View Full Version : BF2 Retail Goodness

June 23rd, 2005, 06:28 AM
Well I gotta say last night was pretty fun. I just wish I could have gotten a screen cap when we got Best Squad!!

Although it would make it a lot easier to accomplish our tasks when you don't have a freakin commander issuing new orders every sec! I hope for the most part I did an okay job @ Sqd Ldr, even if I can't drive a freakin jeep!

June 23rd, 2005, 08:13 AM
I did a little playing last night till I was so rudely interupted by company that stayed all night. I figured out one thing right off the bat, if I even looked at the helicopter I died. If anyone sees me heading toward the chopper in online play, please cap me. Even if your my team mate, please help me stay out of that thing.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 23rd, 2005, 08:15 AM
LOL, I'm with ya skits, just leave the driving to me and you be the gunner. I'm not much of a shooter yet in this game, been practicing so much on the chopper I haven't worked on my ground game. You did what you were supposed to try to do as squad leader. But I think we do better when we just freelance and take stuff over.

June 23rd, 2005, 08:40 AM
I agree that freelance is the better way to go in some cases. For the most part I think we did fairly well.

June 23rd, 2005, 09:50 AM
Yeah it was a bunch of fun playing last night. I never got a chance to play a jet and I'm still working on the helicopter with the joystick. I did pretty good on the ground though. I'm becoming a real crack shot with the grenade launcher. I took out tons of people with that thing.

June 23rd, 2005, 11:46 AM
We did great for the conditions, the servers are jammed and the nubs are rampent...gj to everyone..keep your head low, and you feet movin...hehehe
We just need a little better coordination, of who, what, where...we seem to have the where down, as we would wait for the squad leader and the other members to spawn and coordinate together. Now we need to work on specific kits...for instance me and Skitz held a bridge forever against serious armor...with 2 guys, a medic and a anti tank guy, we helped each other out, that is what we need.

A good leader would make all the difference as in this case as soon as Toby rained artillery on us...we got the hell out of the bridge area...lol
he is evil!!!!!!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 23rd, 2005, 11:55 AM
Yeah we just need better kits theory in our squads. What usually happens to me is someone will kill me in armor so I respawn as antitank. Then I get sniped or naded so I come back as assault or special forces and get taken out by armor again. It's a screwed up cycle.

June 23rd, 2005, 12:01 PM
Sorry about the orders but it was for someone else. I was trying to point them to the enemy. There are so many times when I come up on a group of enemy's without warning so I always try to give a heads up.

Artillery? What artillery?

June 23rd, 2005, 12:03 PM
I for one loved the rounds where TK2 and me went on the C4 spree. Toby went to kit with C4 and I went to suport to resupply him and he had an infinite supply of C4 and and if you leave Toby alone a sec with that stuff, things will be blown up. FYI Toby. You don't have to blow up helicopters just becuase there sitting there, geesh I'm glad I wasn't sitting still I'm sure he would have tried to put some on me.

June 23rd, 2005, 12:22 PM
Sorry about the orders but it was for someone else. I was trying to point them to the enemy. There are so many times when I come up on a group of enemy's without warning so I always try to give a heads up.

I totally understand where you were coming from last night. I was talking about the freakin Nub who was in command before I logged off the first time. It was some Non-Merc Nub who couldn't make up his freakin mind where he wanted any of the squads to go. He would issue repair orders and we didn't even have an engineer!

Definitely need to have a kit structure. Having that medic or support person run behind you with the supplies is definitely sweet!!

June 23rd, 2005, 12:51 PM
I want the game!! :madd

June 23rd, 2005, 03:42 PM
I haven't mastered squad tactics yet. I'm still used to the solo fighting style. I've noticed that many of the players like to go head first into the enemies heavily fortified points.

I tend to capture the ones where there aren't any enemies... or at least fewer of them. I also tend to sneak behind the enemy lines by going the long way and then shooting them in the back... with a tank I stole from thier base... That sort of thing.

Not many squads really do that kind of game play.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 23rd, 2005, 03:56 PM
I'm rolling with Mindwerks next time, I like the way he thinks.


June 23rd, 2005, 05:23 PM
Hey, thanks alot!

June 23rd, 2005, 05:52 PM
I had a great time too last night. I'll stick to watching the copters and jets as they spontaneously combust as soon as I step foot in one. I did the best in the rounds when I went around back and sniped people.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 24th, 2005, 07:11 AM
Well you live and learn in this game that's for sure. I said I'm rolling with Mindwerks now but I've learned to not be his gunner in the chopper. Granted I'm not much of a shot but when I'm yelling into the mike "HE'S RIGHT BEHIND US!" Well you guys can picture our firey ending.

Skits I wasn't trying to dis you just looking to actually get some kills and points.

June 24th, 2005, 08:19 AM
roger that

June 24th, 2005, 08:33 AM
We had some good runs last night..hopefully everyone will get some real points since they were ranked servers. It takes like a day to compile it seems. Maybe that is why the germen servers were playing so smooth.

We played last nigh on the EA DE officail ranked # servers last night and the ping was hoorible, but the game played pretty smooth, I think the ping caused some of bullets to not register, but compared to the American ranked servers the game was playable with out all that lag. I know I heard a few people call out their medals, and that is a cool part of this game. I can see all of us getting alot better in this game. We all had our moments, I loved when andy, said, "I was killed by bloodbath&beyond...queer arse name"...lol
I am still thinking about that this morning.

The MERC squad is always on top...w00t!!

now things to keep in mind...
-We need some more solid diversity in the groups...we need more blacks...j/k, we need
anti-tank, medic, and we need to fill roles of the squads to help each other out.
-Mindwerks...bomd the "red" guys :p:
-Andy give up that worthless Sniper gun...lol
-TK1,2,3...at least we know the auto-ban time limit...about 10-15 min...LMAO
-Skitz when I say park here..I mean over there.. :stick
-for the love of Bravo, Delta Eelephant, is not BE
-"I love the Smell of Napalm in the morning"...How many times did we get blasted by Artillery on that one map...and we won....lol

June 24th, 2005, 09:19 AM
I learned that if you are gonna jump in a jet with ex you better be ready to grab your joy stick and pilot the jet because he will switch seats on you and before you know it you will be in a firey mass of twisted metal at the other end of the runway! lol...damn that was funny!

June 24th, 2005, 09:21 AM
i love being the spec ops, but i get a little crazy with the c4 sometimes. so if u ever see me running, u better hit the deck cause something is about to blow, haha.

June 24th, 2005, 09:35 AM
Yeah, last night was a good time. I need to start using the recorder function to catch some of these Leroy Jenkins Moments. Like last night I'm charging a fortificationin a dune buggy at top speed. As I power slide into the flag I see a MEC Helo drop from the sky like a rock and land right beside me, ON ITS SIDE, still running. I see Exile bail out and I think to myself, damn he's lucky that thing didn't explode before he got out. Just then he starts yelling at Robby, "Dirge you idiot, get out" Robby says "What", apparently Robby didn't notice that the heliciopter had plumiteted from the sky like a led zepplin and was now lying on its side gettig ready to explode. What happened next you ask. Well before Robby exits the helo stage left I tell him, "No worries, I got it", The reply was nothing but laughter. But with my L33t helo skills I jump in and manage to roll it upright and get air borne. LMFAO. Granted, the blades hacked up a lot of crap before that big monster got back in the sky but I pulled off a David Copperfield move on that one. That's right, who can make the elephant disappear, hehehehehe. FYI Diesel A is Alpha, B is Bravo, C is Charlie, D is Delta and E is Echo NOT ELEPHANT, hehehehe LMFAO that was a good one.
I especially love the convoy moment. We push back the enemy all the way to the mountain where they have but one spawn point left at the top. I make it to the base of the mountain at the cross roads and apparenly we were all on the same page because all of a sudden there are like 5 armoured vehicles in a convoy heading up the mountain in a convoy. I spared you guys the joy but the whole time I'm singing the song from C.W. McCall CONVOY

It was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June
And a Kenworth pullin' logs
Cab-over Pete with a reefer on
And a Jimmy haulin' hogs
We's headin' for bear on Eye-one-oh
'bout a mile outta Shakeytown
I says "Pigpen, this here's Rubber Duck"
"And I'm about to put the hammer down"

('cause we got a little ole convoy rockin' thru the night)
(Yeah, we got a little ole convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight?)
(Come on and join our convoy, ain't nothin' gonna get in our way)
(We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 'cross the USA)

By the time we got into Tulsa-town we had 85 trucks in all
But they's a roadblock up on the cloverleaf
And them bears 's wall-to-wall
Yeah, them smokeys 's thick as bugs on a bumper
They even had a bear in the air
I says "Callin' all trucks, this here's the Duck"
"We about to go a-huntin' bear"

('cause we got a great big convoy rockin' thru the night)
(Yeah, we got a great big convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight?)
(Come on and join our convoy, ain't nothin' gonna get in our way)
(We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 'cross the USA)

Well, we rolled up Interstate Forty-Four
Like a rocket-sled on rails
We tore up all of our swindle sheets
And left 'em settin' on the scales
By the time we hit that "Chi-town"
Them bears was a-gettin smart
They brought up some reinforcements
From the "Illinoise" National Guard

There's armored cars and tanks and jeeps
'n' rigs of ev'ry size
Yeah, them chicken coops was full of bears
And choppers filled the skies
Well, we shot the line, we went for broke
With a thousand screamin' trucks
And eleven long-haired friends of Jesus
In a chartreuse microbus

Well, we laid a strip for the Jersey Shore
Prepared to cross the line
I could see the bridge was lined with bears
But I didn't have a doggone dime
I says "Pigpen, this here's the Rubber Duck"
"We just ain't a-gonna pay no toll"
So we crashed the gate doin' ninety-eight
I says "let them truckers roll, ten-four"

('cause we got a mighty convoy rockin' thru the night)
(Yeah, we got a mighty convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight?)
(Come on and join our convoy, ain't nothin' gonna get in our way)
(We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 'cross the USA)

June 24th, 2005, 10:18 AM
I was looking at my stats last night and I had zeros in everything. Even the Basic Air Defense award I got did not show up. I was looking in the BFHQ tab. The BFHQ tab is the place to check your points correct?

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 24th, 2005, 11:06 AM
Yeah but it takes some time to appear. I got the basic armor award the first map I was on, then I started playing with you boons.

I got combat sniper award and combat assault award today, had a pretty good ping too, now if I could just remember the server name.

Squads are cool we just need to get a good commander and setup our kits right. Today I had a squad leader that was medic and he saved me 4 times in about 5 minutes. Definately get a medic and supply guy with 2 or three others and we can take some stuff over like a mofo.

June 24th, 2005, 11:44 AM
I ran as a supply guy pretty good last night. Need ammo, come see me.

June 24th, 2005, 12:56 PM
Yeah Rich, as Ex said, they all do it differently, probably if you boot it up today you will see it, but I do not know when they do it. It is like our CS stats, that would retrieve it like every 12 hrs or so. Yeah a medic, engineer, and support are vital to a squad, I would think that a 2nd medic, anti-tank, and spec ops would round out a mean squad

What are your feelings?

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 24th, 2005, 01:15 PM
A second Medic wouldn't hurt, hell they even get a decent setup, M16, grenades, and can heal the team. I think you would only NEED an Engineer if there was a fair amount of armor and your squad was planning on using armor. Two Medics, Spec Ops, Support, then it sorta depends on what your squad plans on doing. I decent sniper working with a squad could provide cover and info on enemy placement. Only major drawback I see with an Engineer is the shotgun, some maps are tight cities and it's not so bad. But I tend to end up making 50 yard plus shots, and man do I suck with open sights after about 120 or so yards. Anti-tank is a great last man to add to a squad, especially if you have that support guy to keep him well stocked with rockets. I'll tell you what if we could get 2 squads setup with 2 medics, spec ops, support, and anti-tank working together? Holy snikes would armor be in serious trouble, not to mention a fair number of infantry.

June 24th, 2005, 01:33 PM
just a few hint that ea sent me...i really like the unlock for the snipers..see #4

1- AT weapons. Everytime you aim at an enemy tank or apc this weapon will set off a warning in that vehicle. If you aim slightly above the vehicle while firing the warning will not trigger. Then steer the missile down and hit him at the very last moment.

2- SAM sites. Wait for the enemy aircraft to drop his countermeasure flares before you shoot, or the missile will probably miss.

3- Smoke launchers. Hit the X-key to deploy a smoke screen in front of the turret if you are in a tight spot with your tank or apc. This can also be used to create a smokescreen for your advancing teammates.

4- Barret 95 The sniper unlock weapon can be used to shoot through bulletproof glass. This means you can snipe players in vehicle cockpits.

5- Bombers The gunner in a bomber has a Laser guided missile that can lock on to any enemy occupied ground vehicle. The pilot should aim to find enemy vehicles on the ground and line the gunner up for clean shots.

6- Fighter jets When the bombs are activated the heatseeking missiles will no longer trigger lock-on warnings in enemy planes. This can be useful if you want to sneak up on somebody.

7- Snipers Set up claymore mines to guard your rear when you are in a firing position.

8- Work together. Play with friends in a squad and reap the benefits. Your squad leader is a mobile spawn point. Communicate over squad VOIP channels.

9- Plant C4 to guard flags. When the enemy tries to take the flag, detonate your C4. C4 sticks to all vehicles - Use this to your advantage.

10- AT takes out apc, two assault guys moving in while support guy refills the AT guy (and fires supressive fire into the base). Medic follows assault guys reviving and healing during the combat. When base is taken, squad is intact and refilled. That kind of thing would be great to show off.

11- Attack helicopters. Make sure to use a gunner. He's weapons are far more effective than the rockets the pilot is controlling. The pilots job should be to position the gunner to use the TV guided missile and cannon.

June 24th, 2005, 01:54 PM
really Drifter...that much to say, :p:
Yeah I think the engineer is great to fix the vehicles the squad takes, most maps you tend to jump in one, instead of huffing it.

the medic kit is nice that is why i would sacrifice an assault or spec ops for 2 medics,
but no doubt you need a medic, anti-tank, and a support guy in the group at all times.

I am always either an enginneer or medic, depending if I am squad leader, and if we want to use armour or not. Engineers are very useful and I think must be part of the groups if you are going against a good team, as they will blow your commanders stuff and bridges...etc

so far we have

1.Spec Op
6.Engineer/Spec/Assault/Sniper depending on the map, but Armor is everywhere so I think Eng is the best.

Now we take 2-3 lone wolfs, like Works, as a Spec Op, get Toby as commander, and then a Sniper as Scout and we wold be cookin

June 24th, 2005, 03:59 PM
Man, we had a heck of a lot of medics last night on one of the maps, Like 5 of them. Me being one. The setup for it ain't that bad, not to mention you can heal yourself at anytime.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 24th, 2005, 04:30 PM
I'm thinking about testing out some Medic myself, it's not a bad kit at all. I think having 1 guy on your squad with a scope would be a big advantage when on some of the more open maps. Like I said in my last post my sighting isn't too good yet so if I can zoom in some it makes a big difference for me.

BTW, has anyone checked out the whole BFHQ yet? You can check out all kinds of stuff it's just like PyschoStats. There are lots of tabs I didnt' notice at first. You can even check out the points leaders, 6600 points for the top guys. They must live on this game.

June 27th, 2005, 09:54 AM
Not sure if anyone knows this or not. Here is a website to take a look at. http://www.tacticalgamerz.com/

Basically I found this piece of info.
" EAs commitment to rental servers (they are the only ones who can "unlock" your Battlefield 2 kits by the way) has made me furious. In protest I have unlocked all of our servers kits for you to enjoy."

It's like the third post on the page. This straight from a group that has a server or servers running. It's hard enough getting on a ranked server to play as a group but to unlock the kits, well that just sucks! I will look around for more info.

June 27th, 2005, 10:23 AM
So if the kits are unlocked they will only be unlocked on a particular server? I thought the whole thing behind getting the kits unlocked would be that you could use them where ever you decided to play.

June 27th, 2005, 11:02 AM
you have ranked servers and nonranked servers

Ranked servers are kind of linked together in a way, as where your stats carry over to each ranked server, if you unlock a kit, or get promoted, you see the same thing on each ranked server.

Nonranked servers are not linked in anyway, and they can set what server parameters they want, if they want to unlock weapons they can. Some admins choose to do this, some dont. So your expierence on nonranked servers will vary.

June 27th, 2005, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the info!

Now I tried setting up a server this weekend and I could not find where you unlock the kits. I did however read that you could edit one of the .conf files to unlock the kits.

June 27th, 2005, 11:53 AM
Go to 'Battlefield 2 Demo\python\bf2\stats'
Open 'unlocks.py'
Locate the line:

defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Change the 0s to 1s so it becomes:

defaultUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Now when choosing your kit, you can hit the little double-arrow button next to the kit to toggle between the two weapons.


June 27th, 2005, 10:59 PM
Here's a screen cap of Mike and I jumping off the Dam.

June 28th, 2005, 06:02 AM
Funny it seems a lot higher when you falling down it in a boat! lmao Last night was fun. When I finally got up from playing (after 4 hours non-stop), my fingers were cramped into a claw and I peed for like 15 minutes! AND I only TK'ed about 10 people total last night. Diesel was the one running over people tonight!

heheh ANd I got two ribbons last night while flying air support and mowing 'em down! Take that MR I stay home with the drugged up baby and play BF2 and am now a rear admiral! LMAO

June 28th, 2005, 06:26 AM
Yep I got my Basic Aviator Badge thanks to Andy, great flying by the way! And I also got my Basic Armor Badge. I checked my stats this morning and I am a sliver from PFC!!! Of course I too had to come to work today so there was no time for me to play. Though I think one of my cats is getting sick and I probably should stay home tomorrow and the next day just to make sure it pulls through...

June 28th, 2005, 08:04 AM

Lance Corpral here, I get to unlock a kit...wohoo!!
that dam jump was sweet.
I got my airborne ribbon yesterday for getting a skilled parachute jump!

That 1-0 win last night was great..talk about a nail-bite'r!
that was incredible teamwork....
Dirge bombing run, Andy & Zen chopper run, then me, Skitz, and Onji take the flag...that was great

June 28th, 2005, 08:11 AM
We had a good run after you logged off. Andy and I were pounding the hell out of the marines. Andy and Dirge have mAd PilOt SkIllZ...

June 28th, 2005, 08:37 AM
Oh now you did it...they will not be able to close the cockpit with those air ballons for heads they will have now

June 28th, 2005, 09:06 AM
So do you get to choose which kit is unlocked?
