View Full Version : in'vince'able

January 5th, 2006, 06:39 AM
all I can say is wow! Vince Young was awesome last night.....I was glad to see USC lose, I can't stand their swagger and their claim to 2 national championships...NOT! LSU was champ not you!!!!!

also, i didn't see Reggie play much this year but I heard alot about him...well now I know why there was so much hype about this guy. While he may very well be a great player....I was sickened when the announcers and producers of the game last night put him up on a pedestal after one...yes...one good play into the endzone. I mean...dam!!!! Vince was running all over the condoms without them saying a friggn word. Bush has one play, and all of a sudden he is god in a football uniform....

I can now see why bush won the hiesman by so much....it's all about the media, not the player.

That had to be the best college game I've ever seen. The best individual performance I have ever seen in a football game...pro and college.

oh yeah..matt lienfart can go to h e double hockey sticks with his arrogance...after the game he said "i still think we are a beter team'...news flash punk...you lost.

January 5th, 2006, 07:08 AM
yeah USC is ghey...they didnt win 2 consective championships cause last i checked LSU won the 2003 BCS championship

f usc...they are an overrated team and a bunch a pretty boys who like the company of other men to much.

and reggie bush....screw that foo....him and matt wont be able to hack it the nfl...freaking nubs

i think is usc played in the sec they would have records like 6-5. shiot the sec conference has the most bad arse team to grace ncaa football.

omg what other conference had as many teams in the top 25 as the sec this past year. we had LSU, georgia, aurburn, florida, tennessee, and i think 2 more that i cant remember right now.

January 5th, 2006, 07:09 AM
yeah great game, go Horns!!!

leinhart was arrogant, but imo if they played 10 times USC would 7 of them, but as they say, "that is why you play the game"

good stuff...that game will go down in history in 5-7 years when you look back and see the NFL stars that played in that game, I would not be suprised inf 5-6 players will be 1st round picks in the upcoming draft!!

Al, Bush is awesome, it is not all hype, he did not have his best game, but like you said MEDIA...if you are a good player for USC and the team does well...you win the Heisman easily.
and J-10 wh0re Leinhart can flat out throw the rock!!!
he is a typical pr;ck from Cali...not like CFH :)....he has serious skill, but in the NFL he will not have that line...although he is better than Carson Palmer, who is doing pretty good in the NFL now.

January 5th, 2006, 07:14 AM
yeah man, I've seen a bunch of replays on Bush. I just wish he would have played better since this was really the only time I seen him live. Of course my team...the Texans.....have the first pick and now we have to think about taking Vince first if he comes out...that dude is a big game player...no doubt.

IMO...Bushes stock lowered a bit due to his performance...of course Texas was keying in on him and not letting him do anything which had alot to do with it.

btw....why did Pete Carrol not play Bush...it seemed like bush was on the sidelines more than on the field...especially on that last 4th down play....dumb arse coaching move.

January 5th, 2006, 07:20 AM
yeah... lienfart is a complete turd. Jaws on ESPN sad he won't play for the Saints if we draft him. I say piss on the little turd. I can't friggin believe the way they talk about these assholes! I mean no question they one two "Championships" in a row. None... It's just a matter of fact. ****heads never have to play anyone. I'm actually surprised the game was so close. USC = University of Spoiled Children.

January 5th, 2006, 07:29 AM
I would not be suprised at all to see several top picks, "Eli Manning" the Saints with the #2 pick...but hopefully I am wrong
Especially with some of the "experts" saying you would have to be an idiot to take the head coach job...doh!!

January 5th, 2006, 07:33 AM
Saints are a mess....it's a pitfall of a job, the guy who gets that job is desperate and has no other options. I can't blame any player not wanting to play there. To me...it is a way different situation then it was with Eli....the Chargers are a good franchise...the Saints are a joke. (not because of Katrina....but how can you not take that into consideration)

January 5th, 2006, 07:38 AM
I can not rebuff that statement...lol

January 5th, 2006, 08:15 AM
:soapbox Leinart will not make a good NFL QB. He will blame everyone else before himself = T.O. = Clarrett. He does not have the GRIT to go out and get the job done. Had he, he would have went draft last year. I think he is scared of failure. Another Heisman winner turned spoiled brat turned mediocre NFL player. Bush on the other hand will flurish as a #2 guy for a few years than will step up and become the great receiver everyone expects. Shadowed guy of the game for UCS = Whyte. Taht boy has true GRIT. He was stiff arming linebackers off their feet, running over everyone, and never stopped. He should be the first pick out of USC, and Young proved he was 10 times the play maker than Leinart.

January 5th, 2006, 08:30 AM
well I would not say 10 x
he did have like 360 yards passing vs a great secondary...it has nothing about being surrounded by great talent...in the NFl all the teams have great talent, it is more about always playing against great talent every week, Leinhart will be fine in the NFL, he is very similar to P. Manning coming out, he may not end up there but he will start out in that class. He is worthy of a top 5 pick...those throws were on the money. But you are right about White, that is why I said there will be 5-6 1st rounders from Texas and USC...crazy talent on both sides of the ball.

January 5th, 2006, 09:51 AM
I agree with the maybe not 10x, at the same time though when the play needed to be made Leinart threw it up hoping Bush would come through as he always has. It did not happen for him. Young on the same hand is a good pocket passer, but on the first two drives his receivers did not come through with catches, so young breaks some big scrambles. On the last drive, he had three plays that he got the ball to his receivers and they did not come up with the catches. Hence, he busted huge runs, one of which won the game. The announcer said it best when Texas held on defense, there is no one else in that game that he would want the ball in the hands of other than Young. He actually said young could win the game which he did. Leinart after failing to convert non-chalantly walked off the feild as "teh best" in his mind, so it didn't matter to him. Great players WIN great games. Texas were 7pt unders on the Vegas picks, ESPN predicted USC to win, everyone wanted Texas to win, but though USC had it wrapped up. One of my hockey kids even said with 8 mins left to play "USC has this game". Then the Vinni Young show started. GAME OVER for USC.

January 5th, 2006, 10:03 AM
I knew the game was over when USC failed on the 4th down play w/ 2 minutes to go. That had doom written all over it. Vince was the difference maker...thank you MR. Obvious......in college...he is one of the greatest. In the NFL....I'm not sure if Vince translates well. First, he will have to go under center, which he almost never does at Texas. Second, he won't get the 'option' plays or the designed run plays like he does in Texas. I know Vick has succeeded...kind of..with that approach. BUT...what has Vick really done? Not alot. I would be worried about injury (like Vick) because without his mobility....Vince is nothing.

January 5th, 2006, 10:10 AM
Tis is true Master Sabre tis is true.

January 5th, 2006, 11:30 AM
bah Vick can't hit the ground with his hat. Young has good accuracy. Most of all, Young has what Brooks & Vick do not... Football smarts. Does he throw as well as Leinart? not even close. Some of the throws Leinart made last night were straigh up perfect.

January 5th, 2006, 04:05 PM
bah Vick can't hit the ground with his hat. Young has good accuracy. Most of all, Young has what Brooks & Vick do not... Football smarts. Does he throw as well as Leinart? not even close. Some of the throws Leinart made last night were straigh up perfect.

Especially the one that was almost intercepted but the Texas back dropped it and also the one that was intercepted. The one that was trapped on the ground that the refs gave to USC as a completion. Thats only 3 that come to mind right now.

January 5th, 2006, 04:27 PM
Leinhart is in the P Manning accuracy catagory, sure he missed a couple but that happens when you play the best secondary in the nation...by far...and you still slice through them like butter for 70% of your throws.

January 5th, 2006, 04:35 PM
i hate leinhart...and if i see him in a bar i will smack him in da face with my left boot

January 5th, 2006, 04:39 PM
I am not a fan of him either, but he has serious talent, he is one of the all time best quarterbacks of all time...especially in the era of parity...his accomplishment and stats are crazy.

so...if the Saints get him he will be an upgrade.

January 5th, 2006, 04:47 PM
Well those 3 may come to mind but consider this:

Texas pass defense only allowed 155.9 yards/game and limited quarterbacks to 49.1% completion rate.

Leinart finished last night with the following:
29/40 (72.5% completion) for 365 yards with 1 touchdown and 1 interception.

That's pretty good against one of the best passing defenses in the nation.

I'm not saying he's superman, but he's a closer to a Peyton Manning than a Danny Wuerfel or Steve Walsh.

January 5th, 2006, 05:25 PM
i hate leinhart...and if i see him in a bar i will smack him in da face with my left boot

Left boot huh... do tell... why not right boot???

I do agree... leinhart is a bit of a brat..

January 5th, 2006, 05:32 PM
payton manning is a tard
