View Full Version : Problems Downloading brawwrr.wav

March 31st, 2005, 08:37 PM
I seem to be having trouble downloading the sound file brawwrr.wav. Has anyone else had problems with this? Eventually, a memory reference error is displayed and Source shuts down. This seems to be something that has occurred during the last few weeks as I have been able to log in before.

March 31st, 2005, 09:20 PM
here's the file, not sure why you would have trouble with it...unless it is something specific to our server (special sound we use or something) due to our downloads are turned off on the server.

put it in:
[driveletter]:\Program Files\valve\steam\SteamApps\[email addy]\counter-strike source\cstrike\sound\misc

March 31st, 2005, 09:33 PM
Would it seem odd to you if I had to create the sound folder?

Now I am getting the error on ooorgle.wav... Give me one more try and I will try reloading Source.

April 1st, 2005, 07:10 AM
im kinda having the same problem, cs downloads that file everytime i change to a new map

April 1st, 2005, 07:35 AM
im kinda having the same problem, cs downloads that file everytime i change to a new map

Me 2, but it has never stopped it from loading

April 1st, 2005, 07:51 AM
when I get home I can zip the whole folder up and send it to you. and yeah, that's kind of odd. Are you talking about creating the "misc" folder or the "sound" folder or the "Program Files" folder? if it's the "program files" folder, you have a log more trouble than just steam.

April 1st, 2005, 01:04 PM
Interesting. I had to create the sound and misc folders under the

[driveletter]:\Program Files\valve\steam\SteamApps\[email addy]\counter-strike source\cstrike

folder that already existed.

Are downloads turned off on the server? If so, should we be getting these files at all?

April 1st, 2005, 01:15 PM
yeah, downloads are turned off. recently the server we had hosting all the files lost it's free connection, and if the game server DL's the files it hurts everyone playing.

You should have a sound folder already. the misc folder might only be created when you have a custom map or sound pack.
