View Full Version : Funny story

January 23rd, 2005, 07:13 PM
I know you guys that play will appreciate this and for those that just read this I'll write so you understand....

I'm a lvl 30 priest on a PvP server. At lvl 30 you get one of the coolest spells in the game...mind control. I can cast mind control on humanoid or other real players and control thier movement up to and including attacking members of their own race or hunting group. It's a short spell and Im vulnerable while using it because I "become" the other player...I go into HIS 1st person view.

I've done silly things with it like dragging Murlocks into Menethil and jumping around like a fool till someone kills it. My new favorite thing is to hang out at Thandol Span. For the non-players, Thandol Span is a MASSIVE bridge that crosses a river. The drop from the bridge to the river I'm guessing is somewhere in the area 1000 ft.....safe to say, A LOOOONG way down. Thandol Span is also a main artery for each faction (Horde and Alliance) to travel between each others areas.

I've taken up hanging out there and standing in the middle of the bridge and waiting for Horde Players to come accross. When they get to me I put up a PWS ( shield spell for the non players) and cast mind control....any ideas what happens next???

Can you say base jumping without a parachute?? It doesn't kill them because they land in the water but its hella funny and they have to either swim all the way around the continent or if they are smart there is a tiny path you can take back up to the top. Good times...good times.

I can't wait till I can get into the 55+ areas because there are lava flows all over the place {insert evil grin}

January 23rd, 2005, 07:22 PM
Well I did get a Laugh out of that story and I have no Idea what WOW is about...
So you did very well explaining it to the NON-WoW masses...LOL

January 23rd, 2005, 07:44 PM
remind me when i get this game to stay away from u

January 24th, 2005, 12:07 AM
Scott, you are one bored ass po-po occifer my friend...you live in Cali...surely there are some car chases around there or SOMETHING! ;-) j/k brothaman...Rock out!

January 24th, 2005, 08:19 AM
The lava doesn't hurt you... .I've stood in the lava and stood under the lava falls and took 0 damage. Just looks like it would hurt.

January 24th, 2005, 08:46 AM
haha, cfh thats awesome, has any of those guys said anything to you after they hit the bottom? lol

January 24th, 2005, 10:19 AM
OMFG! LMAO I might have to buy the damn game just so i can become a priest!!

January 24th, 2005, 12:49 PM
The lava doesn't hurt you... .I've stood in the lava and stood under the lava falls and took 0 damage. Just looks like it would hurt.

Not according to the Priest forums...I dont have personal knowledge. They talk about lava baths all the time in PvP.

Onji, the races cant communicate in normal ways. You are completely cut off from the other race. I have seen a screwy version of leet spoken by Horde players but no direct chat.

January 24th, 2005, 12:52 PM
Onji, the races cant communicate in normal ways. You are completely cut off from the other race. I have seen a screwy version of leet spoken by Horde players but no direct chat.
ahh ok, thats just like daoc
