View Full Version : Where to play?

November 23rd, 2007, 03:02 PM
So... my wife and I have been playing wow for about 4 months now and I mentioned to her that a lot of the old skewl mercs are playing wow too (she knows how much I really miss you guys) and she wants to create a toon and play with you (as so do I)

my question is - what server are most of you on? what names do you guys use? I searched the forums here on Merc and I also looked on the forgotten misfits forums, but I dont know what toon to associate with your merc name...

We would really love to start playin with you guys again especially now that voice chat works on my dialup - NO LAG!! :heart3

November 23rd, 2007, 03:42 PM
Server name is Bleeding Hollow It's a pvp server.

guild recruiters are

go to www.forgottenmisfits.com for more info

November 23rd, 2007, 03:58 PM
If you register Jay, PM me (Rainy) and I'll give you access to the private area so you can see the names thread.
