View Full Version : Matrix online

February 22nd, 2005, 09:40 PM
ok ive been getting alot of e-mails from the guys over at TMO (the matrix online)
well atleast they sent an invite for a stress test (beta) to me on the 10 of feb when it started the 7-14th. so i passed but i have been looking at this and it looks like it may be pretty fun. they should finish up with it next month March and ship end of march or april.
ill post some info now and some links to stuff tomarrow. but so far it seems like it takes palce after the last movie during the peace treaty time frame and it sort of sounded like there were 2 realitys one when your out of the matrix. this part you can adjust yuor clothing and sort your skills etc. then when you jack it to the matrix (what they refer to as redpill) is where you maove around inside the hugh mega city. looked to be one big city but with like 4-5 diffrent zones like slums etc.it sounds like it is very big i saw a refrence from one of the beta players saying hes been playing sience mis 04' and hasnt seen all the mega city yet.
it also looked like there were 3 amin factions in the game. Zion / machiens / exileds. (witch are appartly programs? ) that the machiens thought were out dated and sloted for removal/destruction etc. that ran off and made there own little group etc.
When i looked it the skills looks like there are basic super powers that you can spend exp point on to get more and better basic super powers ( the super jump/streght/speed etc.) or you can grab skills going down the 3 diffrent tech trees. 1- hackers 2- coders 3- opratives.
each one of these tech trees has better specializations skills and branch off into sub-sets like the opritive tree branches into the soldier tree (like neo)
or the spy tree more espionage and stealth tactics.
I think the coder and hacer where like think of your self as if you where code while in the matrix and not human. the coders where sort of the dr's and possitive buffers more stand off players. and the hackers were more attack with bugs and viruses to rout and slow enemy players same support for the opritives to attack as like tankers etc.

The thing i liked was talking how you can get skills from all 3 trees and sort of use them to better enhace your attack (like lets say using stealth tactice in spy sub-det to get in close and then use hacker attacks to immobize some one) they made it sound like you gain exp and spend exp to gain skills witch you sort of store in (say) a giant library of knowledge your out of matrix identity can move around and pick and chose what skills to use. it sounded like your redpill that gets you into the matrix is sort of like a hard drive with limited space. so when your out of matrix you inspect your mission and chose what powers you take with you in the matrix (like super speed and kung -fu with weapon skills on and on till your redpill is full.

that sounds fun beiing able to customize yuor character for each mission as needed. ok i am runnning on now and it getting late ill be off tomarrow and will post some links etc. but for now check these out i have now.
if you go to main website you can look at the trailors they have out i tryed up loading them but said i was limited to 2mb upload and these trailers where like 17mb oh well. go check it out iam trying to get a feel of how many people may be interested in this game.

February 23rd, 2005, 07:39 PM
i think this game will be a flop...thats just me tho, maybe will be REAL popular in the beggining, but.. will turn out BOARING in teh end... imho

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 23rd, 2005, 09:21 PM
I love the idea, I love the movies, I've never gotten into the RPG type of game but I may have to. It has to cost money monthly, any talk about that? Let's hope it doesn't meet the fate of Sims Online!!!

February 23rd, 2005, 09:27 PM
I watched the trailers on it. The fighting and graphics look a lot like the old street fighter games. I hope it turns out to be a kick daddy game though.

February 24th, 2005, 12:07 AM
its gona be just like CoH.. good fight animations.. with no point.

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 24th, 2005, 08:12 AM
There has to be a plot or an objective. What's the point of WoW? to build your skill and beat bad guys... other players? (I really dont know, haven't played it) They wouldn't make a huge game like this and have it be open ended...no way

February 25th, 2005, 10:28 AM
there is a HUGE story line in WoW. The game is like 10 years in different forms and such.

February 25th, 2005, 08:28 PM
yeah they are going to do the usuall first month free and then after it like 1499 a month i seen the prepaid game cards going for 29.99 for 2 months time. i do think like hybrid said it going have lots of flash like city of heros but no real substance like crafting and the ever day type stuff that makes a massive multiplayers what it is.
I have heard by reading on the forums on city of heros that the are in liddigation with marvel now because of there very good character building choices and so many hulk and wolverien look alikes running around. marvel says they have to sue for trade mark infringment if they dont they can loose licasce of those characters. but the COH guys say there just doing it beacause reportedly marvel is going to put out there own massive multi player game soon?

I am really debating wheater to try out matrix online and see if its any good just wanted to get any input if any of you guys are going to try it or not.

The other game i have been trying to read up on is the middle earth online (lord of the rings) it may be better with more substance(story) than a matrix considering it was so hard to follow what exactly was the story in the matrix.
