View Full Version : CS Source fps

January 27th, 2005, 10:55 AM
What kind of FPS are you guys getting, cause mine suck. I finally got the update for the bots downloaded last night and thought I would give it a try. All I have is dial-up so I have not been able to play source online. I start playing and I notice my fps ar at best in the forties and are dropping down into the teens at times. Is there something that I am missing because I thought my computer would be running it better than this.

amd athlon xp 2.4
1 gig of kingston ram
60 gig hd
xfx 6600gt vid card



January 27th, 2005, 11:46 AM
maybe u need to lower the resolution .it also seems to depend a lot on the map played .in some maps i only get like 40 fps like in nuke.in others like aztec up to like 70 .
if that doesnt help,all u got is overclocking wich is what i do and it improves my fps by more than 20 and keeps them more solid !

January 27th, 2005, 11:53 AM
I put mine at 1280 x 1024 and it runs about 150 - 200 fps depending on map.

I have a AMD 64 3600, with a EVGA 6800GT Overclocked.

No real complaints

January 27th, 2005, 02:41 PM
P4 3.0, 512 ram, 9600xt gets 40-100 on 4xAA/4xAF 1024x768.

A64 3200, 1GB ram, 6800GT, all overclocked and on water is always fluid at 6xAA/8xAF 1280x1024.

January 27th, 2005, 03:41 PM
I have a Geforce 3 ti 200 .... I get 30 fps on a good map, but I usually get 19.

January 28th, 2005, 06:49 AM
I have a P4 3.4 6600 GT, 100 fps all the time, but recently after fraggn for 1/2 hr it starts freezing up and then i get the Blue Screen of Death!

January 28th, 2005, 06:59 AM
Drifter, what power supply do you have?
How many cdrom drive and hard drives?
How many fans?

January 28th, 2005, 07:20 AM
Toby I have a 350 watt ps but I don't have any idea who makes it. It came with the case.
I have one hd, two rom drives, and only one fan mounted inside the case.

(edit) BTW I added a splitter to the power supply that goes to the fan so I could power the 6600gt with. If that makes a difference or not? Also for some unknown reason every now and then my computer will just reboot all by its self. It does not do it alot but I can be in the middle of a game and BAM!, screen goes black then it boots back up. WTH is that all about?

January 28th, 2005, 09:24 AM

January 28th, 2005, 09:49 AM
If your computer ever restarts itself like that, go straight into the bois and check the temp of your case and process. Its in the bois settings under power management.

For your computer to restart like that, it sounds like it may be getting hot. Check the air coming out of the case to see how warm it is.

Also, do not run a splitter inline with the power cord going to your video card. If you have to use a splitter, put it somewhere else. Run a single power cable straight to your video card. Also, try unplugging the power to one of your 2 cd rom drives.

Most generic power supplies to not supply the power they say that they are rated for. A generic 350 watt power supply "might" supply the same power as an antec/enermax 300 watt power supply. What I'm saying is that more than likely, your 350 watt psu is probably pushing well under 300 watts. Look into upgrading your psu to a good 400-450 watt psu.

January 28th, 2005, 11:20 AM
Will that help with the fps issue as well? What would be a good one to upgrade to, as I have never bought a ps. I could also get a couple more fans with a bigger ps so that is what I am going to try and do.

