View Full Version : All you Networking Gurus...

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 17th, 2005, 05:40 PM
I have two questions that hopefully someone can help me with

I have a new roommate that love to use bandwidth off our cable modem. I have a linksys wireless B router and his connection is through a wireless connection. Is there a program I can run to monitor how much he's using and to regulate when he has both his computers and playstation are downloading stuff? Gosh darn it.... it ruins my CS ping!!!!

2nd... I have set up a pretty large network at work (30 computers mac and pc) and have most everything stable now. It was a challenge because I’ve never done it before... It was fun trying to figure out conflicting master servers and elections. We are using an AMD 64 box with 2 250's in a raid array running XP pro to hold and back up all of our digital work that we've done. Currently all of the info is on a G5 running OSX and I need to transfer them to the pc. I'm getting errors about the invalid characters in the file structure. Some of them transferred and I had to go into CMD window to get them erased. Is there a program or technique to change the files names in a batch without spending 600 bucks for special server software?

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 24th, 2005, 08:00 AM
ok, I guess not.

Another question then. I'm having trouble useing remote desktop on my computer. how do i find my IP address? If i go to cmd.... IPconfig /all it doesn't display my address. Do I need to set my my router a special way in order to allow it?

February 24th, 2005, 08:29 AM

February 24th, 2005, 08:32 AM
Buy a Hammer and beat your roomate in the head when he's using his computers.

The devices you presently have will not allow you to do bandwidth throttling

What OS is on your MAC?
