View Full Version : 8/29/06 Katrina +1 year

August 29th, 2006, 09:22 AM
Today is the 1 year anniversary of Katrina. And as such, I would like to post this link which has a nice then and now flash show.


Hopefully you can tell that serious progress has been made. I can tell you it has been and continues to be a long hard row to hoe. i personally have worked 816 hours of overtime since Labor Day 2005. And that includes a several month break from OT.

Any enjoy, and share with people you know. :-D

August 29th, 2006, 09:49 AM
Wow...it's amazing that a) this happened in America and b) the progress (in some areas) that have been made.

August 29th, 2006, 09:58 AM
Sometimes we forget, especially when we are not from there.. Thanks for the link.

Crazy White Boy
August 29th, 2006, 02:19 PM
Nice man. I will be sharing that. I love now and then comparoson shots.

August 29th, 2006, 04:10 PM
Today was a bad day for me. Was cleaning the new house so we can move in this weekend and all I could think of was that a year ago I was cleaning out the house on the coast of everything we had and ripping out walls and floors. I think I cryed for most of the day today. All over the news and radios. Blahhhh..... Hard very hard to think there are people in more bad of shape then Wayne and I. But never the less it still fills bad.. But by next week I'll be in a new house with new stuff.....
