View Full Version : Thank you Guild

July 5th, 2006, 10:30 AM
I just wanted to start a thread of appreciation. Last night I was trying to do some quests in Darkshire. As it turned out a few horde players decided to pound on the underlings. I don't know what level they where becuase all it showed was ?? in their lvl bubble. But since I was at Raven hill which is the rez graveyard site I could not get away from them. I would rez right there where they were. So I just typed to the Guild for help. Just mere minutes later Mikey was there with a level 60 character throwing down the smack on these guys. Gave me ample time to get away. THANKS GUYS.

P.S. I want to do some VC runs as well as the stockade in Stormwind. Anyone up to helping a low level 18 out.

July 5th, 2006, 10:40 AM
haha that rocks andy. your 18now? bah! i just hit 15 lol

off topic, i have a question: I have this 2 handed mace (hammer) that I cant use. It says requres lvl 15, ok i'm 15 now. And I'm trained in 2 handed maces, but nooooo. when i try to equip it, it says 'you do not have the profiency to use this' or some crap.
any ideas? there were no other requirements on the thing. i'll try to find a page on it.

-edit- this is it: <a href="http://www.thottbot.com/?i=2866">http://www.thottbot.com/?i=2866</a>

July 5th, 2006, 11:32 AM
Make sure your trained in two handed and not one handed, I know you said you where just make sure, if that's not it could just be a bugged drop.

July 5th, 2006, 11:48 AM
yeah its 2 handed mace's. could it be that i havent been in combat with a hammer yet? Do i need to do that for a while and build that skill up?

July 5th, 2006, 02:20 PM
No you should be able to use it if you trained with two handed already

July 5th, 2006, 02:59 PM
when you get on tongiht Darren I'll show you how to check your traiing status. We'll double check to make sure your trained in two handed maces. Remeber, that's two handed maces, not swords or hammers. Also, does anyone know how to unbind stuff. I tried to give Darrren some stuff last night and it wouldn't becuase it said it was soul bound too me. ANy ideas.

July 5th, 2006, 05:07 PM
Once something is soul bound, you can't trade it, all you can do is keep it or sell it to a vendor

July 6th, 2006, 06:17 AM
Andy, you need to move past VC. I think you've run it like 10 times now, lol. You need to start questing in Loch Modan, Dark Shire, & Wetlands. You've get farther faster than repeating VC over and over. I also think that if we created a request type sub-forum in here it would be great. That way if people were looking to run an instance, they could express desire and coordinate with other players. Similar to trying to get a bf2 group together. Whatcha think forum gawds?

As a side note, I will sya that making runs through dungeons at your level produce monster gold and equipment. Scott ran me through gnomer and SM yesterday and I'm sitting at 12 g with about 6-10 more in AH right now. Would have 10 more if I hadn't thrown away that stupid fused wiring! :doh Why isn't it green? Who knew? lmao

July 6th, 2006, 07:36 AM
LOL, I've only run VC twice. I've done a little in Darkshire and tried a couple in the wetlands. I think I need to go back to Darkshire becuase the wetlands is like red ridge, I'm just not quite elible for the majority of the quests their. I'm almost lvl 19 and I think by the end of the weekend will really be able to run with you guys a little better. I will say that my wetlands run with you guys last night was very productive for the fact that I got a helmet. Only problem now is I for some reason am unable to actually wear a helmet until I'm level 25. At that point a magically figure out the damn thing is suppose to go on my head. dee de de.

July 6th, 2006, 08:23 AM
WOW literally I never see you guys on, unless yall are never in TS. I saw Onji the other night but was busy, I guess by time I get into DDO, yall are getting on. oh well see ya around.

July 6th, 2006, 08:51 AM
Darkshire is a little high for you Andy. Stick to Loch Modan for a little while and hit some of the earlier quests in Redridge.

July 6th, 2006, 08:52 AM
And Diesel, i hardly ever use TS in WOW.

July 6th, 2006, 10:12 AM
yeah after having voip in DDO you get spoiled.
But I use it to see who is on real quick. thought yall used it.
I guess I will have to log in to see sometimes.

July 6th, 2006, 11:22 AM
yeah they guys appear ?? when they are i think 10 or 20 lvls over you and means certant death to attack them. and what i did after finishing VC was to hit up the simple quests and front of lakeshire. there guard out on patrol by himself hell give you quests to kill some of the gnolls. and there a few easy ones when you first get in lake shire. i think i did half of lake shire before starting on first tier mission in dark shire. when you get high enough to start doing the hard missions like 17-20 i finished lake shire in a good group and mort libane in darshire. then did a few in marsh lands starting from the docks area. after awhile youll be ready to graduate to strangle vale thorn. that where there are incredible ammount of quests.

i made the mistake of doing all the strating areas for each race. the dwarf area the human area and the night elf area sure they where easy. but the xp they gave i should have just kept moving up in just one area. after finishing VC should start preping to hit stockaids in stormwind. also maybe think about doing loch modan there more mission up in the hunting lodge and found them all semi easy to help lvl up.

July 6th, 2006, 02:13 PM
Now I never got the code from CFH for the trial, but I am seriously thinking about getting this version of crack. Is there anything I should know before purchasing this game? Also Do I just set up the monthly off a credit card or what?

July 6th, 2006, 02:21 PM
yeah, let me know and I'll give you a code! lmao

July 6th, 2006, 06:16 PM
at 18, if you already have westfall completely knocked out, you can start doing some of the lower quest in red ridge, you really shouldn't be in duskwood until 25 or so. Same goes for the wetlands, its more around 21 and up. The typical lvl to go through deadmines is around 20 or so, so you got to rip it early. The fastest way to lvl up in this game is to complete quest, they sky rocket you through lower lvls.

July 7th, 2006, 12:30 PM
yeah drax got it perfect. i try and throw in loch modan and the hunters lodge mission to fill in the gap before you can do redridge. they got free passes on file planet right now.i saw it yesterday. bad thing with trail pass is no trading. i tried to send my wife character stuff in the mail but didnt work. also i think you do have to have credit card # atleast to set it up. but i used the free first month after its set up. billing dosent happen till after first month.But before then i whant and bought the game time cards they give 2 months of time and i never had to actually pay anything on my card but maybe a 1 dollar holding fee for them to set the initial acount up.

i might give Wow another go around soon. quit planetside and D&D online. paid for Eve online 1 month trying it out and playing the free 1 week trail for matrix online right now. so far it feels week.

August 6th, 2006, 03:42 AM
Which server are you guys playing on? Alan and I are on Archimonde.

August 6th, 2006, 10:39 AM
We're on bleeding hollow. well, I think that's it, anyway

August 6th, 2006, 04:11 PM
Give me some char. names so I can add them to my friends list and find you guys. Just made a hunter on that server named Redwood.

August 6th, 2006, 08:28 PM
Onji :)

August 6th, 2006, 08:35 PM
Heater,Tealek,or Ultraviolet are my toons names.

August 7th, 2006, 02:20 AM
Hey Henry...Robyn and I run a guild that all these nubs are in. Forgotten Misfits. Look for:

Rainy (60 priest)
Daay (60 rogue)
Nyt (60 rogue) ...thats Robyn
Auttumn (46 mage)

We are starting to get decent people in the upper levels. We are consistently running BRD on Friday and are very close to starting Scholo, Strat and LBRS. If you like the guild, transfer your main from Archimonde. Its like $20 or something.

August 7th, 2006, 02:21 AM
Also, anyone who wants a 10 day trial key just post here and i'll get them out to you ASAP. I just now saw this thread....only a month late.

I need your first anme and a valid email to send the key to.

August 7th, 2006, 03:38 PM
My Chars name is Drfeelgood. Hope to see u on

August 7th, 2006, 08:19 PM
my main is lamercdirge

come on over boys

August 7th, 2006, 11:01 PM
Casmilla is my main, look around for my druid...

August 28th, 2006, 06:19 PM
I just made me a ne warrior on bleeding hollow named mavja (my orc warrior name on garithos :D)

August 28th, 2006, 10:27 PM
Someone get that man a guild invite....

August 30th, 2006, 01:41 PM
Hey so i get this right for us to be in same guild over there dont we have to be same alliance. horde or alliance with are you guys. i would hate to jump back over just to make a guy in wrong alliance haha..

August 30th, 2006, 01:47 PM
Realm(server) = Bleeding Hollow
Side = Alliance (not Horde)
Guildname = Forgotten Misfits

Our website = http://www.forgottenmisfits.com

September 3rd, 2006, 03:40 AM
Hurry hurry hurry! Come on home...we set a place for you at the dinner table!

Widow...Nyt on Bleeding Hollow (No, not Nit...Night)
