View Full Version : Gamecube, PS2, or XBOX?

June 19th, 2002, 11:10 AM
Well It's a 3 box battle, Gamecube XBOX and PS2, i personally prefer the Gcube but i wanna know what you think, but first all give you the low down on what I think of these systems. First of all the XBOX, although I am down with Microsoft ruling the world and such (MAC USERS SUCK!!!) I have always hated the new guy. Altough not new to the world of gaming they are new to the world of platforms, so they obviously won't perfect it for a while. So i got a nay on the x box. Next we got the PS2. I personally own a PS2 right now (it's broken though :( ) and think it's a pretty awesome machine, I am also cool with the controls remaing the same from the original playstation. But what i don't like is the games. i mean basically it comes down to the games and i am hardcore into the rpg and the best rpg ever is Zelda. I mean come on noone can beat that out. He is one badarse mofo when you think about. I mean when you were like 11 were you swinging swords around killing gannon??? huh huh? were ya? i think not. So finally i get to the gcube as i call it. See the gcube is so awesome because it relies on the basics. It doesn't need to wow ya with a dvd drive or other things of that nature, it strictly relies on gameplay and it has the best games ever. Fighting: Super Smash Brothers (BEST FIGHTING GAME EVER!) First Person shotter: although i haven't played any on the gcube they are coming out with a Metroid FPS and it's gonna be awesome. Racing: They are gonna come out with a new mario kat which was amazing on the n64 and RPG: Zelda (BEST RPG SERIES EVER). I mean with games like that what can you say against the GCUBE?

so in conclusion GAMECUBE PwNz0rZ j00!

June 19th, 2002, 11:14 AM


June 19th, 2002, 11:44 AM
Man, without a doubt the Gamecube is the way to go. Halo is a really cool game, but it is the only game worth a durn on the X-box. Here's a clue X-box CEO resigned a few weeks ago. Want more intuition? Go to www.ign.com or www.gamespy.com or www.nintendojo.com and check out some the games already out (i.e. Resident Evil, Waverace, Star Wars Rogue Sqaudron, etc.) and THEN check out the games that are coming (i.e. Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Turok, Metroid). Not to mention the fact that sqauresoft is beginning to develop for the Gamecube. The other systems are fun, but Nintendo has higher end graphics and gameplay and is $50 cheaper than the others. Can't play DVD's on the Gamecube you say? Well the cheap as dirt DVD player on the others can not even read some of the higher end DVD's, and don't you want to be able to have more playback than features on your DVD Player than play, stop, pause?

Okay, okay. Go check out the titles out there and the ones coming out and compare the video files of games that are on each system. That's your best bet, but remeber what I said above!

June 19th, 2002, 01:37 PM
The cube is the first and only gaming system I've bought. It definitely rocks. Was playing Resident Evil the other day and had to sleep with the lights on the graphics were so realistic.

On another note - think there is a reason that the X-Box has lowered it's price? I would say its because they can't compete on the "Quality of Product" level.

June 19th, 2002, 02:40 PM
Vicious, how does that matter at all? Do you think CD's area baffling mystery to software writers that they can't figure out how to get good game on them? Sheesh, the proof's in the pudding baby. Dixie squats on the Ghey-Station and Crap-Box!!


June 19th, 2002, 03:55 PM
Well i think that the fact the ID is making Doom3 using the same level of hardware that the xbox runs should say something...

ok.. it should say EVERYTHING!

June 19th, 2002, 10:37 PM
Dude the gamecube pwnz, no doubt about it. About Halo yeah it may be an awesome game but the zelda series is much better. (much much better) and about cds, cartridges pwnzor j00 f00l. I wish they would have stuck with em... and about doom 3, i'ld rather play it on comp just like all the other dooms, that's just the way it goes f00!


June 19th, 2002, 11:15 PM
Ummm...can you say online capability??? Gee PS2 "says" they are going online...that was over a year ago...AND you will have to buy some funky extra hardware "when" it goes online. Gheycube??? PLz...the only game it has is Rogue Squadron. Nintendo is fro 12 year olds with acne and no chance of EVER dating (oops..sorry, that IS a few of you huh).

XBOX RULZ!!! Look at the sports games and you'll see. HALO ROX!! There are some games coming out for XBOX (Project Ego, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Turok: Evolution, Enclave) are so advanced graphicaly that they have to "dumb" them down to port them to PS2.

Allready out is Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind....AWESOME!!

That not enough??? XBOX has a ton of driving games too. Everything from off-road to city street driving to smash 'em up driving.

Let's not forget Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell...All 1st person shooters.

Oh, and by the way, XBOX is not only on-line but they have a comunicator just like we use in CS.....Top that PS2 and gheycube.

Scott :p

June 20th, 2002, 01:30 AM
That is me BB : (, but anyways... i don't buy platforms for online capabilities... that's why i have a computer. Also, the first is never the best tech wise f00... you have to perfect it, that's why the gcube rulez. and bb have you ever played Super Smash Bros or any of the Zelda games, they are better than any Halo or rainbow 6.

June 20th, 2002, 05:46 AM
blah blah... you guys get nowhere with this stuff... i say buy whatever in the heck you want and when like dreamcast they go out of business--- you can put your tail between your legs and start saving for the system that put yours out of business... and might as well sell the pos you waisted your money on for less than half its original price just to help out...

June 20th, 2002, 06:17 AM
Maxim magazine said it best about Dreamcast a while back in it's what's in and what's out column:

Uses for Dreamcast:
Out: Awesome gaming
In: Hurling at gophers

June 20th, 2002, 07:04 AM
Ok, so you don't buy platforms for on-line capability. You do like the multi-player though right??? You mentioned smash brothers...multi-player correct?? Would you rather play split screen or link two or three together (LAN) and have a full screen to play on. And in all this I forgot to mention XBOX is HDTV ready.....HA HA!!

And speaking of firsts....Who here owns a Ford motor car or has before? There's a really unsuccessful first.


June 20th, 2002, 07:16 AM
Hey Scott, hate to burst your X-Box bubble, but the first he was referring to was the Playstation and PS2. As far as full screen... You gonna string together a bunch of TV's, or play split screen on my 35"?

June 20th, 2002, 10:51 AM
String them together of coarse....I want my own 35" tv to play on.


June 20th, 2002, 03:40 PM
doesnt matter if you want to use SEVERAL tvs or split 1 into 4 corners... XBOX will do BOTH....

oh yea.. and its a DVD player... oh year and you can store HOURS of music on it and play it while playing your games... and OH YEA>>>> 99.99999999% of ALL game developers have said that the XBOX is by far the BEST one to develop for ....

June 20th, 2002, 03:41 PM



June 20th, 2002, 05:17 PM


Crazy White Boy
June 20th, 2002, 05:36 PM
So Owned!!!

June 21st, 2002, 04:20 AM
listen fooz.... first of all yoshi's box does pwnzor (TECH TV RULES DEATH TO NON-GEEKS WE WILL RULE YOU!!!!) anyways.... i don't by a system for dvd... i don't buy a system for music.... i but it for gamezzz f00s adn i am sure those stats are right durden.... not! and the handle dominates f00! and second of all Super Smash Bros isn't split screen... duh!!! you should play it before you diss on it best fighting game ever! and dreamcast sux hard so does genesis never mention them again... but either way gcube pwnz you just look at the statz abouve they say it all!

June 21st, 2002, 05:36 AM
Stats above just say that yall should stick to thinking on your on with the PC and i should just tell you what the buy when it comes to a console. If not your def. gonna make a mistake.

and you dont have to believe me BUT the developer thing is 100% accurate!

lets face it.. XBOX is for grouwnups =) so why im playing on my high definition TV that my XBOX takes full advantage of, you enjoy your lil purple lunch box... oh and my second choice would be PS2 =)

June 21st, 2002, 07:28 AM
Hate to bust your bubble guys, but the Gamecube is HDTV compatible as well. As for the X-Box being for grown-ups... Well, most of the games on the market are already and more will be mutli-platform, so we'll see there, but games like eternal Darkness, the new Resident Evil, and such are games I don't let my nephews play because they are so intense. Geesh, Durden, stop beating yourself up. Maybe you'll get to the end of the movie and figure out you've been fooling yourself the whole time and you'll wake up and see the X-Box is already a Dinosaur.

Now why did the head man at X-Box resign recently? Have you sen the sales figures on the X-box? hmmm I guess not. And before you say anything, let me say this: low sales = low number of quality games from good developers, so if the trend continues look for a Dreamcast repeat.

June 21st, 2002, 12:09 PM

June 21st, 2002, 02:16 PM
Dirge is totally right fool... and i don't care about hdtv i am not mr richie rich over here anywayz i can't afford that crap... and if x box is for adult's than i don't want to grow up because the xbox is a pos!

June 21st, 2002, 06:42 PM
I think this thread has run it's course. Let's just let it die ok?


dA nYc pIMp
June 21st, 2002, 07:29 PM
Ok my first and maybe last post i have been registered here for a long time and here is my first post ill make it short and sweet:

PS2 PwN5 j00 4||!!!

June 22nd, 2002, 11:17 AM
Ahh….the old console debate. Before this thread gets put to bed, here's my $.02

First, I'll address some of the misconceptions and all-around useless points that have been made thus far:

#1 - Nintendo just went to CD's: Actually, they're mini-DVD's, but obviously you wouldn't know that. The reason they stuck with cartridges last generation was LOAD TIMES - waiting for a game to load on the 1X CD-ROM Drive on the Playstation was pure agony. Cartridges are like RAM - super fast. Now the next generation has arrived and guess what? The load times are still worse on the PS2 and Xbox, and the Xbox even has a hard drive which Microsoft hyped would eliminate load times. This is just one of many examples of Xbox hype that many uninformed people swallow as fact. As far as the storage capacity of CD's versus cartridges goes, most developers didn't need all that space, so they crammed it with full motion video (ala Final Fantasy). Pushing a button then watching a video is NOT gameplay (well, not good gameplay anyway).

#2 - ID is developing Doom3 on the equivalent of Xbox hardware: Give me a break! The Xbox is a basically a 733MHz Intel Celeron with a watered-down GeForce 3 graphics card. Did you see the pics and movies of Doom3? I would venture to guess today's top-of-the-line PC will have trouble running Doom3 when it comes out (supposedly) a year from now. Which leads me to the next point…

#3 - Xbox is HDTV compatible: So is the GC and PS2 (hell, even the N64 was). It's all a question of trade-offs. The higher resolution you run at, the less polygons you will be able to throw around on-screen. Most GC games have a progressive scan option (allowing for true 480P resolution) and some even have widescreen options. This is still a lot lower resolution than most PC games, but that's why consoles cost 10% of the cost of a new PC. If Doom3 comes to Xbox, it will be watered down, count on it.

#4 - Xbox has online capability: Actually, none of the consoles have it, yet. Dreamcast did but it hardly saved them. Microsoft pimped it the hardest at E3 (probably due to the lack of quality games), but the fact is all the consoles will be online this fall, even Nintendo. Their modem and broadband peripherals come out 9/16. Yes, XBox will have the most content, but who wants to play a port of the old Unreal when you will already be playing the new Unreal's on the PC by that time? As far as the Communicator, it will be a cool (but hardly revolutionary) part of Xbox's Broadband-only strategy. The N64 already had "communication" games years ago, so there's no reason they can't release a headset for the GC as well. Also, what about all the gamers out there who still have dial-up? Xbox has left them out in the cold. And why does MS get to charge more $$$ on top of the $$$ I already pay my ISP? Nintendo will have the hardware available for the third parties that want to use it. My personal guess for Nintendo's first (first party) online game? Mario Kart Online - 'nuff said.

#5 - PS2 was the first to make 64bit and 128 bit: I am assuming you meant Sony, but either way you're wrong. The N64 was the first true 64bit system (Jaguar's 32/64 bit doesn't count). It's totally irrelavent. All of the current consoles have 128 bit components, but they have 64bit as well. Bottom line, who cares? It's about the games, not the bits.

#6 - Networking your Xbox/Split-screen gaming: Yes you can do it, but who actually does? This is a good "gee whiz" comment, but it is impractical at best. You will be able to network your GCs when the broadband adapter comes out, but even then most people won't. Besides, not all mulitplayer games are split screen (Super Smash Bros is a good example).

#7 - Xbox is a DVD player and stores music: It's a mediocre DVD Player at best (so is PS2). The music thing is cool, but hardly a reason to choose Xbox over the others. Besides driving games, where is this feature really that useful?

#8 - 99.9% of developers say Xbox is the easiest to develop for: Maybe PC developers, but I can assure you that plenty of other developers would put the GC at the top of this list. It's the most efficient, clean architecture on the market.

#9 - Making fun of the GC's handle: Without at doubt, GC is the most portable of all the systems - period. This comes in very handy when I travel. The GC is also the most durable. PS2 is too sensitive, and the Xbox is TOO BIG! How do you get that thing loaded into your TV cabinet - forklift or crane?

#10 - Xbox is for grown-ups: Just because a game is violent doesn’t make it a good game. A true gamer values the total package (play-control, graphics, music, originality, and content). Bottom line, is the game fun? Nobody puts out as many fun, high-quality, polished games as Nintendo. Their standards are simply unrivaled. I'll admit, Nintendo is definitely more kid-friendly than the other guys. While the percentage of adults playing games is increasing, the majority are still played by kids. Nintendo has dominated that demographic for years and it has made them Billions of dollars. They would be stupid to turn their back on it now. But, they haven't totally forgotten the folks who have grown up supporting their systems. "Mature" games like Resident Evil 0,1,2,3, and 4, Eternal Darkness, Metroid, and Too Human (all GC exclusives) as well as third party offerings (Die Hard, The Matrix, and Turok) are evidence that they recognize a lot of their gamers are getting older and want a more diverse selection. While I will enjoy these games, I will equally enjoy the new Zelda and Mario, not because they are violent or grown-up, but because they are FUN.

I'm not done yet.

Gameplay/Control: The Gamecube has, without question, the best controller. This is an integral part of good gameplay, and gameplay is THE most important part of a game. Anyone who values graphics over gameplay is a fool. While everyone else imitates, Nintendo innovates. The original Sony controller was a rip-off of the SNES, then they added analog sticks, which was a rip-off of the N64. The Xbox controller has got to be the worst in history. How MS managed to screw it up so badly I will never understand, since all they were trying to do was combine the PS2 and Dreamcast controller. The button layout was horrible, the buttons were horrible, the size was horrible. Their new Japanese controller is a slight improvement, but it still can't touch the goodness that is the GC controller. And now, just when you thought the others might be catching up, Nintendo has released the Wavebird wireless controller. It uses RF, so no line-of-sight is necessary. It has sick range (it works from the other side of my house). It is too sweet.

Graphics: I'll admit, the Xbox probably has the best graphics, but just barely. Anyone who says the Xbox is head and shoulders above the GC is wrong. The GC's graphics capabilities are more than sufficient. No one would argue they are both superior to the PS2. However, all the systems are powerful enough that the argument over graphics really shouldn't matter. Who cares how realistic the graphics are if the gameplay sucks?

Quality: In the days of the PS1 and N64 (I owned both), I would read about all the great games that the PS1 had, so I would go out and rent the "must-have" titles. More often than not, the PS1 games simply paled in comparison to the top N64 titles. The play control sucked. The graphics sucked. The games lacked polish. This is what turned me off of Sony and made me avoid the PS2 and wait for the GC. As I mentioned before, Nintendo's quality standards are simply unrivaled. The Xbox has done nothing to change my opinion. Halo is good, everything else is just a PS2 game with marginally improved graphics. Since I don't have near as much time as I would like to play games, I'll take Nintendo's "Quality over Quantity" any day.

Games: In raw numbers, Sony has the most, followed by Xbox and GC. However, I would argue that GC already has more "quality" titles than the other two combined. Someone mentioned driving games, which the GC has less of than the other guys. However, I'll take Waverace over a traditional racing game any day. It's sense of speed and water physics are unmatched. Fighting games? True, the GC doesn't have Tekken or DOA 3 (which was worse than DOA2 on the DC, IMHO). But it has Super Smash Brothers, which is a multiplayer blast, and all the systems will be getting Soul Calibur 2 - which happens to be my favorite fighter. The rumors that the GC version of SC2 will have Link in it are just bonus. Star Wars games? Rogue Squadron was great, and two more are on the way this year. Sports games? The GC has the full support of EA and Sega. Microsoft's first party efforts were nice, but if you've got EA football and Sega basketball, you don't need anything else. Mature games? Resident Evil is a great start, and Eternal Darkness is simply going to rock (it just got a 9.6 at IGN). It will change the way people think about psychological thrillers. And I haven’t even gotten to the first party franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Starfox, Donkey Kong, Perfect Dark, F-Zero, Banjo Kazooie, Conker, and many more). I'll admit Halo is a great game (that would be better on a PC). A co-worker of mine just bought an Xbox and Halo last week. The only problem is he beat Halo in about 4 days, and now is desperately searching for another good game. A lot of the games that Microsoft and the press hyped before the system came out ultimately got bad reviews. It is much like the PS2 in this regard.

At the end of the day, which console you buy is a personal decision. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. As you can tell (if you bothered to read this entire rant - did I really just type all this?), I am a Nintendo fan. If you have a PS2 or Xbox and like it, good for you. If you're undecided, I hope my opinions can be of some use. Bottom line, it's a great time to be a gamer. Peace.

June 22nd, 2002, 12:40 PM
Okay ill say this plain and simple all three systems are great but in the end it all boils down to has the great company called squaresoft.....O thats right sony has them and that means the gamecube and xbox will die unless they can win squaresoft over, and some of you peeps might think diff. from me but look back at the past....... nintendo had square for its 8-bit and super.....then they blew it and wouldnt keep square happy so they go over to sony and really make millions, but then they screw up and make final fantasy a movie... dont get me wrong i loved the movie but most people in the states arent gonna go watch something like that why i dont know..anyways they spent over 100 million on that movie and lose a big percent of there company, then what happens Sony keeps them alive by giving them hand outs...so ask yourself this in the end who do you think really will win this console war!!! If i was betting it would be sony and ps2, come on guys look at the past.

June 22nd, 2002, 03:02 PM
I thought this topic was about who is the best, not who will win the console war? To me, "best" means quality of games, while "winning the console war" means who has the highest sales figures.

In case you hadn't heard, Nintendo and Square are indeed back together again, and software is in development for both Gamecube and Game Boy Advance. Does this mean Nintendo will win the war? Absolutely not.

However, I would have to disagree that Square is the sole reason Sony will win the war. True, Square helped Sony gain greater market share for the PS1, but so did Capcom with Resident Evil and Eidos with Tomb Raider. Personally, I thought all the Tomb Raider games sucked. If the main character had been a guy, it would have simply been another Playstation game with mediocre graphics and absolutely HORRIBLE gameplay. As far as Final Fantasy goes, I personally can't stand turn-based RPG's. The pace of the games is just too slow and don't hold my attention. Again (in my opinion), pressing a button then watching a full-motion video sequence is not gameplay. But apparently a lot of people would disagree, because FF sales tons of copies. However, Square's other games on PS2 (Bouncer anyone?) have not fared nearly as well.

Truth is, Sony has already won this round of the console wars because of sheer momentum they gained during the last generation. PS2 continues to outsell the Cube and XBox all over the world. Gamecube and Xbox are essentially tied for second in the US. The Cube is selling decently around the rest of the world, while the XBox is sucking major arse outside of the US (things have gotten a bit better since they cut the price in half, but they are still pathetic nonetheless). The thing is, Nintendo has done fairly well without a major franchise being release yet (with the exception of Super Smash Brothers). Once Eternal Darkness, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, et al hit the market, they will gain ground. But again, I don't think anyone will catch PS2.

June 22nd, 2002, 07:44 PM
Being best is a relative thing and arguing about it is pointless. Something may be good to one person, but crap to another. That's what keeps so many of these companies in business. Accept that fact and move on and TRY to have productive lives people.


June 22nd, 2002, 08:44 PM
geez latech provoing the gcube pwnzroz all the other system's is my life.... don't call it "pointless"... anywayz personally i think squaresoft sucks... especially those crappy final fantasy games they made... the gameplay sucks. And as for sales... they had a cheap advantage.. they came out way before the other to, and once zelda and mario get out the sales are gonna shoot up. and k-bomb, do you have no life lol.... how long did it take you type all that crap and get all the info for it??

June 22nd, 2002, 09:12 PM
LOL, you've got a point ::FN::MaXpOwEr. I follow the console scene pretty regularly, so it didn't take too long to type or come up with the info. I didn't realize how much I had typed till I was finished. I do indeed have a life, but I really enjoy a good debate.

What really bugs me is the ignorance that is out there, not just in forums like these, but in the public in general. People write off Nintendo as "kiddie" without finding out how sweet it really is. They see more XBox or PS2 commercials on TV and just assume it's better. It is especially annoying when store clerks (at EB, Babbages, etc) will actually stoop to LYING about the Cube just to pimp PS2 or XBox. My co-worker that bought the XBox, started telling me all this "news" about the XBox that the store clerk had told him. Not a word of it was true. I can't believe so many people fall victim to the hype.

Glad to see someone else shares my feelings about Square and FInal Fantasy.

By the way, you seriously need to consider getting Eternal Darkness when it comes out Tuesday. Based on the movies I've seen and IGN's review, I don't think you would be disappointed.


June 23rd, 2002, 07:09 AM
all i'm sayin is i hope final fantasy 11 comes out for GC *and* i can't believe this thread is still open...

June 23rd, 2002, 08:58 AM
I was hoping I wouldn't have to close it Dark but it's geting close. Tell the "new" moderator Dirge to do it. hehehe


June 23rd, 2002, 09:32 AM

June 23rd, 2002, 10:24 PM
Hey big brother, gimme a break f00! I've been on vacation. Besides, who do you think k-bomb roomed with in college in Ruston?


June 23rd, 2002, 10:25 PM
Ok guys, it's been real and it's been fun; but, this has gone on long enough. We'll revisit this topic in about 6 months.
