View Full Version : vido setting

May 5th, 2006, 03:42 PM
i just uped my video settings, omfg I was blind as a bat

May 6th, 2006, 06:12 AM
lol what is it set to know?

May 6th, 2006, 07:55 AM
i just uped my video settings, omfg I was blind as a bat

no offense but could you write a bit more clearly ?!
you posts are always shorter than a sentence and are extremly confusing to me.
stop bugging my brain!!!!!:stick

May 6th, 2006, 12:34 PM
I was running low 800by600 60Hz Now I changed to 1024by 768 60 Hz and med.
I first put it on high too choppy.

Henk I am sorry I drove my teachers nuts

May 8th, 2006, 11:21 AM
yeah i tryed it on high settings still dosent look as good as the screenies you guys post up but man it was so laggy i couldnt play at all. and the resolution i cranked up to like 1600 on planetside looked great but the chat window was so small i couldnt read what the people where typing to tell me when guys where air dropping in etc.
