View Full Version : www.OurStage.com

January 14th, 2008, 09:19 AM
Ok, for those of you who haven't checked out my bands website to hear this I'll break it down for you here. We placed out first single "Excuse Me" on this website that does a great job of independantly rating entrees. Instead of just voting for a song you like it randomly plays 2 songs entered. You have to listen to both the songs entirely before you can vote between the two. This way you can't inflate your ratings by popularity. So, in just a very short time we've jumped into the top 2.5%. Yeah, that rocks. If we get a tad higher we could get a kick arse prize. Here's a list of some of the prizes (I would love to get the one on one mentor time with Steve Rennie the manager of Incubus)


Check it out.

January 14th, 2008, 04:36 PM
What category is your song listed in??

January 15th, 2008, 09:30 AM
We're listed in the alternative rock category Parker. We slipped to 17th last night but this mornign we're back up to 14th out of some 600+ entries. That alone is pretty slic if you consider that the bulk of these are proffesional studio recorded tracks kinda like ours. Cool deal. With 600+ entryees the odds are pretty low you'll hear us but in the off chance you do give us the best rating you can. Did I mention that we're getting Mrs October 2007 Playboy bunny to model our t-shirt when they come in. She likes our song, loves the band and said she's getting three other of her extremelyhot friends to model them with her. We'll be adorning our web page with them very soon. Now those are groupies my friend. Here's teh front page of that months's issue. She's the girl in the bottom left square. An ALL SEC girl too. WOOTNESS. Her name in the issue is "Brooke" but her real name is Robin.

January 15th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Pics to small, cant see her :)

Must... have... Bigger... Picture... Captain...

January 15th, 2008, 10:36 AM
LOL, wouldn't you be happier going and buying the issue. Then you get to see teh really good pictures. So, tell all your friends about the band, music, website, and our Bunny and her friends. Also if your just sitting around on the computer go to ourstage and start judging the alternative rock category in the off chance you hear our song and can vote for it.

Mmmmm, can't go wrong with a playboy bunny. Yummy!
