View Full Version : Warhammer Online

April 1st, 2008, 11:02 AM
I was thinking about this the other day while playing dawn of war, how it would be an interesting game for MMO, but I dunno if I'd bite on this just because of the developer. Its gonna be real hard to make something would rival blizz or sony in this department.



After reading alittle more about it, Mythic Entertainment is the group who brought out Dark Ages of Camelot. Never got around to playing that one because EQ was very perdominant then. The only bonus i'd see in this game is getting away from the kidos in WoW.

April 2nd, 2008, 07:20 PM
Yep definatly think i might get this one was a big fan of game workshop and the space marine stuff. So i been following this one aswell just not sure if it realeases around the same time as age of conan witch will fair better.
i have been picked to beta test AOC and its been going well, make the choice even a bit harder. it would be nice if a few of the WoW guy would come over to one of these games that way i can join up with you guys again, with out subjecting my self to having to go back to war crack :)
