View Full Version : Barcode scanner

June 4th, 2007, 07:48 AM
Anyone got a barcode scanner they would be willing to let go cheap?

i need one so i dont have to manually enter my whole comic book collection by hand...that would suck seeing as how i have 6000+ comics....


June 4th, 2007, 07:49 AM
Mercy, did you try to look on eBay for one of those radio shack jobs they were handing out a couple years ago? I don't recall the name, but they are CHEAP...let me see if I can find what I'm talking about

Ninja Edit: CueCat http://cgi.ebay.com/Cue-Cat-barcode-scanner_W0QQitemZ270125672326QQihZ017QQcategoryZ14 929QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

June 4th, 2007, 08:15 AM
oh my god, i have one of those in my shed. they were giving them away at radio shack like 4 years ago. if you want it ernie, i'll go dig it out for you. just a warning though. my shed is a mess, so you may be able to buy it and receive it by the time i'm able to find it lol

June 4th, 2007, 12:20 PM
yeah i looked at that one scott...only thing with it is you have to run it across the barcode and im trying to avoid that...

darren it is up to you...if you want to do that, would be great but no need for you to go through so much trouble for it...

June 4th, 2007, 12:41 PM
I have one of those at the house

June 4th, 2007, 01:09 PM
Oh...you want the pistol type that sends out the beam. Yeah, the CueCat is a scroll across thing...sorry

June 4th, 2007, 02:21 PM
oh no worries Scott....i looked at it but i have some fairly old comics that im going to get rid of....

may end up getting on the cats any way though
