View Full Version : Patch v1.12 has been released!

November 22nd, 2005, 02:52 PM
This just came out. Its more of a compatibility patch to make bf2 servers/clients compatible with sf servers/clients.

-Even if you dont have Special Forces, you have to install this patch.
-If you DO have Special Forces. Be sure to install this patch AFTER you have it installed.

Mirror: http://i2.divo.net/tmp/bf2_patch_112.exe
Merc Mirror: http://www.lamerc.com/bf2/files/bf2_patch_112.exe

Patch Notes:

<b>Special Forces Unlocks</b></br>

In anticipation of the upcoming expansion pack, Battlefield 2 Special Forces, DICE has revealed the new unlocks for the game. Take note, in order to unlock these, you must first have unlocked the base Battlefield 2 weapons for that kit (for example: to be get the F2000 the user must first unlock the G3).<ul>
<li>Scar-L for Spec Ops
<li>G36E for Medic
<li>F2000 (w/ grenade launcher) for Assault
<li>MP7 for Engineer
<li>MG36 for Support</ul>
<b>Update v1.12</b><br>
The next Battlefield update is now available. ALL Battlefield 2 owners should install it. And yes, we have a list fixes and enhancements for you. <br><br>
If you've installed the 1.12 update to the "core" Battlefield 2 product and then installed Battlefield 2: Special Forces afterwards, you will need to re-apply the 1.12 update to be able to play on the new 1.12 Servers.<br><br>
<b>BUG FIXES</b><ul>

<li>Fixed a crash when users switch weapons using the mouse wheel while piloting a bomber (SU-34, F-15 and J10) in core BF2 maps.
<li>Removed the Grappling Hook and the Zip Line from kits from "The Iron Gator" map.
<li>Fixed single player loading screens to match map selection image.
<li>Fixed an issue in the menus so that users can click on BF2:SF ribbons to view the descriptions.
<li>Fixed an issue in the Browser so that BF2:SF servers are now represented with a green "2" icon.
<li>Global improvement of collision detection on the Grappling Hook and the Zip Line.
<li>Fixed damage state artillery icon on the 3d map when an artillery is destroyed.</ul>
<b>CHANGE of VIDEO SPECS</b><ul>
<li>GeForce FX 5900 family:<ul>
<li>GeForce FX 5900 Ultra
<li>GeForce FX 5900
<li>GeForce FX 5900XT
<li>GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
<li>GeForce FX 5900ZT
<li>GeForce PCX 5900</ul>

<li>For these cards, the default video settings have been changed to LOW.</ul>
<li>The GRAPPLING HOOK is part of the Assault and Anti-tank kits. Throw it using the fire or alternate fire buttons. Press "E" to get on and off of the rope.
<li>Use the direction keys to climb the rope. The rope will connect to any static object in the world, which means it will not work on terrain or vehicles. Any Assault or Anti-Tank kit can pick up any grappling hook, even those from other teams, as long as you do not already have one in your kit at the time.</ul>
<b>ZIP LINE</b><ul>
<li>The ZIP LINE is part of the Special Forces and Sniper kits. Use the fire button to shoot the line and use the alternate fire button to check if the target is a viable connection point or not. Once the line is in place, use "E" to get on. You will slide down the line automatically. Any Spec-Ops or Sniper kit can pick up any zip line, even those from the other team, as long as you do not already have one in your kit at the time.</ul>

November 22nd, 2005, 03:37 PM
is it me or is this a long ars dl?......says like 6 hrs.....wtf?

November 22nd, 2005, 03:51 PM
yeah that site is being hammered, trying to find some mirrors

November 22nd, 2005, 03:54 PM
mirro mirror on the wall who is the haxiest of all!!

November 22nd, 2005, 04:01 PM
anybody got any? cause i need one bad and dont now where to find one.....help a brotha out

November 22nd, 2005, 04:05 PM
mirror added, check top post

November 22nd, 2005, 04:15 PM
ok added a merc mirror also

November 22nd, 2005, 04:49 PM
ok so i got 4 hours left......bah

November 22nd, 2005, 06:08 PM
I played BF2 Special Forces and I don't really like it.

Everything is super close combat and the Cities have people swarming the roof tops dropping c4 and nades. Plus the fact that there is a huge performance hit when playing special forces.

I could do without the tear gas and flash bang.

November 22nd, 2005, 06:34 PM
Biggs, get back on teamspeak or message me.

November 22nd, 2005, 08:42 PM
ahhhhh, i hate this poop and dl'ing sucs butt. i wanna kick my comp really bad

November 22nd, 2005, 11:46 PM
w00t I thought it was nice, lots of new weapons that carry over to BF2 when you unlock them. Some maps where not that great but I really enjoyed a couple of them.
no lag issues here

November 23rd, 2005, 07:11 AM
So 2 so far don't like it and one does. Anyone else got any comments.

November 23rd, 2005, 07:55 AM
I like it. Its cool to have some variety. Some maps I didnt really care for, but it may be because we havent learned them yet. You can sure rack up on the kills :)
Toby loves his APC lol

November 23rd, 2005, 08:11 AM
I just think its to much. You have to much to worry about.

Now its "lets spam the flashbangs and tear gas and totally immobilize both teams" Thats on top of the nades.

You should have just one of each.

November 23rd, 2005, 08:18 AM
So it's CS meets BF2?

November 23rd, 2005, 08:41 AM
I agree with Toby on how many flashbangs and teargas nades you should have. Way to many people just tossing nades. The game play wasn't bad but the constant switching from night vision to regular vision gets a bit tedious. I could have unlocked the SCAR-L last night but decided to unlock another core BF2 weapon since we primarily play that.

The maps are really tight in terms of space, some just feel too small. The roof top to roof top action is cool but gets old quick. The Jetski is fast but explodes easy, DOH! As for the Helo's I like the Hind but the Apache is lacking a bit, and have I mentioned no Little Birds?? Little Birds would rock on at least two of those maps.

Arty sux's out loud!!! too much....

Overall it was a nice experience but it wasn't what I expected. However if the maps were bigger that would help. Also I think these maps are more geared to small 8 vs 8 skirmishes than 32 vs 32!!

November 23rd, 2005, 08:50 AM
guys after playing for hours this morning you have seen nothing yet...there are many maps that are SO much better than the crap we played last night....those were the Oilfieds of SF.

Andy the Hind is so bad arse it is crazy, but touch to fly, and looks like a bus...lol
the four wheelers are so bas arse, they are a hoot to ride
The graphic performance is not bad at all on my "old system" with medium settings.
The flaxh and tears are cool effects, the surge map is my favorite, got like 3 badges on that one map...me loves tank, and I live the variety of forces all with different stuff.
But the coolest thing is all those weapons once unlocked can be chosen in BF2,,,oh and there are now flashbangs in BF2, with the FS2000 unlock...not very effective at all though. I think last night everyone was throwing them everywhere just because it was new, it was not an issue and used very tactfully this morning, I just think that server lick hinney!

Grapplng hook and zip line add crazy things to the maps and open all kinds of possibilities.

that is a quick review, but I think there are some really cool maps and of course just like BF2 the best are 32 man servers on a 64 man map.
