View Full Version : New patch, and booster pack info

January 31st, 2006, 01:11 PM
From a forum post:

Hello everyone.

As I pretty much expected, there is some last minute news to pass along. There’s some good and some not so good news but, hopefully, the good outweighs the not so good.

First, I’ll start with the bad news to get it out of the way. We have held onto the 1.2 patch a little longer than we had initially planned. We really felt that it was important to delay the patch and take care of some of the issues that have had the community concerned. This means that it will be released sometime in the next two or three weeks. This, unfortunately, means that the Euro Force Booster Pack will be delayed as well since it relies on the patch. Look for Euro Force to be released in the latter half of February now.

Also, another bit of bad news is that the new feature that allows player to pick up deployed mines with the G key is being held back. In the end, we felt it just wasn’t complete enough for public consumption. We at DICE apologize to all of you who were eagerly awaiting this feature.

I hope that the reasons for the delays are seen as positive by you, the community, and therefore I list these reasons as the good news portion of this update.

The following issues were addressed:

- Being able to pass through walls using a spinning tank turret has been fixed. It has also been addressed on all rotating vehicle positions just to be safe.
- The disappearance of tank projectiles and grenade launcher projectiles during online play has been improved and should occur less frequently
- The distance for throwing hand grenades, ammo packs, and health packs has been increased.

And finally…

- The Red/Blue nametag bug has been addressed

Regarding the last point, what we have done is make the code more secure to try and prevent any cases where this bug may occur. Since the fix has been in place, we have had no reproduction of the bug in testing.

We’re excited about being able to release 1.2 very soon and hope you all are too.

All the best,
AJ Marini

January 31st, 2006, 01:44 PM
ahhhh....no I want the patch!!!
hopefully it will only be a 2 week delay :)

January 31st, 2006, 02:35 PM
It's pretty cool that they lengthened the distance to throw ammo/medic packs, oh yeah and nades too.

February 1st, 2006, 11:01 AM
I just found a video that shows some of the changes/features for the new patch

http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/bf2/BF2se_-_1.2_alpha.avi 12mb

February 1st, 2006, 11:32 AM
Well, awesome...I'm ready for the patch and will start playing again once all the crap settles down around here (maybe by next year that'll happen...)

February 1st, 2006, 02:42 PM
the ability to throw nade more than 10' will be nice... :)

February 1st, 2006, 02:55 PM
C4!!!! Awesome. I have been running around trying to get my gold explosives badge. The C4 buggy works good, but theres not enough time in a map to get 37 C4 kills. If you toss them then you can do it, but I cant seen to be able to toss it far enough some times.
