View Full Version : Shifting Midnight

January 4th, 2008, 10:41 AM
Ok guys and girls. Some of you know that I've been playing music locally here in Mobile. Been bogarting a few open mic nights and things like that. Also, set up a website for the band. Well, long story short, we played last night 1/3/07 at an open mic night at a bar called the Double Olive in Mobile, AL. Well it seems that the owner of the bar was in last night and heard us play. He liked us so much he wanted to pay us to play on a weekend. Oh YEAH BABY! PAying Gig, WOOTNESS!

This is the part where you come in.
I need all able body and nonable bodied "fans" to come that weekend. It's February 8th and 9th. (The weekend after Mardi Gras). That's right. Prime Time Booking. Weekend on a holiday celebration weekend. How we got that time slot is beyond me. I mean, college town, Weekend after Mardi Gras, Friday and Saturday night, Woot. So, come get sloshed at the Double Olive February 8th and/or 9th and cheer us on.

At a minimum please visit our website
log onto the forums and say something and we do have a premastered recording of our first single under the media section.

Also, If some of you New Orleans crew want to come in I'll room and board you.

January 4th, 2008, 11:12 AM
Gratz bud! Now make sure you don't cluster feck your brain like Britney has!! lol Post some Pics!

January 4th, 2008, 11:46 AM
Good job Andy!

Those images I was working on ... I forgot during the holidays. Let me start that again.

January 4th, 2008, 03:56 PM
LOL, No problem Alan. I'm actually working on posting videos and pics on the ->12 website. But can easily slide in your work when you get it done. if you have any questions on it, let eme know. Sweet.

We have one pic of us playing David on the ->12 website. Also the unmastered version of our first single "Excuse Me"

Check it out and drop a post or two on that site.

January 4th, 2008, 04:03 PM
Andy you've done a great job on the website. Its easy to read, and great color selection :)

January 5th, 2008, 07:00 AM
Thanks Parker. Although I would love to take credit, Darren has helped me a ton. I mean, come'on, I AM UBER DELETE!

Now, you just need to stop by more and post some on it.

January 8th, 2008, 07:42 AM
Hey you boons. Wutz teh dealeo.

Go to my website and post.
Also, who's going to make our debut weekend.
And, I know the lot of you are beer drinking bar flies, so you know how sweet it is to have live music. You also need to send me songs you like to hear live so we can learn them and put them into rotation. I'm dusting off old classics like Freebird for this gig. I'm going to try and master the 10 minute solo for this one.

P.S. Go the website and post. www.shiftingmidnight.com if you forgot, (Yeah I know I'm pushy on this but I need my peeps, where you be.)

P.S.S. All you N.O. crew. Who's coming. Robby, Reed, James, Sean, Mike, Toby, Justin, Alan, DJ, Matt, Chris, etc etc Come stay the weeekend. We'll make a drinking bing cook out weekend out of it. Lets got the bar rolling guys. I'm thinking renting a tent fo rthe back yard all day cookout all night at the bar drunk fest gig playing weekend. Who's in!, I'm buyin (does that help), LOL.

January 8th, 2008, 07:59 AM
**looks around to see if anyone else is going**

January 8th, 2008, 08:17 AM
**looks around to see if anyone else is going**

Ok, someone drive James's drunk arse to the show!

January 8th, 2008, 08:20 AM
Hey Alan. I know you've were going to work on some pic stuff for us. Can you add a possible CD cover to that list. We're being asked if we have any art work to do a CD label. Anyone can help. Since we changed our name to shifting midnight we're going to use "Cocktails and Consequences" as our first LP name. Kinda fitting since we seem to have started from an upscale martini bar. I know you people don't know the Mobile scene but our goal is to ultimately work our way up tp playing at the local hip bar here called "Grand Central Station"
Remeber, every journey begins with a small first step. This is ours. Come help us make it a good one.

January 8th, 2008, 08:25 AM
and another thing, LOL, I've had a lot of coffee this morning. CAN YOU TELL!

Alot of you people are myspace peeps. So guess what, We started a myspace site. Link ours to yours and tell us yours so we can do the same!

Ours is www.myspace.com/cocktailsandconsequences
also we seem to have hit the top10% on the www.OurStage.com site. Go there and vote for us as well. With your help and hype hopefully we can climb even higher. Its all smoke and mirrors peeps. Help out.

P.S. James if need be I'll come get you man. make the gig. They have some very nice Vodka at this bar.

P.S. Did I mention that it was an upscale bar so you have tons of very well dressed REALLY HOT babes there. You haven't seen this many pairs of 4" high heels in one room since your wife drug you to the mall to buy brides maid shoes, LOL

January 8th, 2008, 08:39 AM
*I'm too busy playing WoW to register and hang at your site...* :stick lol...

Maybe if you showed the BF2 brothers some love, it would change!!!

January 8th, 2008, 09:04 AM
LOL, I've been looking to log onto BF2 since your guys last post but I never see any of you on teamspeak. Rest assured if I see you in there, I'll load up and give you some back up. I need a chopper fix any way.

January 8th, 2008, 09:11 AM
We may be waiting for you ... log in and maybe we'll join you.

Yeah, I need to sit back down and play with the images. I'll see what I can. Any art in mind?

January 8th, 2008, 09:59 AM
upscale eh? should I bust out the coat and tie :D

January 8th, 2008, 10:15 AM
LOL, I don't and the guys in there typically are not as dressed up as the ladies. All I can say is that the scenery in that joint is somthing nice.

January 8th, 2008, 10:20 AM
P.S. I'll stop hijacking the Merc Forums. Lets shift this over to the shiftingmidnight forums, (LOL, Pun intended)

January 8th, 2008, 10:52 AM
Ok guys, enough playing around.
It's gettin serious.
I'm working with a big local radio station 106.5 The Pirate (Started and run by Jimmy Buffet on the Gulf Coast) about a radio Ad for us and our gig. How freakin sweet would that be.
So log onto the Shifting Midnight website and post you guys. We need the content. They'll be looking at the website today. Hurry.

January 8th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Joined! lol

January 8th, 2008, 11:33 AM
I will post more when my FREAKIN' AVATAR WORKS!

January 8th, 2008, 12:57 PM
Avatar's are working now. But you have to pick a new one. I stole yours.

And David I need you to post. The radio station will be looking at the site today. Also I have the new studio version of our first single and some videos posted now.

January 8th, 2008, 02:00 PM
Come on peeps. Work with me here. I need more posts.
Do I have to beg, Cause I will
I'm not too proud to beg.
How can I be a big time Rock Star without an Entourage
Merc is my Entourage.
Help a brotha out. Spread the word.

January 10th, 2008, 10:51 AM
So all I got so far is a maybe if someone drives me from James.
I'm hurt fellas. I said I would buy beer and bourbon for the weekend. I was hoping to get enough of you guys staying at my house that weekend to justify buying a keg. Now, if only James comes all I'll need is a gallon of Crown. I was going to buy a 5th of Bourbon for Reed, 5th Of Jamerson for Robby and a Keg.
How can I sweeten teh carrot I need to dangle for you guys to get you in for the weekend.

January 10th, 2008, 12:21 PM
lol...I'll come regardless, but I'm booked up solid the next 3 weekends with bullsh!t

January 10th, 2008, 12:35 PM
lol...I'll come regardless, but I'm booked up solid the next 3 weekends with bullsh!t

Saweet James, Glad you'll make it. Good thing I gave a 4 week heads up. Damn man, what's got you so booked up? Kinda scary that'll you be jammed for 4 weeks and then come to an all weekend drunk with me. I can see us doing some jail time that weekend, LOL. All I know is everytime you and I go out. One or both of us comes back bleeding and/or needing a new pair of jeans, LMFAO. That sounds bad, LOL.

January 10th, 2008, 01:44 PM
LMFAO! Just have a lot of side work going on man. Still farting around with Dirge's tub/shower situation... then my wifes boss is all over me about her house. My Dad still needs to finish up the driveway.. Oh yeah.. and my house still isn't 100% from katrina! >.> Top that of with trying to catch up with flying and it has been a busy biotch round here

January 11th, 2008, 07:26 AM
All work and no play makes Sparks a dull boy.
But thankfully he has a loser friend (Me) to pull him away from responsibility and get him smashed for a weekend, LOL.

Plus Reed emailed me and said he and Becky are all in for the gig weekend, so you have a driver, LOL. Do you think you'd be able to find a baby sitter for the weekend so Courtny could come (What does she prefer to drink). What about Sean and his soon to be woman. Email me his email addy. Sean, come visit for the weekend. I'll cook and provide alcohol. What's your poision. Thus far I have.

Possible Keg order
Crown for James
Bourbon for Reed
Kahlua for Andy's white Russians
Vodka and Vermuth for Candace's dirty martini's
All kinds of Beer.
Oh yeah, and water for Becky (Hello she'll be like 7 months along at that point, she better be good around me the pregnant natzi)

What do you guy think about boiling some fresh Gulf Shrimp to go with all our BBQing. Anyone else think they can make it. Where's BS, Dragon and Dragon lady. Who else are we missing.

January 11th, 2008, 07:51 AM
P.S. Thanks to all of you that got onto the Shifting Midnight website and posted. Thanks.

January 11th, 2008, 08:16 AM
Leaving for Orlando so I can't make the Gig... Taking Reagan to Disney World and all the other sights down in FLA... Drop a couple of Handgrenades for me!

January 11th, 2008, 09:28 AM
Orlando in early February is cold David.
