View Full Version : Planet side(free)

April 21st, 2006, 11:10 PM
Not that you guys will be to intersted because it mot battle field 2 haha..

So the guys i post with at work on planet battle field(cant acsess la merc at work they blocked me) so i read all the whinning that goes on over there about nerf this and hax that etc. but one of the guys brought up that Planet side a massive multi player has just gone to **FREE**
catch is its called planet side reservists same game and free for 1 year (until march 2007)
and has a limit of getting to battle rank 6(out of 25 lvl's) haha iam already lvl 5.
So they game is a big down load with all updates/patches it took me like 3 hrs to dl it.
and i played the last 3 days (tues/wed/thur) what a blast. The graphics arnt as flashy as BF2 but it is a 2 yr old game.But the the map sizes are huge like 50-100 times the size of the bf2 maps but the battle are on a grand scale i know i just got in but first night i had a battle that looked to be like 100-150 people in it targets where every where.

A good break down on what the game is about, it seems there are like 12continants(islands) with 3 races vie ing for control. and each island country has like 12 major citys and control towers like 30 per map and you fight back and forth trying to capture the whole map and push the enemy off.

So it was great the front lines are always moving the desert island we had fought on tues evening we had concured on wed night and we had moved on to an ice planet totally diffrent fell and atmosphere. the other thing i loved was the verity of the units.

Air had like 6 diffrent planes: for small 1 man scout to fighter/bomber and huge troop transport with ball turret gunners.

Ground vehicles: had 4 wheel quads 1 with chain gun/1 with a double missle/and one with cloaking device; chevy looking truck thing with gunner and a dune buggy thing with 2 guns;
and a tank with 2 gunner positions. and even a 2 legged mech. http://planetside-universe.com/p-vehicles-2.htm

and infatry: is great cloaking suit for infiltrating/engineers to plant sensor beacons to find hidden enemy and static turrets for base defense and anti infanty/anti vehichle mines.
combat engineers to blow up generators and plant c-4 charges. hackers to gain control of buildings and medic's; also regular ground troops light infantry / heavy infantry / snipers
and 4 lvls of armor. 1 st just clothing;2nd agility armor for speed(same class for cloaking armor) 3rd is rexo with is more heavy duty and larger back pack size to carry extra ammo and a second main weapon(great for sniper) you can cary sniper rifle and shot gun for in close range. and 4th set is sort of its own class the MAX suit's they are large exo suits that come in 3 modes anti air/infanty/vehichle. each suit has a run mode for transport and has a huge barrel on each fore arm shooting back and forth out of the guns. then you have anchor mode ( where these spikes shoot down out of your calves and locks you in place, this doubles or tripples your rate of fire ( sort ofturning you into a turret) at the cost of not moving. And you can turn on and off the anchors. it way fun lobbing shells over walls or using the dual chain guns to mow down enemy infanty. http://planetside-universe.com/p-armors-10.htm

Well there is plenty iam leaving out iam either boring you with this long post or getting you interested in witch i can continue if you in further posts?

I know you guys are concentrating on getting the lamerc and texan girls combo going so this may come at a bad time. but like i said it for a year and if your interested we could play togher on same server etc.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 22nd, 2006, 06:09 AM
I'm going to quote Biggs on this one.


April 22nd, 2006, 07:18 AM
Daed, off subject, but try this link at work to see if you can get to our page:

<a href="http://www.zerogrounds.net/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/www.lamerc.com">http://www.zerogrounds.net/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/www.lamerc.com</a>

April 22nd, 2006, 12:19 PM
thanks onji ill try it when i go to work on monday see if it will let me in back door style haha.

April 22nd, 2006, 09:08 PM
looks cool, and I can prolly run it. What you think?

April 23rd, 2006, 12:26 PM
sure if you can run bf2 you most definatly can run this iam trying to get some one to play with me, let me know if you down load it we can get on teamspeak and i can walk you thrrw the basics.

ive been trying difrent jobs/roles buy trading back my certificates to get a hang and feel for the diffrent kits etc.

April 24th, 2006, 09:38 AM
I cannot run BF2, but I will look for the specs on this. I will download it and try it out.

April 25th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Ill be on alittle today and tomarrow again i had sat/sun/mon/tues/wed off but will work the next 5 days. so ill jump on team speak there a section for Other/misc. and use that so if you see me on jump in i can walk you around and show you everything. try and make your guy on the west coast server of corse (the hardest part i had was picking a name every thing was taken) i grabbed one of my old palladines names from Wow named Einhar.

We took an intire continant yesterday it was a long hard fought battle but way worth it in the end, maxed out my characters experiance for the trial account in only 3-4 days lol.
Hope to see you on the battle field.
