View Full Version : Company of Heroes

September 16th, 2006, 12:03 PM
Ok so Relic and THQ just put out a RTS WW2 game came out this week i heard about it reading the PC gamer had givien it a 96% i think only one oe 2 games have ever had a higher score. so this must be a must have. the opening movie is great and you start the campaign with the typical landing on Normandy beach. it played out great a little scrpted feeling. but over all i love this and the visuals are amazing.

So you can play either german or american sides,so far i think the campaign is just allied.
and as you progress you get to pick from 1 of 3 possible tech tress to research for upgrades.
for the allied you have:
1- Airborn troops( witch as the name implies gives you ability to parachute in airborn troops but also supplys and small portable anti tank guns aswell. there best option is the p47's fighters you get one a scout then second teir is a strafing run and last tier that cost alot of resources is the P47 bombing run. great to take out enenmy tanks.

2- Armor company( means you specialise in armor giving you ability to manufacture tanks at a faster rate.)there 2 high lvl attacks is the calliope rocket launcher (witch is a rack of missles loaded over top of a sherman tank) sort of like a multiple rocket launch system.
and last the heavy pershing tank(they say it equivelent of the tiger tank but i dont think so haha)

3- infanty company title says it all mostly gives bonuses to your infanty ie rapid responce and rangers nice thing this tree has is the defensive operations tech. makes you regular infanty be able to build defensive fortifications like sand bag walls/barbed wire fences and deploy anti tank mines. so you dont have to waste time with alot of engineer units just use your troops there to build def. the infantry uper teir tech is the off map arty and a permanant 105 mm howiters witch can be built by your engineers. it say multiple batteries of 105's can be built then you can constant barage areas with you own on screen arty sweet.

Ill come back later and do a write up on the axis commander tech tree. iam just itching to get in a play a skirmish mission again. i hate going to bed after loosing a battle and got my but whooped in skirmish last night. be back soon

September 16th, 2006, 07:19 PM
this game rocks so hard

September 17th, 2006, 05:31 PM
You like Onji/ it is sweet how far you along in the campaign? i just finished the V2 rocket compound it was easier than i thought considering you have no base and just have to keep air dropping rangers in for resuply. i had to resart begining 3 times kept getting killee on front gate machine guns. but now iam doing the mission where you have to protect the city hall and courtyard and defend it for 30 min. i so got wasted by the rocket arty the germans threw at me. i think taking the town square icon starts the timer so iam going to try it again and not take the town hall for awhile and get tons of engineers to mine the hell out of the roads coming into town and maybe take a few surrounding teritories before setting off the trigger.

Never could win a skirmish map 1 on 1 died 4 times fast even with bridges didnt help. played a few with a comp partner and even with me and one comp on hard we lost to just 2 enemy comps on medium lvl. so i finally one lol doing a 2 me and comp vs one 1 axis on easy. i let him do the rushing and i built of defenses and whent with the infanty commander specials and set up 4 105mm howiters in a well defended camp and let him have it he didnt last long once the howiters started fireing.

September 18th, 2006, 10:41 AM
so i finally one lol doing a 2 me and comp vs one 1 axis on easy. i let him do the rushing and i built of defenses and whent with the infanty commander specials and set up 4 105mm howiters in a well defended camp and let him have it he didnt last long once the howiters started fireing.


September 18th, 2006, 01:01 PM
Onji anychance of us playing an extended demo??

September 18th, 2006, 01:03 PM
already taken care of my man. this should be a hit at the lan

September 18th, 2006, 01:16 PM
Where can I get a demo?

September 18th, 2006, 03:42 PM
Where can I get a demo?


warning, its about a 2gig download, but worth it

September 18th, 2006, 03:45 PM
woohoo. I will download after the cleansing....if it makes it through the cleansing that is..

September 21st, 2006, 05:42 PM
i just got it from one of my 'sources' this game is awesome. I just got done the mission where you have to defend the town hall and church, I did alright, but I cant seem to get the mission badge, where you have to kill 250 axis, that many just dont seem to show up :D

anyway, the graphics are awesome, the storyline is by far the best depiction of ww2 ive seen yet

September 22nd, 2006, 08:06 AM
Downloaded it last night. Didn't get a chance to play it yet, but will do before I head to the Big Easy to watch the Saints pound Atlanta.

September 22nd, 2006, 08:09 AM
Awesome game!

October 2nd, 2006, 06:45 AM
Thanks for that extended demo on the ftp, game is solid,, great stategy, and graphics.
I have never played an RTS with that much possible stategy before.
I will definatly consider purchasing this.

October 2nd, 2006, 08:48 AM
Wholy ****. What a game. Done very nice. I like the cover. red dots to green dots around the terrain is awesome. Adds a great strategy micro managing element to RTS. I will be buying this game. Very nice. Graphics are awesome but the gameplay I think is leaps and bounds above any RTS I've ever played. I can see this being awesome at the LAN.

October 2nd, 2006, 12:01 PM
yeah the grphics rock...limbs flying off..crazy detail...filth mouth soldiers...lol f*ck'n krauts!!

October 2nd, 2006, 12:07 PM
Yeah, sweet graphics and teh game play should make for some great multiplayer.

October 4th, 2006, 12:15 PM
finished the campaign last friday let me know if you guys need any help with it it was hard game. been focusing on the multiplayer aspect now as i can finally beat the comp on skirmish. dont play at all vs other players theres a few rush techniques out there that suck and finish the game in like 10-15 min. so i dont play vs sneaky players but yet been having fun playing comp stomps like 3 vs 3 or 3-4 vs a expert comp. great long 1-2 games lol..
hope to see you guys online ( my profile is ) LAMERCDaed didnt let me put the spaces in lol

October 7th, 2006, 07:08 PM
I beat it 3 days after having it. Which part did you have trouble with and I'll explain what I did.
