View Full Version : Squad play techinques

February 7th, 2006, 09:56 PM
i dont have to many ideas on how to improve in this area but i know alot of you guys do. lets post em here.

the only tactic i have seen that really works well is having the squadleader fall back behind his squad. he plays medic so he can heal and revive his squad. and he stays alive allowing the squad to keep spawning

it seems that guys like bs, goose, andy, and so on are great ground pounders so ya'll let us know your secrets.....i know some of you guys prefer to play a certin kit, so if we can kinda customize our squad we can maximize our pwning.

for example: i kinda suc at ground pounding so i could fill the medic hanger backer role.

February 7th, 2006, 10:00 PM
sounds good to me man

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 8th, 2006, 02:40 AM
Here's one of my theories that we haven't really put into practice because I haven't told anyone.

On taking CP's have the whole squad hang back a little just outside of the spawn points. Send in 1 guy as the scout to scope out the place and take the flag to neutral. Once the flag goes gray the whole sqaud rushes the CP to get it for ou team. The reasoning behind it is because if one guy dies it's not a big deal and you can send in another guy immediatly. But if the whole squad is on a CP they are all vulnerable while it goes gray because the enemy can sqawn there at anytime. Not to mention that once a flag is gray everyone on the other team knows someone is there and they usually start to rush the CP. So by bringing in the rest of the squad at grey we speed up the taking of our flag and can move to the next one without worrying about someone spawning behind you.

Now the traditional theory is to have the squad leader hang back somewhere safe as the spawn point and let the rest of the squad rush the CP together as many times as it takes. If you have 3 or 4 guys on a CP at the same time it only takes like 8 or 10 secs to cap the CP, gray to ours. So everyone but the squad leader rushing the CP is overall faster but they can all get kilt faster as well without and cover from newly spawned enemies.

February 8th, 2006, 06:47 AM
My personal favorite squad tactic requires a medic, two supply, two engineers, a tank and a LAV. Tank and LAV work side by side and the drivers are engineers, the tank gunner is supply, one supply in the LAV and medic in the LAV - and the medic really needs to be in a position to run like hell. If the two are close enough they will repair and resupply each other. If the map is a 'air assault' map, I don't like taking the tank to the flag (too large of a bulls eye for pilots) I like X's idea about sending in a scout but I say increase it to two - watching each other's back and the flag comes down quicker.
I'm more of a loaner most times when I play on servers without the crew and usually play as a sniper or engineer dropping mines all over the place and repairing the artty and stuff when it blows because I don't trust the way some people play - with you guys it's pretty much the same round in and round out. We've played together long enough to understand each others preferences and you guys have learned I'm just a nub! lol :D

February 8th, 2006, 06:56 AM
yeah once you can see the uav will will also help to know if you are spotted or not. I like Chuck's theory. I also like a 2 4 man squad approach
until the nub th medic kit..go three medics and an anti tank, in both squads.
both SL's are medics, but they can not rush out to revive, they must stay back. With the ak101 and the g36e...the medics are vicious,...me and BS have run around the maps together and owned some f00s the past couple of nights.

We just have to focus, I believe we get too caught up in points and do not work to spawn on the s/l enough, nor talk about what we are going to do on the map "the strat", when we do, it is usually equates to a win.

Like Skitz who almost got his 13 explosive kills via anti-tank mines, on a well played out strat.

I think you have to have 2-3man squads instead of 1-6 man. and if one squad is killed then swap out and reform...you have to be quick to be really effective.

keys to good squad play...
1)know the commander...lol
2)do not have the sl in a plane or tank, have them in an apc or jeep.
4)change/create squads often
5)do not get to a flag and say I created a squad spawn on me, it is too late!
they have to do that before they get there.

February 8th, 2006, 08:53 AM
Last night was a good night especially on the round where I almost got my Explosive badge. Lest we forget we won that round even though we only had the gatehouse CP. Man that was fun!!

I am pretty good about always spawning on the SL. Once we get the bugs worked out of our Squad Tactics we will be even better. Also key to good tactics is to be flexible and able to adjust to the situation.

February 8th, 2006, 09:07 AM
I know one thing we need to fix. When we are bouncing the squad leader status around trying to spawn on a certain person, There have been times that I didn't know I was squad leader and was holding up the process. You get caught up in the fight and don't pay attention to the fact that your the new leader. If we are trying to spawn on someone please let everyone know so they know to pass the leader status on down.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 8th, 2006, 01:15 PM
I know one thing we need to fix. When we are bouncing the squad leader status around trying to spawn on a certain person, There have been times that I didn't know I was squad leader and was holding up the process. You get caught up in the fight and don't pay attention to the fact that your the new leader. If we are trying to spawn on someone please let everyone know so they know to pass the leader status on down.

Tru dat!

For kits you need a medic and maybe a supply guy to help out the assault, anit-tank, and spec ops guys. Kinda depends on what you are doing if you need those kits though. I know when noob tubing I'm not always perfect, hard to believe I know, and you only have 5 shots. So if you live for more then a minute your back to just a regular nub.

I don't think you want your squad leader as the medic though since he needs to stay alive and not rush out to revive your ash. Let the squad leader be the supply man and he can also lay down some serious cover fire with the PKM if needed. That setup is for the maps without a lot of armor and you are mostly ground pounding.

I'm down with what Goose said for the armor maps. You probably don't need the supply guys because in the tank and LAV you have plenty of ammo and you can probably get the commander to drop you a crate if you live that long. Definately have the daul engineer setup and maybe throw an anit-tank guy in the turret of the tank. That way if you get in an armor battle he can hop out and get another round into the enemy armor for ultra quick kills.

February 8th, 2006, 01:18 PM
i like to play engi on all maps and medic when need be...so just let me know what i should don on ground maps...

when i get in armor i usualy only die a couple times a map, if any...so if we actually used the 2 vehcile engi setup...i would neva die...woot

February 8th, 2006, 01:22 PM
you have to have the SL a medic, I think, because you can stay alive so much longer, if being fired upon....RUN...put the med pack in your hands and high tail it...my k/d ratio has gone up nicely since I have played medic in the city maps lately. In armor engi is a good SL role, with the antitank guys in the back

Like Ex and Skitz said you have to be flexible, so once again we get to communication.

February 8th, 2006, 01:45 PM
1) Stop hollaring at me! I know I'm a nub and I'm trying to fix it.
2) Stop hollaring at me to kill someone! I'm having a hard enough time staying alive and now you want me to kill someone?! :dont
3) Someone get Andy another beer so he'll shoot better!
