View Full Version : sound is fubar'ed

December 29th, 2005, 10:01 PM
so I decided to take the format my hard drive plunge cause everything was acting so dam slow and I couldn't figure out why.....had enough and formatted.

well upon installation...after updating everything (I thought) I install bf2 to play some this evening...well I forgot the sound card driver.

proceed to abit website for latest sound card driver for KD7A....reboot after install...

try to startup Teamspeak and everything basically halts to a commodore 64 speed instantly.....same thing when I click on 'audio' in BF2 settiings...

I've uninstalled and re-installed a couple of times...

any ideas? nothing shows out of ordinary in the device manager.

December 30th, 2005, 06:42 AM
You can try the latest drivers from



Also, make sure in Teamspeak that you go to Settings/Options and pick the correct sound card.

December 30th, 2005, 06:44 AM
thanks man, I'll try this tonight

December 30th, 2005, 10:48 PM
well after a couple of hours of messing with different drivers and restarting over and over again...trying bios changes...nothing worked...until I pulled a couple of the usb devices out.

I guess I need to install the drivers for those other devices.....apparently they were causing some internal confusion.

oh well...sound works now, but now is time for bed...dammit I wanted to play!

January 6th, 2006, 08:53 AM
Sabre, there are new updated via drivers on the viaarena website. 5.07a


January 6th, 2006, 09:16 AM
thanks, I'll see how those work :)
