View Full Version : Snake??????

February 9th, 2008, 02:34 PM
ok what kind or snake is this? Sorry it's not a better picture but I'm not going to grab it to take a better picture found it right out the front door.

Keep in mind we in South MS

February 9th, 2008, 03:03 PM
My first impression is a Black King Snake, Not poisonous, Based off the patterns I see on its back.. Reminds me of an lightning bolt down its back.

February 10th, 2008, 07:16 AM

BADGERMUSHROOMSNAKE!!! (http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/)


February 10th, 2008, 07:32 AM
LOL Thanks Yella... lol... I'll be singing that song all day now...

I know what a Black Snake looks like but thats about it. All the snakes so far around here are really little. I haven't seen a big one YET...

I HATE SNAKES.............

February 10th, 2008, 07:40 AM
Well, if it makes you feel any better I had a pet King Snake that looked like that... they are very docile snake, and believe it or not, they will kill and eat snakes half their size... so if you have to have one hanging around, thats a good one to have. Having one of them in your area means less of a chance for having a poisonous snake... Since they would kill and eat a poisonous snake as well.. I think thats one reason they call them King Snakes.

February 10th, 2008, 08:09 AM
Yeah it's just the thought of a snake being out there where my kids play at everyday...lol.. We were running around yelling "IT'S A SNAAAAAAKE".. I ran in here and grabed my camera. I'm always willing to take a picture of them but as for me touching it.... NO WAY!!! I was mowing the grass last year and we had a pretty nice sized black snake in the back yard. Then we had the dead baby brown sake we found by the back door and now this one.

got a ? for ya... If they are black their good right??? Are all the black snakes good?

February 10th, 2008, 08:45 AM
depends on your perspective.....


and what you are referring to as "black snake"

February 10th, 2008, 08:49 AM
That's an ok movie with 1 excellent 2 second scene...

Oh, that snake is a "Snake in the motha f'n grass!"

February 10th, 2008, 11:03 AM
How did I know yall would take my post down under.
There is only one "black snake" I know of... Not sure what kind of "black snake" yall talkn' about. But I'm not going to ask for fear of what the outcome may be.......

February 10th, 2008, 11:38 AM
Alabama black snake...
Soul brotha too beaucoup!

February 10th, 2008, 12:43 PM
;210235']ok what kind or snake is this? Sorry it's not a better picture but I'm not going to grab it to take a better picture found it right out the front door.

Keep in mind we in South MS

Here's a link (http://www.wildlifemiss.org/magazine/su04/feature.html) that'll help you. Here's another one (http://www.phsource.us/PH/ME/Snakes/index.html) that has pictures of the non venomous snakes in MS, and from what I can see, it looks like a "Common King Snake," according to the picture. There's a link at the bottom to show the 10 venomous snakes found in Mississippi as well.

When I run across a snake in my yard, the first thing I go for is the leaf rake and pin the critter down with the back side of the tines, then send one of the kids for a 5 gallon "Homer bucket" and the BBQ tongs. Once identified, it gets a high speed .20 cal pellet to the skull if unfriendly, or a quick trip (after showing it to everyone) to the sewer if friendly.

Hope that helped.

February 10th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Alabama black snake...
Soul brotha too beaucoup!

Is that a cousin of the Louisiana White Snake?

February 10th, 2008, 01:13 PM
FragFood Thank you so much for the links that helped a lot. There are foods behind the house and we have lots of pine trees in the yard. But thank you for that it was very helpfull.

I couldn't get a very good picture of it but I thought if I just got a few inches then maybe some one could tell me. It seen that I was there and it took off.

February 10th, 2008, 02:32 PM
That looks too much like a baby rat snake. Could be a king snake tho...hard to tell when they are young.

February 11th, 2008, 12:55 PM
Tonya, to me it looks like a regular rat snake. They are usually black with white flakes on their back. Now they do look like ring neck snakes in our area but you could easily have told that by lookin gat the head and seeing if it had what looked like a collar on.

But I'm pretty sure it's a non-venomous black rat snake like the pic attached that is common here inteh south east of the U.S.

February 11th, 2008, 01:23 PM
If it was solid black, I'd would suggest it being a cotton mouth. It looks kinda like a king snake to me ( i played with snakes growing up all the time), but I thought i remember a king snake having a kinda blackish brown color to them. If you're looking at a snake and wondering if its posionous or not, look at the head. A posionous snake has a spade (or heart) shaped head, depending on which direction you're looking from. Also, the eyes on a non posionous snake are round like small marbles, posionous are more diamond shaped.

February 11th, 2008, 04:52 PM
If it was solid black, I'd would suggest it being a cotton mouth. It looks kinda like a king snake to me ( i played with snakes growing up all the time), but I thought i remember a king snake having a kinda blackish brown color to them. If you're looking at a snake and wondering if its posionous or not, look at the head. A posionous snake has a spade (or heart) shaped head, depending on which direction you're looking from. Also, the eyes on a non posionous snake are round like small marbles, posionous are more diamond shaped.

...except for the coral snake, which has round pupils and a rounded head. You have to go by the color sequence to know if it's a coral snake (http://www.phsource.us/PH/ME/Snakes/images/micrurus_f_fulvius01.jpg) (BAD!) or a scarlet snake (http://www.phsource.us/PH/ME/Snakes/images/scarlet_big.jpg) (harmless). Both of which are found in Mississippi.

(As an aside, there's a rhyme to tell the difference if you're confronted with either of them - "Red touches yellow, dangerous fellow, red touches black, venom lack.")

From your source of herpetological trivia (sometimes)

February 11th, 2008, 05:00 PM
Thats about what he looked like Andy!!! Just not as big!! I just never really knew we had that many different kinds of snakes here. The Coral and the scarlet snake Never would have thought we had those here. Anyway yall were a big help to me. I love the links yall posted!! VERY HELPFUL.

