View Full Version : QUAD SLI

October 1st, 2006, 05:23 PM
Does anyone have any scoop on whether quad sli will be available to the personal builder any time soon. I'm thinking of upgrading my motherboard to fully utilize my two 7900GTX cards since my current mobo doesn't allow a full 32 SLI. I was thinking if they decide to allow quad sli for personal end users would it be better to wait a little. Also, I have a frined here locally that bought an Alienware Aurora and he says it looks weird becuase even though it's quad sli he says there's still only two cards just each card has two layers. WTF does that mean. Does that mean my current 7900GTX cards are not quad type cards. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

October 1st, 2006, 05:44 PM
sorry andy, no clue..

October 1st, 2006, 08:58 PM
man that is way out of my range, money wise and knowledge wise.

October 1st, 2006, 10:51 PM
I have a quad out back. Its a 125. Id rather ride my three wheeler tho...

October 2nd, 2006, 06:36 AM
Over my pay grade.... (spam, sorry ;/)

October 2nd, 2006, 06:43 AM
yes andy just like dual core proc's there is a dual "core" graphics card, although it is not better than 2 cards, it is like $400 it is the 7950..., can not remember at this time, but they say soon you will be able to put them in SLI to simulate quad....but i realy think that is going to be overkill.

October 2nd, 2006, 08:12 AM
Andy, to be honest, I would not worry about upgrading video cards at this time. With the release of Vista, current video cards wont support DX10 very well (it will run, but it wont be utilizing all the new stuff that DX10 is supposed to bring.) ATI and NVidia are both creating new video cards to utilize the DX10 features. I would wait to see what comes out next year, and spend the money on an upgrade then. Especially since you already have 2 7900 GTXs...LMAO.

And your friend is referring to the 7950 GTs, it is one card, but with 2 GPUs onboard. You can get Quad SLI by getting 2 of them, but after reading online reviews, the performance and quality difference isn't worth the $1300 price tag for them. Current SLI cards offer the same performance as the Quad, the only time the Quads are better is in extremely high resolutions - 1920x1200

October 2nd, 2006, 08:43 AM
Ok, so it sounds like I should buy an ASUS A8N32 SLI mobo to get full potential from my 7900GTX cards and upgrade my processor to an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Toledo Socket 939 Dual Core. The processor is down to 280 and the mobo is down to 168. Does this sound good guys. I currently have a 3500+ single core cpu with the MSI K8N SLI Platinum mobo which is SLI but only rerally allows 16 instead of teh 32 like the ASUS board does. Let me know what you think peeps.

October 2nd, 2006, 10:10 AM
Those sound good, although, if you are getting a new motherboard and processor, I would recommend looking at the Intel Core 2 Duos, those things are knocking the socks off AMD performance wise right now. Plus, the cheaper Core 2 Duos have a lot of overclocking ability, making them on par with the more expensive ones without putting out a lot of big bucks. Pair that with a ASUS P5N32-SLI motherboard (although right now its a little expensive), and you get rocking game play.

I've been doing a lot of research lately, planning on upgrading my computer when I win the lottery (LOL)!

October 2nd, 2006, 10:32 AM
If you go SLI, is there a power supply requirement that you have? Im starting to do research for my new computer because me alienware is barely keeping up nowadays. I wanna go SLI but I prolly wont do it right off the bat. Ill prolly just get one card to start and put the money it would cost to get two cards into something else and get that second card later when the price drops on it a little.

I also noticed that that ASUS board had an optical output. Is that always active on that board or do I need some special processing to get that to work. Ever since I got this Logitech 5.1 speaker system for my comp Ive been wanting to send a digital signale to it, either through coax or optical, from my computer and was looking at getting an X-Fi to do it. Even though you whould have to get the front pannel and that would look very good having a cable running from the front of my computer all the time.

October 2nd, 2006, 12:04 PM
Blasphemy, I can't use Intel. NNNOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for the record, I'm already doing SLI. I have two 7900GTX 512 vid cards in SLI on my MSI K8N Platinum mobo. My system runs great I'm just greedy and want to run better.

October 2nd, 2006, 01:25 PM
My system runs great I'm just greedy and want to run better.

Here we go again, Andy’s never satisfied!

No, can’t just be drunk, gotta get drunker! Can’t just have one HANDGRENADE; FIVE WOULD BE SO MUCH SWEETER!!

One lap dance, no F’ng way! “Plant yourself little Darlin, the green room (wallet) is OPEN!”

Legit system? No way he’s not happy till he can smell the burning flesh on the battlefield! “I wanna SEE’EM die in higher resolution!”

October 2nd, 2006, 02:15 PM
LOL,,, Hey Andy, If you go and discard the mobo and Processor you have, and want to throw some table scraps to the poor and deprived out here, This dog would like to discuss possilbe transfer of said material...

Other words, Help a brother out :)

October 4th, 2006, 12:10 PM
not a real tech person my self so not sure what to do as for owning the intel 2 duo core they are nice. i think the will drive the prices down on the athlon version but then again i hear athlon is already working on a quad core tech. as far as the quad video cards iam not sure how it all works i olny got the dell xps 400 but they had a xps 700 that was suppossed to use the quad video cards.
i think ill save up for one of those 7950 gtx the one with the dual cards built together but then again after reading these posts i might be better waiting to se what comes out down the road if the vista and dx10 use diffrent video cards. i so cna wait to get crysis it suppossed to use vista. also heard that huxley next year may use it too?

October 4th, 2006, 10:33 PM
This is what I was kind of asking. One motherboard that you can put 4 individual video cards in.

October 5th, 2006, 07:44 AM
Wholy Crap dude... That is nothing but a gaming board... Theres nowhere to put a PCI card if you wanted to.. Guess adding things like sound cards and such are out if the question..
