View Full Version : pc ????

March 15th, 2008, 07:30 PM
guys have problem with a pc. when u turn it on the pc runs but montor goes into sleep mode. i have tried changing out montors and wires for montor. i have even changed video card. when u unhook the cable from video to montor it says looking for video hookup. so thats telling me that montor and wires are ok. even with new video card it says that. need help on issue what do u guys thing it could be motherboard, or cpu.

March 15th, 2008, 09:15 PM
guys have problem with a pc. when u turn it on the pc runs but montor goes into sleep mode. i have tried changing out montors and wires for montor. i have even changed video card. when u unhook the cable from video to montor it says looking for video hookup. so thats telling me that montor and wires are ok. even with new video card it says that. need help on issue what do u guys thing it could be motherboard, or cpu.

Any beeps? Does it POST (show the memory, etc.) when you turn it on? Does the video card require a separate power plug (many do nowadays) that may not have been attached? Can you go into the BIOS (usually hammering the DELETE button after you first turn it on)? If so, check to make sure it's set to boot to the type of card you have in it (AGP/PCIe). Does the motherboard have built in video? Make sure it's disabled if you do.

March 16th, 2008, 05:19 AM
I had a similar problem when I bought my new card ... card was dead. I returned it for a new one.

March 16th, 2008, 08:47 AM
well board does have built in video. cant dis able anything because screen will show anything. and there is no peeps. its dl aunts. 2 yr old pc, hp type. cant get into bios because cant see anything on montor. it goes in sleep mode. i install a card that i had its a 5200 pci bfg card. card was dl old pc and worked. so card is good. i know wires are good and monotr is as well.

March 16th, 2008, 09:23 AM
If you boot with no video card installed and the monitor hooked up to the onboard video, do you get anything?

March 16th, 2008, 09:33 AM
same thing every time just goes into sleep mode
only time changes is when u unplug cable it says looking for video

March 16th, 2008, 09:39 AM
same thing every time just goes into sleep mode
only time changes is when u unplug cable it says looking for video

Check the motherboard for a BIOS reset jumper. Move it to the other set of pins, wait 30 seconds, and move it back. Pull the video card and connect the monitor to the built in video. See if anything happens. When you say "sleep mode," are you referring to the monitor's sleep mode, or is the LED on the front of the machine changing color to indicate that? You may actually want to try a different PSU, just to make sure your power supply hasn't given up the ghost.

March 16th, 2008, 09:44 AM
ok greek is getting hard for me. montor goes into sleep mode

March 16th, 2008, 09:48 AM
ok greek is getting hard for me. montor goes into sleep mode

That's normal, since it doesn't see any video signal. Don't worry about that. Try the BIOS reset without the plug-in video card and see what happens. Make sure the machine is OFF when you do it

March 17th, 2008, 07:11 PM

I agree with Frag....if you have a spare Power Supply, try swapping that out.

If you aren't getting any beeps, then it could mean Motherboard or CPU. In either of those cases on a 2yr old PC, you might was well upgrade both components or replace the machine.


March 17th, 2008, 11:33 PM
I guess the question would be that since the mobo has onboard video, I am assuming that you tried both the onboard video and a seperate add-in video card? If so, pci? pci-x? agp?
Computer specs including video card models?
Was this a random occurance?
Did you just add in a new piece of hardward/software?
Is the monitor a LCD or CRT?
VGA or DVI connection?
How many devices in the pc require a power connector? This would include video cards, fans, hard drives, cd roms
Wattage of PSU?

It would be easier to assist if we had more of the specifics.

I would remove all the add-in video and sound cards. Unplug the power to any cd roms and additional fans that are not needed for operation (all but the cpu fan/mobo fan) and leave the side of the case of for ventilation.

March 17th, 2008, 11:45 PM
Do you have a multi-meter? Can you test the p/s to make sure you are getting ample juice?

The easiest test to rule in/out p/s is to unhook the old one from the 20/24 pin, 4 pin, and the HDD. Place a new or known good one in place just hooking up 20/24 pin, Motherboard 4 pin if needed, and the HDD. If it boots and you get video add in components one at a time. Start with optical first, then extra HDD if any, then fans, then 3.5" floppy.

I just had a Compaq with a bad p/s loose video. The p/s was a replacement Antec 350 watt that "popped" during a spybot scan. It lost video right away. I replaced the p/s again, and it works like a champ.

March 18th, 2008, 07:57 AM
I am guesing it was power supply ar vid card problem.was currious was the computer working find before the new(used) video card was put in? the spec's target listed above would help fit the pieces of the puzzle togehter.

March 18th, 2008, 03:31 PM
Dragon is at a school for his work not sure when he'll be back but I'll make sure he reads this when he gets back home.
