View Full Version : Rogue Get rich scheme

January 24th, 2005, 08:10 AM
I found a simple get rich scheme for rogues.

You really need to be mid to upper 40's to have a good chance of success but when you are the money just rolls in. This is what I've been doing:

Stock up on crippling poisons and deadly poisons and head of SM (The Monestary for those that don't know). Stealth through each of the 4 branches of the monestary and take out the one or 2 guards protecting the chests in each branch. Loot the chest (each guarentee a green item). Next stealth to the end of each branch and kill certain bosses, the Mage in the Library, the guy that is sleeping in the hidden passage, and the undead mage in the crypt. Next kill all the undead in the graveyard. Most of the undead there are not elite so you can rip them apart pretty easily and since they are in the instance they have an increased uncommon plus drop rate. After you did all of that not only would you have increased your lockpicking skill by 10 points but you will also come out of there with 4 runecloth bags full of green items and often 2-3 non soulbound blue items. This works great for getting massive amounts of cash or for sending to an Alternate character to work up his disenchant skill. You don't get much exp, but as far as money goes I haven't found a better method yet.

My net monetary increase from one trip is 20 gold. Takes about 20-30 mins and is a lot of fun too. :)

Good luck rogues.

January 24th, 2005, 08:13 AM
The 20 gold is from shop selling too. You can probably increase that total by 2 times if you were ambitous enough to auction it all. But that's a lot of items to auction. LOL

January 24th, 2005, 12:51 PM
Yup...seen that strat many times and its a confirmed one.

January 24th, 2005, 01:32 PM
Yeah, I didn't think I was the first to come up with it.

It is really cool to do it though. You really feel like a rogue when its just you slipping around undetected. Taking out a few key points and slipping out again. That and knowing that death awaits you should you mess up too bad. LOL, I love it :)

No worries about some stupid noob coming in and swiping your chest or mucking up your instance. Definately hightly recommended.

I'm going to do VC next, haven't tried soloing that one yet. I always meant to but never did.

January 24th, 2005, 02:26 PM
Ive gone to the 2 second boss at VC solo before I got careless and died. Dont think at 31 I could finish it but Im bettng I could get to the docks. I know with 1 more 31 priest or mage we could finish it easy.

January 26th, 2005, 06:56 AM
i dunno CFH, the VC quest give a false sence at the beginning and middle. My bro, acid, his bro, and myself got all the way thru it no problem. Knowing VC was about to come up next we buffed up and everything. He really isn't the problem, its his 10000 body gaurd rogues that hurt. We were all ranged from 20-27. You might be able to do it, but it just got really hard at the end. And with a big grp like that the good drops almost never go to ya :p Lemmie know how it goes.

January 26th, 2005, 08:17 AM
I tried to solo the deadmines one day at around level 38 or so. I got careless and got destroyed by about 6 miners and I think 3 of the elite guards. No, I didn't make it very far.

When we finally finished VC, I believe my whole group was under level 20, we had a preist, druid, paladin, rogue and mage. I think the only reason we actually made it though was I broke down and used psychic scream at the very last, even though I knew I shouldn't. But they didn't bring any adds =) Oh and I *just* got rid of the staff I looted off the captian in the deadmines not too long ago. I think I used it from level 18 to 38. Guess I got my money's worth out of staying in that damned cave so much that weekend. (we had a lot of bugged runs)

January 26th, 2005, 09:35 AM
Well the thing is EOB the higher in level you get the better chance of dodging you have. I can't speak for all classes, but I know that as a rogue I would have NO problem killing every living thing in VC by myself at lvl 54. Hell I could do it if I was lvl 45 and I can tell you why its so easy. You get such an insane bonus to damage and dodge/resist that you can stand still and 6 lvl 20's can pound on you for 10 mins and do about 1/4 of your health bar of damage. Where as you can kill a single target in 2 maybe 3 hits. When I fight lvl 20 characters I have an 80% chance to critical, so it's just a constant scream fest when I fight them (my normal non enhanced criticals go for about 330 dmg which doesn't sound like much but you have to remember that I get 3-4 attacks a second, which I admit is pretty cool). You guys will see once you get to that level, it's a lot of fun.

January 26th, 2005, 09:38 AM
Everyone says no PS in instances but I NEVER had trouble with adds. I was lucky that they all went the way we came from so there was nothing to add on. I PS'd VC at least twice becuase of those damn rogue guards. Cloth armor = TEH SUC.

January 26th, 2005, 09:57 AM
Use crippling poison as a rogue. They can't run away very well at all, seriously reduces the adds. And crippling poison rank 2 reduces their run speed to 30% so they take like 2 steps before they die. very nice.

January 26th, 2005, 02:48 PM
i have a lvl 29 rogue and I know what you mean mindwerks. I think any lvl 54 could run thru VC no prob, but since rogue have the fastest dps they could do it pretty easy. But i'ma try priest a bit and see how that goes, so cfh your goin to be a pm pretty soon :p

January 26th, 2005, 03:21 PM
eNdOfBeGinNinG']i have a lvl 29 rogue and I know what you mean mindwerks. I think any lvl 54 could run thru VC no prob, but since rogue have the fastest dps they could do it pretty easy. But i'ma try priest a bit and see how that goes, so cfh your goin to be a pm pretty soon :p


January 26th, 2005, 04:48 PM
thnx man, hope all goes well with priest!
