View Full Version : Memory Latency

July 15th, 2007, 08:27 PM
My computer keeps locking up while playing games. I've tested the memory with no problems being reported. I've updated the bios etc. The next step for me is to make sure my latency is set correctly. How can I find the latency settings in there already if it's set to auto? Is there any chance that it could not have the latency set right if it's supposed to automatically pick the right one. I know the latency for my corsair memory and what it should be set at. Should I manually set it? Are there any problems that could occur if I did? Sorry a lot of questions but I'm starting to really get aggravated with this and want to eliminate/fix it. Thanks

July 16th, 2007, 02:51 PM
OK, to start with I would download CPU-Z, its a cool program that will show you your Proccesor settings, along with a Tab to show you what your RAM is running at... A couple of screen shots will help out a lot in trying to figure out what you got going on.

Get it here. http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php

July 16th, 2007, 03:22 PM
ok yellow did that and it tells me what. just wondering

July 16th, 2007, 06:48 PM
Well, if your having problems, post a screen shoot, if not then you don't really
need it. If you don't know what all the information is telling you within the
program..... Well I don't know that I can tell you all of that.

But just for the show and tell, hears mine.


I had a BIG problem with my Processor and Ram when I upgraded my memory.

The bus speed of my processor was running at 166 MHZ, and my RAM was running at 199.. Well that caused my system to crash... Basically, with my system, the ram and the Proccessor need to run at the same speed, or your going to have problems...

Now that may not be true of more advanced systems, you have to remember Im running a AMD 2800, even though in the first Screen shot it says im running a AMD 3000. The reason it shows up that way is because I have the processor OVER CLOCKED. Something I wouldn't recommend doing unless you "REALLY" know what your doing... And even then, I wouldn't do it unless you need too in order to make your system run properly.

Hear is my RAM as it is right now. Note the Frequency is at 198.5... thats has to match the Bus speed of my proccessor...
"Originally it did not"


So there is my crash course in how I used CPU-Z to help me in solving my RAM issues.

PS.. Shadow, this program will show you what your Timing is "REALLY" Running at... I had a second issue with mine... I had to upgrade my BIOS version.. the one I was running had a "BUG" I could set in the BIOS a Cass timing of 2.5, but the BIOS was not keeping it.. it said it was, but when I would go back and look in CPU-Z. it would show up as Cass 3.0 - 3 - 3 - 8,.... as you can imagine this frustrated the Hell out of me... After "FIXING" the bug... I got everything working right.

July 17th, 2007, 06:30 AM
Thanks so much yella!! I was wondering what I should do. I was in the middle of an instance last night and it crashed/hard lockup. It's driving me crazy; it's not like Im running a really graphic intensive game; it's wow for godsake. But it does happen with bf2 and other games too, just not as often. After this I don't know what I'll move on to if it doesn't fix it. I guess we'll see what happens tonight. Thanks again for the advice. And I'll post a pic of my results.

July 17th, 2007, 07:37 PM
Yella here's my CPU and memory. Why is my bus speed so low? My memory is rated for 800Mhz but it's running lower than that. Should I change it? I have to change the latency it's obviously wrong, it's supposed to be 4-4-4-12. Any other recommendations?



July 17th, 2007, 08:42 PM
Now... it looks to me like the Processors doing what its suppose to be doing, but the RAM I'm questioning... But before I would make any real changes... since you have Corsair memory... I would go to the Corsair tech support website and post these 2 pics in the Technical help forums.. they have some Really great help there... This is where I learned how to fix my issue that I had. But just from what I see.. or think I see... Your ram is way under clocked.. But I could be wrong,,, I haven't had any experience with Core2 duo and all that Uber Leet **** your running.. :)

GO here... http://www.houseofhelp.com/forums/
then create you a login, tell them what your PC's doing "Crashing once you run a high end game" anf then post the screen shots.

Post it in the Compatibility Questions forum... and also set your preferences to get an E-mail when someone responds to your post.. this way you will know when you get more input from the guys on there.

Those screenies may tell them a lot... BTW, there is a User on their Forums called RAM GUY, im sure its more than 1 person, but they are the PAID Corsair support people.. When you get a response from them.. you can put some Faith in their advice.

P.S. Be patient with that machine.. it may take you a few days, but it will work itself out :)
You just got to do a little research to get the answers.

July 18th, 2007, 09:14 AM
I sent in the info to that forum. No reply yet but at least it's there. There have been A LOT of posts concerning my mobo. I have the correct memory for it but there might be a couple issues with other things, but my settings are still off according to that website. I also didn't realize I have to disable legacy usb before running a memtest. Whatever that is. I'm working on being patient I know it's a good rig I just need to fine tune it so that it runs like the rig it is. One of the other things I'll probably end up doing is upgrading to Vista since I've had the disc for 3 or 4 mos now and haven't done it. I will just have to upgrade to a 64 version since i only have the 32 version. But i need to solve this first.

July 18th, 2007, 01:37 PM
Yea, one thing at a time dude..
get the hardware working right before you go throwing a bomb in there like Vista. :)

July 18th, 2007, 03:26 PM
Hey Shadow,,, what forum header did you post the thread in? I dont see it?

July 18th, 2007, 03:28 PM

You've got Corsair DDR2 memory, what are the specs and/or model number?

400mhz is sub-par for DDR2, chances are your bios isn't detecting it correctly which also explains the difference in the CAS timing. If you bought it when you bought the CPU, the RAM should be somwhere in the 533-1028mhz range.

Once I have the model number I can cross reference Dual Channel capability. Some chips do not support it correctly. Also should check your slots on your mobo. Older boards have 4 slots. One set that is only Dual Channel capable and the other two are Dual/Single channel capable.

Bus speed isn't that far off the mark. If I'm remembering correctly it is only representing the bus speed between CPU and peripheral slots. The FSB (Front Side Bus) is what is important. It is the bus speed between your CPU/RAM/PCIe/AGP slots.

I'd hold off on the Vista load until you get your hardware issues straight.

Hopefully this helps some.....post your specs and maybe I can come up with some more ideas.


July 18th, 2007, 07:01 PM
Yella I attached a post to another current post and it doesn't seem to be getting any attention so I'm going to repost it.

Ab1 my ram is CM2X1024-6400C4 XMS6404v2.1

4-4-4-12 800MHz 1024MB

After reading the ASUS website and the Corsair website; I really think there is a shortcoming more on the ASUS side than the Corsair side. There are a ton of problems with ram on both websites. Also the mobo has been known to have problems with the dual lan's specifically with the nvidia networking so I've had to disable that b/c of numerous recommendations to do so.

July 18th, 2007, 07:19 PM
I've put my post under compatibility questions. Just to let u know.

July 19th, 2007, 06:17 AM
Hey, I added to your thread.. some info they may need.

July 19th, 2007, 04:33 PM
I had a problem like this with wow. It would lock up at random. The solution was to go to my ram mfg's website, enter the type of mobo, processor, etc Ihad, and it gave me the appropriate latency settings. gl

July 20th, 2007, 09:53 AM
Well the ram guy just basically told me to reset my bios to defaults and set my ram to the recommended settings and run a memtest. Im doing that now. But I've previously run this memtest like 6 times with no errors. I started to wonder if my cpu is running hot but I just got it not that long ago and It'll crash randomly not after I've been running for a long time.

July 20th, 2007, 01:18 PM
OK, use this program to give you a history "Snapshot" of your CPUs temperature and such...

MBM5, or MotherBoard Monitor 5

It takes a little customizing, but I found that it works great... you can set it up in a HTML file that will
take a snapshot of your system temp ever x amount of seconds and roll the file after 1 hour or what ever...
Heres a sample of what it dose for me


Hope this will help answer some questions.

July 20th, 2007, 06:04 PM
Shadow, this is a bios AND Windows issue based on problems I have had in the past. I was ALWAYS crashing BF2, but finally got it fixed.

1. You need to change the RAM settings in the bios until you get 800 or close to it like Yellow showed. Keep changing the memory muliplier and running cpu-z until you find the correct setting to equal 800. Record that value, you'll need it again.

2. You will need to; Erase your hard drive, set your RAM values correctly in the BIOS, reinstall windows entirely and get your network running an then install ALL Windaows updates. Finally, reintall ALL your games. Mine worked when I installed BF2 and patch and got it workiing, and then installed other games a week later.

It worked for me, hope this helps, new hardware problems are a biotch after spending all the money and expecting great results from your Core2 Duo 6800. I hope this works because i would like to get the 6800 also.

July 23rd, 2007, 04:54 PM
I'm still doing some homework on this Shadow.

Rollout, that is really crazy that you'd have to reinstall, especially if we are talking XP. Only reason for that would be a HAL issue, but even then you could get around it. Vista would be another story (I haven't really played around with it that much because it is such a pain in the arse).

I'll let you know what I find Shadow.


August 1st, 2007, 02:04 PM
I did some more research on the corsair and asus website. Found out that the mobo is KINDA rated to run at 800mHz with the memory but it's unstable. So I had to decrease my frequency to 667. And now it's stable and hasn't crashed in 2 days. Crossing my fingers that it continues.

August 1st, 2007, 05:53 PM
I don't know why Abi, all I know is I had changed vid drivers so much that everytime I played I got kicked and the screen would be completely yellow.

I reinstalled XP, put in a NIC card(per Toby's suggestion) instead of using NF4 onboard ethernet, and put the 160.03drivers back on and I haven't had any disconnect or yellow picture problems for months???

Sounds like it was a BIOS setting issue though

August 1st, 2007, 08:17 PM
The nforce ethernet port has some kind of cap put on it's speeds or so some sites say. I saw that a couple times during my search. I had to disable mine just to make sure that wasn't the problem.

My mobo just screwed up that's all. It's not what it was advertised to be.

August 6th, 2007, 07:32 PM
I just ordered the EVGA 680i for my E6700 and OCZ PC2-9200 2 GB RAM, I'll let you know how it goes. All the parts should be here Wednesday 8/8/07.

I'll be running a discrete NIC due to all the problems I have had with NF2, NF3 and NF4 networking using the built in ethernet ports.

August 7th, 2007, 06:16 PM
What are your system specs and have you ran 3DMark06, can you post that info?

CPU-Z displays 800Mhz DDR2 as 400 since it is dual 400 X 2. I expect to see mine displayed as 575 since it is 1150MHz, but the latency of mine is what yours showed originally 5-5-5-18. The board supports 1333MHz, We'll see.

August 29th, 2007, 09:46 PM
Sorry Rollout, I never saw this post until today. I've never run 3dmark06. It was run on my computer before it shipped but I personally have never run it. I think I'd like to see how it will do....since it's rock steady after I changed all the memory settings and junk.
