View Full Version : C&C 3 Demo Released

February 26th, 2007, 03:15 PM
I dont have a good direct link yet, just a crappy fileplanet link:


I'll post later when a better link is available. Feel free to post if you find a better one also.

February 26th, 2007, 07:13 PM
i just got it with out having to have the stupid file planet account fee. on the EA dowloader thing used to get the bf2 stuff and it was there didnt take to long but looked like it was a 2 gig demo.

been playing it whent threw the 2 starter GDI campaign missions they have and played the skirmish mode map pretty fun and i love the graphics and building but thought the infantry die fast. most of the time i just teched up to get the mamoth tank and then rolled the NOD computer. i like all the super weapons and bombs staifing runs and sonic attack oh and of corse the ION cannon. next time i play iam going to try and go all air. either alot of orca's or maybe the fighter bomber.

February 27th, 2007, 07:54 AM
woot! got a great direct link:


February 27th, 2007, 08:25 AM
Anyone else play this yet? Need a report to see if it's worth the DL or not.

February 27th, 2007, 08:53 AM
just do it, we live in the age of broadband now :)

February 27th, 2007, 09:02 AM
yeah, but I'm at work, dang it! lol

February 27th, 2007, 09:15 AM
I definately want to try this when I get home. I love the C&C games.

February 27th, 2007, 02:34 PM
been playing both C&C3 and supreme commander demo's trying to decied with one to get. i felt sup com has a lot of managing the ecenomy but has maybe more units and styles to play. while C&C3 is little easier on the economy managment and faster paced on the battles. so far i like C&C3 graphics alot better. i like all the off screen things you can earn(call in) for C&C3 scaning area/sniper eleet squad/para troopers/orca helo missle barrage/sonic ariel attack/off map tank reinforcments/oh and of course the ion cannon(ussed to like old version where it was small and you could mve it around to hit the building you whant now its just a big readius blast that destroys every thing in a big area. not to much stratagy with that.

boy tryed it on a harder lvl today and the nOD computer broke out the big guns on me. those old laser towers from C&C red alert(temple of nod??) and he wacked me with nukes. and suicide bombers. and whole groupes of stealthed units. made it much more chalanging but still beet him by going with the mamoth tanks.

March 1st, 2007, 10:28 AM
First thoughts...

AMAZING graphics and game play. Ran seamlessly on my computer. The sounds, also amazing. Makes me want to reinstall C&C and play it again. Putting 2 sniper teams and 1 rocket team in a building = unstoppable against infantry.

2GB file for a demo with only 1 level and 1 skirmish map? How big is the full version going to be? 3 DVD's?!

March 1st, 2007, 10:46 AM
i, also, love the graphics and sounds in the game, was only about to play through the tutorial and little of the 1st map (god im rusty at rts, got my butt handed to me on normal level) - gonna do some more playing when i get home tonight (sometime i hope, still far too addicted to wowcrack for my own good)

April 8th, 2007, 09:20 PM
I give it a thumbs down, super weapons are too powerful. The first C&C had more reasonable superweapons. A super weapon should only be able to take out a non cruicial building or two (ie power plant, barracks) not destroy half a base. The ion cannon and nuke both devistate the whole area they hit. And the damn nod fanatics, those lil bastages are annoying. I think the first red alert had a pretty good grasp on how it shoulda been, minus the over powering nukes and air powers. Anywhos, my 2 cents on the game, but thats just by demo.
