View Full Version : Help a brother out!

June 13th, 2006, 11:08 PM
Ok, gettin the WOW bug pretty bad now. Only problem is I've found out it sucks ass to be lvl 5. I need some of you higher up nubs to give me money, back packs and help in completing some of the slightly harder tasks in Goldshire.

June 14th, 2006, 07:17 AM
look me up f00, i'll help you. lamercdirge is my character name

June 14th, 2006, 07:31 AM
Ok, how do I "LOOK YOU UP". Why don't any of you guys use team speak. I was in last night from 10 till 12 and no one was on team speak in WOW. Usually there are more people in WOW than there are in BF2.

June 14th, 2006, 07:33 AM
Oh, btw. I'm in Goldshire taking a nap right now. Work your way there. Some things I see I need are.

1.. A damn horse (I'm tired of walking everywhere
2. Some more back packs (I can't carry any more)
3. A better sword or shield (Actually both)
4. Cooler (better) clothes. My guy looks queer
5. Some better quests. I know I'm just lvl 5 but I would rather follow some of you mid teen lvl guys and die a few times than run around delivering letters and killing small gnomes. I'm ready to get in the ****.

June 14th, 2006, 07:39 AM
1.. A damn horse (I'm tired of walking everywhere
No ride until level 40.

2. Some more back packs (I can't carry any more)
I have some in my bank I can give you. Scott can make some for you as well.

3. A better sword or shield (Actually both)
What class are you? I have some stuff in my bank I can share.

4. Cooler (better) clothes. My guy looks queer
No luck here. My character looks gheyer than your signature

5. Some better quests.
Got to talk to people to get quests. I'll help you

Me, DJ, & Reed were paling around in darkshore last night. Hit "o" to bring up the social window. Click Add friend and type in "lamercdirge" you can then see if I'm on, etc.

June 14th, 2006, 08:15 AM
Sweet, sounds fun. I'll be adding you guys to the friends list. BUT, log onto teamspeak when you get on as its so much easier to talk than to type. I also want to keep it up so if someone needs some admining on the BF2 server they can jump over and tell me and I'll have BF2CC up to take care of it. I'll bei on early tonight trying to level up before meeting you guys tonight. Can some one start a sticky post with everyone's names and currentl level and where they are and what their doing. I'm currently in Goldshire trying to recon the Fargo Mine, but having little luck as all the gnomes their are level 6 or higher and I'm still level 5. But now that I'm killing faster and doing quests hopefully I can lvl up fast like Ribby is dong. Lvl 40 before I canride a horse. That's some bull crap. Also, Robby try to give me some manly clothes and weapons. I'm the last one that needs any rainbow colored crap after the **** I did at the LAN. See you guys on tonight.

June 14th, 2006, 08:18 AM
yall are gonna make me install this arent you

June 14th, 2006, 08:37 AM
dude i was running around goldshire last night at the same time. Geting pwned by gnolls. Damn things aggro in packs :( I also don't know ****e about this damn game. I'm just rolling around completeing quest and lvling... Got skinning to 89 :) I haven't really figured out how to navigate the various menues, so chatting is a biotch. Bank?.... what is this bank you speak of? I'm assUme ing that skinning and leather craft can earn some scratch... I have been skinning the ****e outa EVERYTHING... cows and deer included. I even tried to skin a cat, but it wouldn't let me. Anyone else here crafting yet?

June 14th, 2006, 09:07 AM
I'm a herbalist/alchemist, so I pick flowers and make potions. lol James, everything chat revolves around the forward slash. Use the firends window "o" to manage your friends list and see who's online, send messages, etc.

Onji, you need to play man. The game is really fun when big groups get together. Heck, it's really addicitve playing solo in a lot of areas. Some sick sense of accomplishment when your character levels up... nice pretty flash and dramatic noise... all so you can go get your butt handed to you more slowly!

June 14th, 2006, 11:45 AM
look me up, talk to me on TS, i can help you out, especially in the stormwind area. Character name is Draax. CFH, i need to get up with you for a guild invite. I'm almost lvl 16, so i really can't help you on the bag and money problem, that is CFHs department, hes your WOW pimp. Depending on your class, i can help you out with talent specs too.

June 14th, 2006, 12:22 PM
Ok, gettin the WOW bug pretty bad now. Only problem is I've found out it sucks ass to be lvl 5. I need some of you higher up nubs to give me money, back packs and help in completing some of the slightly harder tasks in Goldshire.


June 14th, 2006, 12:41 PM

June 14th, 2006, 12:48 PM
Ok, sounds like Jame sand I need to pair up and get some **** done. James I'm Andyconda and I'm sleeping in Goldshire near the Fargo mine. I'll be on tonight so look me up in team speak and I'll do this O thing Robby keeps talking about. Hoepfully when can get a few of us together and do some higher end quests with help of leveled up players like Robby. Lets do this!

Also, one of you forum guru's start a sticky with WOW info. I'm Andyconda, I'm a warrior. Currently level 5. Maybe we could something like the stats on the front page where we simply list each of us with our current level. Can that be done. Any way, hook a brother up. I'm a wow addict and I need some crack.

June 14th, 2006, 12:55 PM
What exactly are you looking for Andy? A listing of members and regulars names, crafts and such, as well as the level they're on?

June 14th, 2006, 02:00 PM
There already is a form of that on the lamerc site. It is more geared towards CFH's guild, but the information is there.

June 14th, 2006, 07:20 PM
WTF. I go to log on tonight and it says the trial period is up. Ok, I'm fine with that but then I go to buy it and upgrade my account and it says, 39.99 activation fee on top of a monthly charge that I think is 15 dollars. WTF is that. That's almost 60 dollars, wtf. Crack is right. I'll be on BF2 tonight.

June 14th, 2006, 07:36 PM
Andy, My name is Joolnoret, warrior and only lvl 18. I'm all the way across the world in darkshore so i can't help too much. Hell, I'm just glad Yankee hopped in last night so we can help each other. Things go A LOT faster that way.

June 14th, 2006, 07:38 PM
The $40 will give u a months worth before you pay the continuing 15 per month.

June 14th, 2006, 08:21 PM
Well like most crack, I couldn't say no. Bougght and paid for. Talking to DJ right nowin WOW but apparently he's half way across the world.

June 15th, 2006, 04:49 AM
Did u get the other packages I sent? If I takes that long for the packages to get there, imagine how long it would have taken me to get there if I could leave where I'm at.

June 15th, 2006, 07:32 AM
sucka another free month for cfh!!! ding!

And it doesn't take that long. Hop a boat... Thne fly a gryphon. bammo 15 minutes maybe. Or hearthstone over hehehe portal? we need a portal here!!!!

June 15th, 2006, 07:43 AM
well i loaded up last night, and played
andy and i hunted a little together, got invited to the guild too
i finished a bunch of quests and am up to level 5 so far. I cant say that i'm 'hooked' yet, but i did play till midnight which is not like me, we'll see

**EDIT** WOW IS FOR THE WEAK MINDED! muhahahahahaha :D

June 15th, 2006, 07:56 AM
muhahaha just wait until a higher level comes around and helps you with some things. Claws will be in deep then.

June 15th, 2006, 07:58 AM
Yeah, I played til 1 this morning. Things are going ok but until Darren got in I was a little put out. I leveled up pretty quick to lvl 5 but its starting to get boring. Not until one of Scott's buddied who was level 55 came and helped me out did I have fun. He was level 55 and helped me on the little bit harder quest where all I had to do was scout out some area that were infested with lvl 8 to 10 stuff. He ran around boppin gthings on the head and killing them with one blow. I skipped around like a school girl scouting out these tough area's without even lifting my new sword. That's a funny story too. The dinky sword they give you to start out with I broke pretty early. So, I simply went back to Goldshire and started literally begging peeps to give me another melee weapin. Dj tells me he didn't think that begging was a proffesion in WOW. I said non sense and sure enough after about 3 minutes of begging and pleading a guy walks by and gives me a pretty good sword. Sweet. That coupled with all the copper clothers that DJ (Jolnoret) made for me I started to kick some but. Pretty fun. I just hope I can do some quests with you guys. Looks like Darren is leveling up pretty quick so he'll be doing quests with me by tonight. He's still up in NOrthshire doing some of theeasy quests but at lvl 5 he'lll be with me soon. Lets roll D. OUT OF DA WAY PECK!

June 15th, 2006, 08:13 AM
I will help ya out as well, just been really runnning some cool stuff in DDO lately.

June 15th, 2006, 08:22 AM
10-4, whats your WOW name Mike so I can add you to the friend list.

June 15th, 2006, 08:25 AM
Loblolly is my main.

June 15th, 2006, 08:37 AM
I'm still at 12, and i keep getting my arse pwned by freakin gnoll boss >< really pissing me off !

June 15th, 2006, 08:50 AM
Where are you James, maybe together we can take him out.

June 15th, 2006, 08:51 AM
I'm curretnly headed east from Goldshire to check the seargent at the bridge going into the contested lands east of teh Azora tower. SHoudl be a quick run so after that I can meet up with you and kick this gnoll's ass. Let me know.

June 15th, 2006, 08:53 AM
Did u get the other packages I sent? If I takes that long for the packages to get there, imagine how long it would have taken me to get there if I could leave where I'm at.

Yeah DJ I got the mail. Cool stuff Copper boots, pants, and chest armor. I'm one bad arse penny. Thanks.

June 15th, 2006, 10:20 AM
Oh we can easily beat him... By myself I've gotten him down to a tick turd of health, but he always pulls somethin out at the end a stomps meh. I don't get much time to play at night right now because I'm trying to get the house completed in the next couple months. I've been playing during the day while i'm at work.

June 15th, 2006, 11:21 AM
roger that. See you on the weekends.

June 16th, 2006, 09:01 AM
There already is a form of that on the lamerc site. It is more geared towards CFH's guild, but the information is there.
Work with me here .... where is said information located?

June 16th, 2006, 09:06 AM
have it bookmarked at home. will have to post later.

June 16th, 2006, 09:09 AM

its not automatic by any means.

cfh has to update it manually, and if you want individual player stats. the player has to update their own, the instructions are at the bottom of the page.
ps. scott, you need to update again so andy and i can see ourselves on there :)

June 16th, 2006, 09:58 AM
sweet, what at time last night guys. Enjoyed the hell out of that. Completed my first elite quest and I think I'm close to lvl 9. See you guys on again tonight.

June 16th, 2006, 10:08 AM
yeah it was determined last night that Andy is 'not one with nature'
He'll be running full blast, pass by a deer, and WACK kill it without missing a beat, and keep running.
Its crazy. I can walk right past a pack of wolves without them bothering me. they will PASS me trying to get to andy. Nature hates him lol

June 16th, 2006, 11:42 AM
LMFAO, the sheep was the funniest. I'm running by and wack it with one blow and I hear Darren behing me yell, "Damn, he didn't miss a beat" just wacked that Sheep kept strolling along. The wolf packs will even attack me on the road. You should see how the murlocks hate me, those little green river creatures hate me with a capital H. I defintaely got a charge out of helping James slaughter that big hogzilla. I can see this game getting better,

Hi, my name is Andy and I'm a WOW addict. Its been whole 2 days since I logged on a killed something.

June 16th, 2006, 06:43 PM
I'm a herbalist/alchemist, so I pick flowers and make potions

LMFAO you daisy picker! Hmmm...this game is sounding interesting.

June 17th, 2006, 09:30 AM
/me dances around from tree to tree

June 17th, 2006, 10:46 AM
Ok im now going to try and download this so i can join yall..

June 17th, 2006, 11:06 AM
Err i dont whant to give in to the warcrack again. but if you guys are all playin gmaybe i will. to bad it wasnt on the old server i used to play on i have a lvl 50 night elf on lightbringer. and a few lvl 30-35 on uther. are you guys playing alliance or horde? i could definatly show you guys easy ways to get around( like the night elf has moon glade portal to get him to western continant fast and then set hearth stone to the eastern continant and you can zip back and forth between the two no boats. and i know where ae the griffin pads are at.

Oh and for Andy we did that too.I gave my wife her 10 day free trail pass and she played and when she wanted to keep playing i whent down and bought a game card thinking i could activate just that only to find out i had to go back to the store and buy the registered version down load that gave me 1 month free and then the 2 months with the game card she was set fo like 3 months.

Right now i have been trying out the free 1 week for D&D online no limits but only one week i got a paladinelvl 3 and a sorcerer almost lvl 2 but i think i wont buy it when my free week ends next week. I do like they made alot of the stuff for solo so ive been doing all the missions on the noob area docks solo and a few in the water works as a group. the group stuff is fun.
Debating when the free week is up maybe to try Eve online it out for a 2 week free trail lol all these free games. so i might close my planetside account it was a blast and i think you guys would have loved it( think BF2 on a large scale) with the balance issues fixed great game,wish they would make planet side 2 but i think Huxley ive been reading up on seems to be good when it comes out in 2007

June 17th, 2006, 04:44 PM
we're playing on bleeding hollow pvp come one come all

June 18th, 2006, 12:12 AM
Ok i downloaded it ,going to activate it when i have a day of to play it=) You know 10 days not enough time..

June 18th, 2006, 08:12 AM
what are yalls names on bleeding hollow? i will make a toon over there....

June 18th, 2006, 08:18 AM
Okay, I need a copy of the game. Gonna check into it today. Jason/Pfhor has a WOW account, so I'll check with him also. WOW is kind of like Guild Wars + EverCrack, is that accurate to say?

[Hey, Heater - how's the new job @ Academy, btw? rofl You'd have love what I did @ Academy here in CS not long ago - I was trying on swimsuits in the dressing room, but I would come out to show my friend what each one looked like - to get her opinion. She wasn't right outside the dressing room, so I had to go looking for her...barefoot and in a bathingsuit walking around clothing racks to find her shopping lol. I got a lot of strange looks from people wondering wtf I was doing with my fat arse and thighs. lol It was also freezing in that store...I'll just leave it at that. haha]

June 18th, 2006, 08:20 AM
just made a gnome mage named Niczi....

June 18th, 2006, 08:34 AM
hey sweet...i will try to get my wife to make a toon over here too so that yall can play together ;) :D

June 18th, 2006, 09:47 AM
I'm not diofficult to find, I'm Andyconda in WOW. You peeps remeber to get on teamspeak when you log in

June 19th, 2006, 09:40 AM
LOl Sweets..you need to come to my store and try that so we can give you some expert customer service..hehe
Got to love Summer in Texas=)

June 19th, 2006, 09:44 AM
Oh btw I`m loving it so far.everyone is great to work with here.The training you go thru is long and boring tho so im trying to finish it as fast as i can.Being tho it is a 6 month process it`s going to take me some time still.
Overall im very happy i made the change and look forward to the extra days off i will be having..=)
