View Full Version : Hard drive not detecting

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 3rd, 2005, 05:27 PM
I built a computer for my neighbor, ASUS K8S-MX, 2800 Clawhammer, 2x256 Corsair ValueSelect RAM, 2 SATA Seagate Barracuda hard drives.

Intially I had a RAID setup with the drives, but I noticed some odd behavior with the computer. Slow running, not loading all the programs in the system tray. So I reformatted and reinstalled everything and it worked fine upon the first start. But after I downloaded and installed some updates it started the same thing as before. So I thought my RAID was screwed and I turned off the RAID and tried to use the computer like normal with 2 seperate drives. Wouldn't boot, so I formatted the drives again and didn't turn the RAID on. But when I got to the install section to install Windows it said that it couldn't detect and hard disk drives and to check connections and use any disks that came with the drives. Well the drives are OEM so no disks, only thing on the disk that came with the mobo is RAID drivers.

So Onji told me to take the battery out of the mobo to reset the CMOS. Same result so he had me flash the bios with the newest bios but I'm still stuck at the same spot, Windows won't recognize the hard drives. I see in the POST that it detects the drives. I've tried all the hard drive connections 2 or 3 times, tried both of the SATA ports on the mobo, 1 hard drive at a time, and today I tried the RAM modules 1 at a time. All with the same result, Windows doesn't regcognize the drives.

I'm at a total loss of what to do, I've built 2 other computers, reformatted 6 or 7 computers. But this doesn't make sense to me especially because it has already recognized the drives on 2 previous installs with no dificulty.

Like I told Onji yesterday, I'm to the point where I want to dropkick the thing off a building. Not to mention I look like an a$$ to my neighbors because I told them I could build them a computer and now it's been like 2 weeks of problems with them still not having their computer.

Help me....


November 3rd, 2005, 05:40 PM
My guess would be that you need to install a controller when WinXP load is first starting. The motherboard or something should have come with some drivers for the onboard SATA controller. Load those when asked.

Also, check your jumper settings on the HDD...they may need to be different because of the RAID and then no RAID...I dunno about that though.

November 3rd, 2005, 05:40 PM
Have you tried slaving the drives onto a working computer to see if they are recognized?

Have you run fdisk on them lately?

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 4th, 2005, 02:34 PM
I put one of them on my computer and it recognized it fine, not sure what fdisk is. I did use partition magic 8.0 to format them the last time.

No jumpers on the drives and the only driver about hard drives is the RAID driver, nothing about SATA. Guess I'll check if I need to change a jumper setting on the mobo though. I don't have any other ideas.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 5th, 2005, 01:01 PM
Of all the stupid things that would make this work....

I had to install the RAID drivers for XP to recognize the hard drives, the thing that I thought was the problem before. I'll let you know how it goes this time around.
