View Full Version : Monitor/Computer developing a Tic??

September 16th, 2007, 03:17 PM
OK, heres what's going on...
while reading the forums, or doing something on my computer thats pretty static, I notice a "Tic" in the screen, it only happens every couple of minutes or so, its not noticeable while playing a game because its very minor... The concern I have is with most electronics,a Tic, is ultimately going to lead to some kind of failure. Now i could chock it up to being the monitor, but I believe I'm hearing it in the speakers as well. So, with that kind of issue, giving the fact you have on board sound, what would you guys say it might be... the Monitor, video card, motherboard issues, PSU?

And when I say Tic, its very slight, horizontal line happens very quickly, that you can hear as a faint "Tic".

While I was typing this up.. it did it again.. this time I had the volume completely turned down on my desktop speakers... I still hear the Tic?

September 16th, 2007, 04:07 PM
this time I had the volume completely turned down on my desktop speakers... I still hear the Tic

Have you tried turning your speakers all the way up to see if it's any louder?


I'd say it's probably the monitor, especially since you are seeing a Horizontal line corresponding to the "tic".

I'm assuming you have that same Samsung CRT, and if so, try changing resolutions/refresh rates to see if it still does it.

September 16th, 2007, 04:12 PM
I'd get the hell outta there...ITS A BOMB!- anyway, im of completely no help..sorry yeller.

September 16th, 2007, 04:55 PM
I'm with Sling, RUN MAN, RUN!!!!!! :)

September 16th, 2007, 05:40 PM
I'm assuming you have that same Samsung CRT, and if so, try changing resolutions/refresh rates to see if it still does it.

Yea, its the same monitor. I will try the refresh rate, and see what happens... and believe it or not.. the volume idea... I may try it,,, just make sure I dont open any apps that make noise when it up..LOL..... I might develope another kind of tic....LOL

And thanks for the other warning sling.. I did call the bomb squad, their on the way with one of those robots to check it out.

September 16th, 2007, 06:55 PM

Do you have a UPS protecting your PC? Those "Tics" could be power fluctuations.

If you do have a UPS protecting your PC, I would start by checking out your PSU. If you've got voltage monitoring program with your motherboard, you may want to check to see if there is a significant drop when the "Tic" occurs.

I doubt it is only the monitor as you would not be hearing it through your speakers if it was strictly your monitor.

Another item to consider.....do you have a cell phone next to your PC? Just about any Tri-mode cell phone on the market will routinely scan frequencies and often produce RF Noise to any speakers (PC, TV, headphones, speaker phone, etc) also Cell Phones can cause your entire monitor to shake as well (easiest test would be sit the phone next to your machine and call it).

September 16th, 2007, 09:10 PM
Well, yes I do have a UPS, and I didn't think about that. And yes I have a cell phone that will cause some interference when its close to the monitor.. and I can rule that out, so I guess a good way to rule out the UPS would be to take it out if the loop, and see if the problem still persist. I can monitor the voltages with "Motherboard Monitor" a program I have used before, but I'm not sure how accurate its going to be at taking snapshots of the voltage changes, if it were fluctuations in voltage, they may be so quick I might not see them.
