View Full Version : GTA 3 on PC?

April 26th, 2002, 01:20 PM
I've heard alot about this lately... dunno where I heard about it last, but Grand Theft Auto 3 is set to come on PC the 22nd of next month I think... internet capable, you can have like 16 people in a game at once.... who all will be in on this one?

I know I sure as hell will be..

May 2nd, 2002, 01:29 PM
Have yall no opinion on this? I think it'll be sweet

May 2nd, 2002, 01:37 PM
That would be sweet, I just hope they decide to put it on xbox sometime soon. I did hear some rumors that the xbox version was to be released sometime around the PC release.

I will keep my fingers crossed.

May 2nd, 2002, 01:43 PM
Bah, I never liked that game one bit. For one it was on the gaystation. If it comes out for Gamecube maybe I'll check out the new version. Xbox = crap

What to see the best console system out there? Go check out Resident Evil on the Gamecube!

Hootchie MAMA!

May 2nd, 2002, 02:17 PM
sorry to burst your bubble but this game will not have internet/multiplayer capabilities....for this reason alone it is going to fail miserably in stores....it's really sad to see such a good game lack multiplayer functionality


May 2nd, 2002, 03:03 PM
Well Blake... you did it... you burst my bubble... cuz that was only reason I was gonna get it

May 2nd, 2002, 03:15 PM
muwahahaha...this isn't Blake :p

I'm still gonna get it because it's fun to drive around blowing things up...and I like the PS2 version of it.

May 2nd, 2002, 04:43 PM
Didnt Sega have the 1st console CD-ROm?

Remember Sega-CD?

May 2nd, 2002, 06:56 PM
Hey Vicious, live in the now! CD technology was first invented and patented by Philips and Magnavox. Noxious is correct and Sega was the first console to base games on CD's. the advantage to this is a cheaper production cost than cartridges. That bull about money going to Sony...? This isn't radio airplay my friend. You wan t to crunch numbers I can throw some at you, but what you really need to look at is a side by side comparison of the consoles. Gamecube outweighs them all. in fact X-Box's VP just resigned. and about DVD playing... The PS2 will not play a lot of the higher end DVD's, such as the matrix revisited because its laser is not powerful enough. If you really want to know do some independent research on the internet.

May 2nd, 2002, 10:17 PM
Did you know?:

The Gamecube wasn't going to be the only Nintendo COnsole that uses cds?

Nintendo teamed up with Sony to develop a CD-ROM drive for the SNES. But when the talks between the 2 fell through, they broke apart.

THus, Sony developed the highly sucessful PSX, or as we so commonly call it nowadays, PSone.

If the SNES CD-ROM did come out, what would we be playing?

And Dirge, dont take this as me siding with ya. brutha.

Gamecube is ok, im planning on getting one, But PS2 0wnZ j00, f00!

Nothing can rival its gameplay! Its library is extensive. SOme of this years and last years BEst selling games are on THe PS2.

Its all in the numbers. So What if Gamecube has the remake of Res. Evil! We'll be able to play the DVD on our PS2! W00T!!!!

gimme a w00t! w00t!

Numbers. Just misshapen letters.

May 3rd, 2002, 12:42 AM
Hey Noxious, I'm glad you are up to date about the history of the PS1. As far as library... Wait unitl proprietary games for the Gamecube begin rolling off of the shelves. Not only is SEGA making games for all three platforms, Nintendo's series (THE most popular and best-selling games of all time (e.g. Mario, Zelda, Metroid) are coming out this year) will own the market. Now take into account the fact that PS2 platforms will already be in the hands of people who are mesmerized by the Gamecube, and you will notice the PS2 keep sales at a respectable level. However, when programmers become familiar enough with the Gamecube system, they will NOT even bother with the other platforms. Reports are that PS2 and X-Box are a pain compared to the GC as far as programming goes. As far as numbers, read into the above. If you are still confused, I will break it down for you economically.

And Noxious, I don't worry about you siding with me. I may give you a hard time, but it is about things I believe you bring on yourself, and I'm trying to help you realize this and assist you in becoming a better person :)

Keep it real people!

May 3rd, 2002, 08:58 AM
Oh well, just do like I'm going to do.

I'm just going to get all three of them.

Picking up a PS2 while in Memphis this weekend, and will pick up a Gamecube next paycheck because I have to have that StarWars game.

May 3rd, 2002, 11:25 AM
Nerd alert.... lol just playing...

Here goes I work at Blockbuster so as far as game selections and game play go I'll tell you PS2 is the best system out, by sheer game selection alone. Next would come.... Game Cube... Deny it if you want but XBox's best game is Halo and hell, Goldeneye on 64 was better than that garbage.... so last but not least if XBox

May 3rd, 2002, 12:27 PM
Well, we just get bored at work, so its good to have something to bide our time.

When we are up here late at night testing new versions of the billing system software and have spare time, we usually pull in the Big Screen tv's and hook up the xbox's and get some Halo multiplayer on. We've gotten kinda tired of it so we need new formats to play!!!

May 3rd, 2002, 06:21 PM
isn't Square about to start making games for the GameCube? if so i might have to side with Dirge because the fact remains that Square still makes some of if not the Best selling games on the Playstation and if GameCube gets them along with the Top Nintendo titles such as Mario, Metroid, Zelda and so on then the downfall of PS2 may not be too far away... Playstation fans may just have to pray that the PS3 is not far away and Sony can keep the PS alive with a lil bit of thinking about what the competition will do next... mainly because Sony got cocky and instead of waiting and putting that extra research and development time into their system while the others rush em out thus making them better they decided to bring out their system 1st and are about to get owned--- so to speak... but hey i could be wrong...

May 6th, 2002, 02:45 PM
You don't know how many times I wish I could go postal up here on the third floor, aka Amdocs floor. I would be such a nicer person if i was allowed to do that about once a week.
