View Full Version : Kicked for high ping

November 4th, 2005, 08:44 AM
more like kicked because we were owning!

Picture this: Map is Wake Island, Biggs has a J10, Andy and Roseline have the China attack chopper, T4rg3T has a Tank and goose in the corner asleep (hey!, it was late). The US team hasn't made landfall and hasn't taken a single flag - they can't between Biggs' 50 kills, Andy's flying and Roseline's shooting and T4rg3T shooting people from the main island to the US arty island. Didn't take long after that for an admin to get his panties in a wad and kick us all but Roseline for 'High ping'. Man that was awesome!

November 4th, 2005, 09:14 AM
lmao...good job guys. Wish I could have been there for that...but, alas, someone was home...

I did have a blast playing alst night, though...was fun, as always.

November 4th, 2005, 09:53 AM
yeah that was awesome........we work awesomly as a squad!

November 4th, 2005, 09:55 AM
That was pretty funny. They even tried swimming from the artillery island to shore because boats were giving Biggs a sugar high.

When I started seeing people get kicked for high ping, I started typing but I got kicked right before I could hit the Enter key to put it up. Roseline tried talking smack to them but they just told her to leave. Area 51 Gamers was the name of the server I believe.

November 4th, 2005, 10:15 AM
yeah we will have to go back there...that was crazy ownage
even Goose got a Silver... j/k

I was there as well bird brain!!!

I was tank Sniping...If Biggs didnt get them...a rarety...and A/Roz would not do a hovering death, and Toby would not shoot there cuban rafts full of lead, I would offer them a 150mm lead "laser" :)

I thought you were dead in that hut, goose...I guess you thought you were stationed there for some R&R on the beach.

Biggs is hilarioius to watch, he "feeds" on those boats...like a an ethiopian pelican, seeing a lake full of bait fish.

For Biggs "enemy boat spotted" = Pr0n

November 4th, 2005, 10:39 AM
I thought you were dead in that hut, goose...I guess you thought you were stationed there for some R&R on the beach.

I said I was asleep - between the rest of you goobers, I didn't have anything to shoot at since I was a sniper and I can't fly to save my life. Jeez! give me a break, I'm the lowest ranking MERC still playing BF2

November 4th, 2005, 10:56 AM
Man I wished I could have played last night. Got home from dinner and my freakin stomach was killin me. Not sure what I had but I am okay today. I will get some time in tonight for sure!

November 4th, 2005, 11:28 AM
sure..you and Dirge...what next goose will fly?!?!?!


November 4th, 2005, 11:42 AM
LMFAO, Some good quotes in thei thread

"Boats give Brent a sugar high"
"For Biggs "Enemy Boat spotted" = Pron"
"what's next, goose will fly"


This one one of those rare smacktard events. It was comical how Brent had just finished saying "we're about to get a clan ban" then boot, boot, boot, boot, boot, every Merc was banned for high ping. Damn we kicked the snot out of them like a red headed step child. The best was the guy telling Brent not to be an ass hat. LMFAO, "Hey Biggs, stop being an asshat"
