View Full Version : Hear! Hear! That's the spirit.

December 4th, 2007, 09:16 PM
Sometimes I wonder if the old days were more polite because of this kind of stuff. (http://www.esquire.com/features/man-at-his-best/punching1207)

Reading through it, you gotta think that he's right in so many areas, even while technically being "wrong."

December 4th, 2007, 10:57 PM
F**k the skinny hippie!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 5th, 2007, 05:49 AM
That's a great article and point.

December 5th, 2007, 07:20 AM
Stick it to the man!

December 5th, 2007, 07:29 AM
LMFAO! He's not wrong. Not in my book. The lack of consequences for ones actions in todays society it what is wrong. Take my kids for example. I have always raised them to stand up for themselves and others. If someone is wronging you ask them to stop. If they choose not to stop it is your responsibility to help them see your point. So... armed with this valuable information my kids scamper off to school. I get a call one day. My son Connor has been BANNED from aftercare... forever! Now this was in Florida after Katrina, and Florida is weird, but still.. BANNED?!?! I demand to know some details. I'm told that my then 5 year old son that weighs all of 33 lbs is "violent and uncontrollable". I'm like LMFAO!!11 Connor!?! Kid is 5.. you have 5 adults in aftercare, and he is FAR from violent. So I dig for more information. Turns out he smacked another kid in the face for some undetermined reason. For them there is NO reason good enough to justify the smack. Connor is crushed and afraid he will be punished again when he gets home. I speak with him on the phone. By this time he is absolutely convinced he has done something horrible. I make him explain. Turns out the kid he smacked is an 8 year old bully type. He had all the kids lined up and walked down the line calling people "poo poo head". My son asked him to stop. He didn't. /SMACK Now instead of this bully being allowed to learn a valuable lesson about victim selection he is comforted for being abused by a child half his size. He hasn't learned that being a bully can lead directly to an arse whooping. This kid is well on his way to the land that personal responsibility forgot, and I'm left trying to explain to a 5 year old how the teachers are flat out wrong in this case and he did exactly what needed doing. Anyway. Not sure how well that relates, but I say a little more arse whoopin isn't a bad thing.

December 5th, 2007, 08:59 AM
Kids are about the worst. Most walk all over their parents and their parents let them. If I were to try that back in the day, I would have got a good beat down.

It also happens in society every day. Robbers break into homes and sue if they get hurt when they trip and fall. They sue if the home owner takes up arms against them.

The people doing wrong seem to have more rights than the people who go about their business and always do the right thing.

They say that the squeeky wheel gets the oil but the squeeky wheels needs to get kicked in the face and then replaced with a new wheel.

December 5th, 2007, 12:52 PM
They say that the squeeky wheel gets the oil but the squeeky wheels needs to get kicked in the face and then replaced with a new wheel.

Right on!! Kill all the Squeeky wheels!!

OK.. maybe thats a little exstream.. but at least recycle them.. :O)

December 5th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Dont even get me started. I already brandish my fist of justice with impunity upon the wee little asshats of the world who dare to utter "Make me" to me.:shockwhor :shockwhor

December 5th, 2007, 05:21 PM
All the squeeky wheels should be removed and locked up in a box where their squeeks are not heard. Better yet... lets just ship all the squeeky wheels back to the manufacturer where they came from...

pretty soon we wont be able to call them squeeky in public, no, we'll have to call them sound-inducing wheels.
