View Full Version : Problem with new PC.

April 2nd, 2005, 09:51 AM
I have a problem with a new PC that me and Dragon put together for [Lag] Ski, and yes I know some of the problem may be the builders. The PC only has XP pro sp2 and Half Life 2 / Source on it. Nothing else. The thing keeps restarting on me. Usually when you load up the game. Sometimes it will let you play for a few minutes. No warning, no messages, no nothing, windows will just reboot. I did get one error when I tried to play HL2 :

Engine Error
Internal Driver Error in IDirect3D Device9::present()

Nothing was done out of the ordinary when Dragon put the thing together. All the jumpers are at defaults, there are no errors listed in hardware profiles. Needless to say, I dont have a clue whats wrong.

ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe mobo
AMD processor
512 ddr Geil
Geforce FX5700 PCI
80 gig HD
and enough fans to blow the gulf of mexico dry.

April 2nd, 2005, 12:37 PM
The reason it reboots is because of a windows setting under Startup and Recovery that tells windows to restart incase of a system failure.

Now, I don't know what the system failure might be but it could be something with the ram timings or cpu.

Go into the bios settings and set it to default then save and exit and try that.

April 4th, 2005, 10:03 AM
oky doky, I'll give it ah try today. My employer is trying to work me to death. I havent even had a chance to play source since last monday. You know your job sucks when they expect you to work the whole time they are paying you and even on the time they are not paying you. Thx oh mighty yoda of computers.

April 4th, 2005, 12:32 PM
I think you need more fans. That should do it.

April 4th, 2005, 01:59 PM
More fans it is then.... I'll have to install a tornado siren on the side of the case as an early warning system for the user ....

April 12th, 2005, 08:32 AM

ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe mobo
AMD processor
512 ddr Geil
Geforce FX5700 PCI
80 gig HD
and enough fans to blow the gulf of mexico dry.

Well maybe you resolved this by now but I thought I'd reply because something a lot like this was happening to me about a year ago. Spontaneous reboots while playing games, etc. When I finally took the side off my case and inspected things, I saw that the power supply plug had actually burned up, melted, and fused with the connector on the motherboard. Obviously not good, it was a mess lol. Had to get a new psu and motherboard. So was wondering if you have a decent psu to go with all those fans and stuff.

April 12th, 2005, 09:03 AM
I have the same problem, but it's just overheating with the side on sometimes my cpu hits 160, with the side off it stays under 100.
I really need to get more fans, do you guy put fans with air going in or out?
The case i have has the front and side fans blowing air in. Maybe i'll but a 12cm one for the back to blow out.

April 12th, 2005, 09:11 AM
I have the same problem, but it's just overheating with the side on sometimes my cpu hits 160, with the side off it stays under 100.
I really need to get more fans, do you guy put fans with air going in or out?
The case i have has the front and side fans blowing air in. Maybe i'll but a 12cm one for the back to blow out.

You need both. All in, and that hot air doesn't have anywhere to go. On my setup, the front fan pulls air in and the back fan pushes it out, my temps seem to stay pretty consistent.

|Team Moped| Kripto
April 12th, 2005, 03:27 PM
When I was playing around and tried to overclock my CPU it would become unstable and crash when i pushed it too far! Since it's new, I would go with Ill-OP's suggestion...try lowering some of the advanced CPU and Ram settings
