View Full Version : AWESOME!!

August 17th, 2005, 10:49 PM
Tonight was awesome! Thanks to everybody who got me back to Lance Corp.!!! Without you guys it would have taken me a week to get sort of back to where I was. Did anyone get any screen cap's of the scores or anything?? Post em if ya did! And thanks again!

August 18th, 2005, 05:44 AM
You mean you finally ended a round in the positive? WOW

August 18th, 2005, 07:16 AM
ummm i think he made up for it...Skitz ended in the 340ish point total
Andy 305ish
Biggs 230ish
Me 210ish
Ex 190ish
Yankee 150ish
the total squad score for the 30 min round was 1083

Biggs and Diesel's new company...
Point Wh0re Tour Guide Services
"From lush jungles to arid deserts...you will wh0re it up like the Hilton's!!"

August 18th, 2005, 07:17 AM
Thanks Biggs and Diesel. I got many ribbons and points galore with your point ***** tour guide. Very effective.
My name is Andyconda and I endorse this system

August 18th, 2005, 08:56 AM
Yes I must agree you guys know your S**t. I just wish we would have won the round though.

August 18th, 2005, 09:52 AM
Skitz ended in the 340ish point total
Andy 305ish
Biggs 230ish
Me 210ish
Ex 190ish
Yankee 150ish
the total squad score for the 30 min round was 1083

is that global points? if so, OMG man ya'll were probably close to being "Smack-Tarded" out of that server.

August 18th, 2005, 09:56 AM
Jeeze, that is some big numbers.

I need to jump on the BF2 with you guys again. I've been too busy to play a lot recently.

August 18th, 2005, 10:00 AM
Your telling me. I just got the commander spot, so I would have been way up there in global score. Yes Jerry those were Global scores and we were racking them up.

August 18th, 2005, 12:47 PM
yes for clarification that was the global pint score for one round!!!
amazing we lost...but we got points out te ying yang, if Onji had been with us he would have been a Corp. by now..lol
Yankee was collecting ribbons like the nades falling out of our chopper!!
That is what I call teamwork! :laugh:

August 18th, 2005, 01:41 PM
it was raining nades and pouring land mines.

if we would of won that round the commander score would have been like 500 points! and we did mutiny the commander so one of us could get the points. stat whoring the right way!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
August 19th, 2005, 02:31 AM
LOL! If there was an admin on we would have been reported to EA and banned from BF2 all together. The worst was our Commander had 120 or so points and we mutiny him so one of us could get it. Then we got shot outta the Blackhawk and lose all but 1 of the CP's which only had 1 sucky APC and we only had like 50 tickets left. Still a lot of fun and I hope to do it again some day.
