View Full Version : man, they just cant win

July 26th, 2005, 06:50 AM
new community update. looks like the stats servers got hacked.

Profiles with all Weapons Unlocked

Many users logged into Battlefield 2 today to discover that they had access to all of the game's weapons unlocked in their profile. We have fixed the root issue that caused this to occur and by tomorrow morning all users will return to having access only to the weapons which they had earned. Once our solution is in place, if you find that you do not have access to weapons appropriate to your in-game rank, please direct inquiries to the Support sites linked below. In some cases users may be prompted to re-select the Unlock weapons that they are eligible for (if you are eligible for two weapons you will get to choose the two you wish to have unlocked).

Users in the U.S., please visit http://eatech.custhelp.com to report your technical issue and one of our Support representatives will help you out ASAP.

July 26th, 2005, 08:54 AM
Yeah I noticed that.. on the plus side I got to try out most of the weapons and now know what I want and the order in which I want to get them.

I'm hoping they allow me to reselect. The engineer's shotgun was the most useful to me. The Assults weapon was good but you lose your grenade launcher and that just sucked. I get more kills with a grenade launcher then I do with a gun.

It was fun to try them all out though. LOL

July 26th, 2005, 11:51 AM
Those must be the same guys that hacked my stats and make it impposible for me to get any further awards. The only thing that updates are gold, silver, or bronze and my scores. Haxed.

July 26th, 2005, 11:52 AM
Can someone add my updated sig along with Darren's award so I can see my totals. Thanks.

July 26th, 2005, 12:49 PM
Dude if that is the case and I can reselect a weapon that will be sweet. I like the G3 but I think I will have to choose something else.

Yes I think I will take my mulligan, Thank You!!!!

July 27th, 2005, 06:55 AM
EA Sucks. BF2 Sucks. EA's lame response for the crap job they've done just adds fuel to the fire. It's my own stupid fault for not learning. I don't think EA has released a game yet that didn't have major flaws. I mean I can understand little problems here and there but they always seem to have MAJOR ones. I think I'm on my way back to playing Source.

July 27th, 2005, 07:28 AM
It ran fine last night, we had a good time, it is more a case of lame arse servers
that people run, IMHO, as I was not granted anything from one server that I played one night on, but I do not think it is EA, it will be ok TK1, remember Source is no better...they still do not have VAC out?!?!?!

July 27th, 2005, 08:57 AM
Our source server has been VAC secured for quite some time now. i saw it get rid of a hacker just the other night.

July 27th, 2005, 10:07 AM
yeah, VAC is working pretty good for a while now. I've seen it ban quite a few people, and seen quite a few hackers whining about how they can't play on any secure server anymore.

Ohh, also, the Chicken Mod has been released for Source (where you can turn into a chicken with a knife, etc.) and a bunch of other mods too.
