View Full Version : We need to work on Skitz's Attitude

December 19th, 2005, 09:40 AM
I was checking out my stats and noticed that it keeps track of kicks/banns. I couldn't help but look and see how everyone else was doing. Here are the numbers below, and I have to tell you that I see a problem with Skitz.

Biggs 71/3
Ex 47/0
Andy 36/6
Target 22/0
Diesel 19/2
Drax 17/0
BS 14/1
Onji 14/1
Goose 14/1
Dirge 12/1
Skitz 1/0

December 19th, 2005, 10:25 AM
Wholy crap, I'm an ass. I have 2/3 of the bans for all the people you listed. I have more bans than 8 others combined. You are right though. Richard is a pacifist. He must be a tree hugger. Wuzzup Rich, you need to vent son. You must use the ways of the smacktard. be one with the asshat within you. Know the beast, control the beast. Let your feelings guide you. The dark side is more powerful, Muh ah ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 19th, 2005, 10:28 AM
hehehe...leave the poor guy alone! (/me says this because I have 1 kick also and no bans that I'm aware of)

I can't help it that I suck so much (more of the time) that nobody wants to kick me!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 19th, 2005, 11:00 AM
The only reason I've gotten kicked so much is because of high ping. As you see zero bans, although I know I've been banned 2 or 3 times.

If everybody else is doing it you have to too Rich!

December 19th, 2005, 11:19 AM
Looks like me, Onji and Goose were probably victims of association.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 19th, 2005, 11:24 AM
Here's a good stat for everyone, teamkills/damage/vehical damage.

Biggs Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 1,286 / 320 / 452

Diesel Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 427 / 174 / 164

BS Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 446 / 182 / 227

Target Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 468 / 177 / 131

Andy Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 510 / 188 / 221

X Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 447 / 180 / 120

Onji Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 299 / 138 / 142

Drax Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 139 / 53 / 41

Bah! stats servers crapped out so I can't do the others I wanted to. I was gonna put Goose, Dirge, Roselind, ToeTag, and Latech on their too. Granted Drax, Goose, Dirge, and Latech don't have the hours that the rest of us do, but it's pretty obvious that they are slacking in the teamkill department. It's ok to kill your team mates when they suck or kill you first.

Do it. Do it.

December 19th, 2005, 11:52 AM
Amen brotha. I'll busta cap at the drop of a hat. You better leave my vehicle alone. As a matter of fact it does have my name on it.

LOL. A good one last night was Biggs was owning in a J10 as usuall. Only problem was he wasn't harrassing the F35 the was owning me at our spawn like he was owning them at theirs. So what do I do. I let him know right there that **** was ending right now. He crashes or something and ends back up at spawn, Here's how it panned out

Andy "Brent kill that Son of a ***** or I'm taking the plane and doing it for you"
Brent "Shut up Andy I got places to go and people to Kill"
Andy "Oh yeah smart ass not if I can help it"
Brent "What ever nub"

plane spawns and of course no matter how hard I pressed the E key down I knew I wouldn't get it.......The plane fires up. I'm standing in front of it.

Andy "Well I'm not moving Punk"
Brent "Your mistake nub"

LA_MERC_Biggs [Teamkills] LA_MERC_Andyconda

Andy "That Son Of A ***** Ran me down"
Roselind "Well Dumbass, you were standing in the middle of the run way"

Ahh, good times.

You better have thick skin and be pretty down to earth if you want to run with this group. For us to team kill and harrass each other is almost second nature.

So. You might ask what Andy did after he respawned.

NOTHING, that ****er was in a J-10 now and there nothing onthe map that can contend with Brent in a J-10. I licked my wounds and went ground pounding like the rest of the squad.


December 19th, 2005, 08:04 PM
I'll have you know that since I had to start over in the game my stats are a bit off. For instance my Skitsvelvet account was 11/1 so my total is 12/1 on par with Dirge. And my Team Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage equal to :192/91/47. Yeah I am a bit low and maybe I do turn the other cheek when it comes to ****ers stealing my vehicle. I am learning though....

Lest you bastards forget. Back when the game came out, Before Biggs, we were all playing on some map w/ the BlackHore and the helo was full. Guy jumped in right before me. I said "Fuker, get out ma ride!" TAP! TAP! open seat on the bird. Also I remember one time maybe even the same map, before Andy became his carefree self.

Andy"I can't get in the bird and I don't want another TK!"
Rich"I got it," Rich jumps out the Black Hawk "Blam! dude takes a shotgun round to the Chest," Rich jumps back in"Let's go!!" Andy jumps in....

Ah the good old days when Horeing was good and people were dumb....

December 19th, 2005, 09:59 PM
yeah the bans shown are the permanent bans...cause i have been baned from like 20 servers but only temp and the 3 bans i have now are perm ones.

and tk's are the wave of the future......get em while there hot

December 20th, 2005, 06:31 AM
w00h00 2 perm bans only 1 behind biggs...wtf are we bragging about kicks and bans?!?!?

LMAO..I guess we are Mercenaries!!!

December 20th, 2005, 07:09 AM
No bans but I did get kicked a ton for TK'ing.. lol. Especially before the last patch when they could punish for artillery.

December 20th, 2005, 07:34 AM
Well, skitz, that's a start, but you're gonna have to do better than that, you pansy!

December 20th, 2005, 07:59 AM

Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 1,306 / 324 / 459

December 20th, 2005, 09:50 AM
LOL at Toby. Those were the good ole days.

LA_MERC_T4rg3t "Artillery inbound"

LA_MERC_T4rget teamkills 6 people

LA_MERC_T4rg3t kicked form server

LMFAO, followed by Toby *****ing and yelling at the nubs who did not look at their minimap and see the big red circles indicating the bad stuff is on its way, LOL

December 21st, 2005, 09:10 AM
Rofl sounds like you guys are having a blast cant wait to unrap my BF2 on x-mas

December 21st, 2005, 11:57 AM
Yeah Daedelus, I think we are having too much fun. I didn't get off until like 1 am last night and I'm feeling it today. Moral of the stroy is. Well, there is no moral, but I will definatley be on late again tonight, woohoo.

There's time enough for sleep in the grave. Like Diesel's desktop says. Sleep is for the weak!

December 21st, 2005, 01:16 PM
I am feeling it too Hoss!!
and to make it worse today is the office christmas party!!
now I have a full gut, no sleep, and a craving fo MORE!!!!!
must...get...another hit!!!!

December 21st, 2005, 06:28 PM
Last night was good! No Bans or Kicks but I did up my Teamkills!!! :)

...Comin in Danger Close!!!!

December 21st, 2005, 08:27 PM
Looks like me, Onji and Goose were probably victims of association.

Ahh, yes, but well worth it

Biggs: 50+ kills, 0 deaths - in a plane kicking arse
T4rg3T: in a tank, kicking arse I might add
Goose: Commander - dropping artty like there was no tomorrow

Admin: "HEY LA_MERC, how about you guys find another server"
Biggs: "Learn to play, and stop whinning"
Target: "Yeah, arsehat"
LA_MERC_Biggs disconnected from server
LA_MERC_Biggs banned from server
LA_MERC_T4rg3T disconnected from server
LA_MERC_T4rg3T banned from server
LA_MERC_Goose disconnected from server
LA_MERC_Goose banned from server

FREAKING HALLARIOUS! Damn I miss my computer and the BF2 battlegrounds! :dont
