine.
