View Full Version : Jet Tips

August 10th, 2005, 10:40 AM
Here are some of the things I do that help make my flying somewhat successfull.

1. When flying cycle through the weapons constantly, this will show u all air and ground targets on the HUD. Do this like every coupls of seconds, u will be suprised how many guys are driving those buggys!

2. When taking out ground targets, I find the gun is more effective than the bombs, unless ur in the su34 of f15 of course. Just fire ur gun at the target and move your rudder left and right so u can throughly spray the area of ur target.

3. When in dogfights:

a. Speed is almost everything, so try to have a higher altitude then ur opponent, as physics will help u gain speed when u fly down to pwn him.

b. When fireing missiles wait until the flares are dispensed then wait until he either flys straight. So u say they never fly straight, yeah i know. The best time to launch u payload is when the enmy jet is changing his course. When the jet is pulling hard left thens begin to switch directions and pull hard right you should fire 2 missiles. Those few seconds that he changes his direction will be the death of him. I also like to fire 2 missiled at the same time.

c. Your machine gun is very effective just make sure u aim in front of ur enemy. like shooting duck! A few direct hits will take out the plane.

4. When trying to take out helos begin by throttling back a bit. As u are waiting to get a lock with ur missiles fire u machine gun the entire time. The MG will knock the guys riding out and cause serious damage to the helo. Oh, and remeber to wait until after he dispenses his flares.

I have a few moves that allow u to escape being chased and put u right behind the guy who was just chasing u, but they are to hard to explain. If you want me to show u guys just let me know. It will probably be best to do so in a two seater.

Oh and if u have some more TIPS please post them!

August 10th, 2005, 10:46 AM
Another thing that works on helos about 5075% of the time is cut a short circle back top them after they let go of flares. This puts them almost off the screen when you get tone. Fire two wuick missiles and they will hit more often than firing from far away. For some reason, the transport choppers can only really be hit from behind by missiles.If you shoot at the side, it goes through the doors and out of the other side.

Another thing, when you have someone on your tail, fly towards enemy aircraft if you can, more often than not, the missile chasing you nails the enemy causing negative poitns for the guy on your tail.

As for evasive manuvers, I use Immelman's Reverse Immelmans, and terrain hugging.

August 10th, 2005, 03:56 PM
My tactics for flying.

I always fly with just the bombs selected and the reasons I do that is for a number of reasons.

1) The second your radar picks up a target the enemy hears that "beep beep beep" and starts spinning around and going crazy in an effort to loose the pursuer. This makes it hard to "sneak" behind them and in prime position.

2) I usually spot hostile aircraft before the radar does anyway.

When on my attack run on an aerial target I will wait for the enemy to fly straight and level before switching to missles, Lock on and fire two missles and switch back to bombs. The result is the enemy gets "beep beep, BOOOOOM" or if one of your missles misses the target it will not be "painted" and more often then not they won't engage in crazy acrobatics in an effort to loose you. Many probably think your missles were ground shots that missed. So you are free to take a second attack without much effort.

Plus when you aren't painting the enemy target, they never "KNOW" for sure if they lost you or not. So you can leave them spinning in the air and run for supplies, wait for them to give up and fly straight or just pick them off with a machine gun everytime they fly straight (I've done this to a couple of LAMERC's :p)

Just my take. :)

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
August 12th, 2005, 10:56 AM
My flying tips...

1. Make sure you have enough alttitude before attempting Immelman's or else your on a collision course with the ground. Occassionally you get lucky enough to sucker the fool who was on your 6 straight into the ground too. But if he is any good your just not giving him the kill he was working so hard for.

2. When terrain hugging don't fly into the terrain. See above.

3. Don't fly with me. Your not going to get any kill assists, kills, or anything positive on your scorecard. Just deaths. Lots of deaths. But if your up for a few suicides then hop on in boys!

I need more practice in jets and helos in combat situations. I can fly both alright and not crash when I have no one attacking me. But when I get into dogfight situations I either crash myself or get killed. Although I'm getting better at using the bombs on jets, and using the guided missles on jets and helos. Just ask Dragon and Skits. Me and brent were rolling in the Su34 on Gulf of Oman, Dragon and Skits steal a blackhawk off the carrier deck. I actually saw them get some kills on the upper left of my screen in a blackhawk. As me a brent went over the carrier for a nice bombing run I guide a missle right into their stolen blackhawk. Double TK w00tn3ss. They were kinda pissed.

August 12th, 2005, 11:15 AM
My flying tips

When launching off a ground based run way, if your goning to try a barrel roll right off the deck, make sure to use the rutter in conjunction.

Your missles hate your team mates.

Shoot any Special forces guy (team mate) that is near your plane. He's probably gonna pack your jet with C4.

Riding shotgun in a bomber with a dude you don't know is probably going to get you killed.

Lag only affects you, not the guy your dog fighting with. He knows this.

Careful, the right rutter button and the eject button are too close together. DAMMIT!!

Lastly, your team mate in the other jet will not do his flyby/reload in the same direction every time. And he is going to blame you no matter who's fault it was.

August 12th, 2005, 12:49 PM
rgr tht bs, sad but its all true. lol!

August 23rd, 2005, 02:19 PM
this is for drax and anyone else i have flown against.


its got some descriptions and pics of the moves i use when flying in bf and i think they can help you out, as they are hard to explain but easy to master.

the high speed yo yo described on this website is almost exactly what i do in game to get behind my targets. the low speed yo yo works awesome to if you have enough alt to pull it off. the immelmen and split s are very effective although i have kinda combined the split s and the immelem to make a patented "Biggs" move. The later two are great for escaping an attacking mig or j10.

when being attacked my move consists of going into are hard split s then once i am close to the ground i use the after burner to accelerate into a immelman.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
August 23rd, 2005, 02:40 PM
Well I know what an Immelman is now. I thought it was a complete circle. No wonder I keep getting housed by enemy aircraft in dogfights.

August 23rd, 2005, 10:00 PM
Ah the friendly ownage skies!!

August 24th, 2005, 11:51 AM
Sweet pics Mike. I wish you would have gotten the one where I was inverted over you and biggs. Another thing Brent has mentioned before for you Jet guru's is to make sure you bind a key to first person view and chase cam. That way you can toggle between front and rear views. makes it easy to avoid an enemy but also I like it becuase when someone paints me I can fly away looking back to see where it came form. Then do a Biggs move and fly up turn around and dive at them lighting them up with guns before you bomb them. Workds great. make sure to use your rudders to guide your gun fire. Very effective. Also turn off a lot of shadow and lighting crap as it will make your visoin better in game.

August 24th, 2005, 12:43 PM
I have no idea how I did not, but I checked last night...and no dice
So Biggs, Drax, Dirge...when you are painted you switch to 3rd person or chase and make your move, or do you do it all in first???
I get lost in the clouds when doing high altitude moves.

August 24th, 2005, 07:43 PM
i fly 50 percent of the time in reverse view. most of the time i look and see where my bombs hit or my guns blow up something. i also check my butt for enemy jets and do all of the defensive part of the dogfight in the rear view cam.

August 25th, 2005, 08:07 AM
I would like to find some way to program some of the buttons on my joystick to change to a specific view. That way I can check my six and flip back to the cockpit view quickly.

August 25th, 2005, 02:33 PM
i have a toggel button that can point forward, backward, side ,side and diagonal. i used this to cycle views. just go to jet control options in bf2 and mess with the view setting. i think chase front is rearview and chase rear is front view. not sure though. just mess around with the joystick and game options and u will figure it out.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
August 27th, 2005, 10:22 AM
I attempted a few of the moves in the Harrier and boy did I suck bad. Granted I haven't flown much but I'm like Mike, when I get too high I can't figure out where I am and get lost. Doing the moves I'm not even sure I'm doing them or just flying like some nub. I did get in a short chase position on the Su but I didn't hit him much with my guns then he got behind me when I lost him and pwned me. It sucked because I thought I was actually going to get a kill as I was behind him for 15 or 20 secs. I need some more practice flying and need to setup the different views to see if that helps.

Great tips though guys, especially the link that brent put up so I can actually see what I'm supposed to be doing.

August 27th, 2005, 03:42 PM
Hey X. I read that even if you have your bearing when flying up into the clouds you may not be able to nose over or back to head down. The programmers did this to simulate a flat spin. The reason being the plane would no longer have the thrust to weight ratio to over come the spin. In order to do this the next time you get lost in the clouds use your afterburners. You may have noticed that some times even if you have your bearing you can't quit get the plane to do what you want. In those cases your in a flat spin and just hit after burners and keep trying to force the nose down. Also, I fly a lot in the first person view. I only need the chase cam to look back and see which way the enemy is closing on me or to see which way a sam came from. I will flip back to see teh enemy and then flip back and do a manuever. I also found out that yoyo amneuvers work very well in this game. Yoyo while afterburning and you will turn on an enemy really fast. I also learned that you don't need to wait until the lock tone to fire. If your enemy has exausted his flares you can fire before lock tone and that way by the time your locked teh missle are half way there and will have a chance to hit. Most of the time if there good like Brent they are almost always banking making a missle kill extremely hard. In thast case go to guns and make sure you never stop turning. If you can't loose a trailer then do an immerlman but make sure after you come out of it that you bank hard right or left depending on your enemy's position because most good pilots know that your doing an immerlaman and can preidct your outcome and still out maneuver you. Above all practice makes perferct. Fly for yourself to see which moves semm to work for you.
