View Full Version : To those who play World of Warcraft

Utherwife 1
January 17th, 2005, 09:32 AM
Is World of Warcraft mostly soloing or is it mostly grouping?

January 17th, 2005, 10:03 AM
Its a mixture of both.

You can go out and explore and kill creatures by yourself, but if you want to do certain quests or instances you will need a good party to have a shot at victory.

January 17th, 2005, 10:05 AM
It has a lot of solo stuff for you to do too, such as working on your trades. You can fish, hunt/skin for leatherworking, enchant, collect herbs for potions, cook, blacksmith, mine, and even race. So its actually built for both types of game play. :)

January 18th, 2005, 10:24 AM
True dat....you can either very successfully. There are somethings that you just CANNOT solo though and will HAVE to group. Not like SWG where the galaxy was my oyster. Only one place I couldn't solo in that game...DWB. I like that you are forced to group if you want to do the tough stuff. You dont' HAVE to do them but you can if you want. Also, the "good" loot is often quest rewards from elite dungeons or instances.

Drools thinking about the hypnotic blade from Scarlet Monestary.

January 18th, 2005, 11:24 AM
this is why I love the game.. you can do either, solo or group. Some of my other rps i have played you can ONLY group if you want decent exp. and sometimes it could take hours to get a tank and healer ect. But you can normally go off and kill things your level or few levels higher and be fine. There are also a lot of running quest, which you don't have to take out your weapon at all for. But I must say, grouping with friends while in vent/teamspeak has been so much fun, specially when mobs are 5+lvls then you and your tearing it up.. can't wait to get a raid goin tonight woohoo!! BTW any of you guys do the Van Cleef quest for SW? Its only lvl 22 quest but its fun

January 18th, 2005, 11:33 AM
i am so sad i cant play as i posted in one of the other posts appartly blizzard has pulled or not selling any more wow untill they get more srevers up and running,so it will be awhile before i can get a copy .

January 18th, 2005, 11:41 AM
then i'm sorry Daedelus for saying "how much fun it is" ect. Didn't know your situation. Hope they get it out soon for you!

January 18th, 2005, 02:07 PM
wow, I didn't know they stopped selling copies.

I had that hypnotic blade but sold it off cause the stats were poopy. Int and stamina are good for nothing, Agility and Stamina are where its at. :)

I'm having some problems posting so I apologise if this popped up more then once.

January 18th, 2005, 02:54 PM
That might explain why I didnt see any copies at Target.

January 19th, 2005, 08:39 AM
Bliz has stopped shipping WoW becasue of server issues. NO info on when they will open it up again either. They did a 16 hour upgrade last week and it was supposedly an infrastructure overhaul. They are working on it but the lag is RETARDED in Iron Forge. They really need to fix that. It's AT LEAST as bad as Coronet was in SWG.

As for Van Cleef...yes. That was a fun instance for sure. Had a great guide when we went in. We skipped the Minotaur till AFTER we took out VC. I go in there from time to time and solo up to the first boss for the loot. If I was a druid or a mage I THINK I could take him but without some kind of rooting spell he just chews me up. 2 hits and he breaks my PW:Shield. I started Robyn's toon last night so it's time for another trip to farm her up some greenies for when she gets into her teens. I'm ready for the stockades now, just got to find a group to run it with. Then it's Gnomerigan. :D

January 19th, 2005, 09:16 AM
I had the hypnotic blade from SM but I sold it because although the damage was nice the stats were poopy. who wants int, and spirit when you can have Agility and stamina.

My priest.... Im using Claw of the Shadowmancer right now and I'm quite happy. I'll use that till I can get the Hypno blade. Only problem with the claw is the speed. I use the dagger as a means of extra damage durring my wand cool down and as of right now the speed almost matches my wand so it's not all that beneficial. At 34 I get a new wand and hypno blade so that SHOULD solve the problem. Damn shame the Hypno Blade is soulbound on pick up.

January 19th, 2005, 09:33 AM
It isn't soulbound on pick up.

Mine didn't get soulbound until I armed it in my offhand (it was better damage wise at the time). I think anyway. It has been a while since I was that low a level, I can't remember correctly.

January 19th, 2005, 09:34 AM
My priest.... Im using Claw of the Shadowmancer right now and I'm quite happy. I'll use that till I can get the Hypno blade. Only problem with the claw is the speed. I use the dagger as a means of extra damage durring my wand cool down and as of right now the speed almost matches my wand so it's all that beneficial. At 34 I get a new wand and hypno blade so that SHOULD solve the problem. Damn shame the Hypno Blade is soulbound on pick up.

LOL sorry Scott, you guys just sound funny talking about this game! :stick

January 19th, 2005, 01:13 PM
I know...its a geekfest. SOrry Mindwerks but youre wrong...


Thats why you never see them on the AH. Casters would pay 30+ gold for them and people would farm them. Look at the drop rate too. 37%? Definately a farmfest if it wasn't BOPU.

January 19th, 2005, 01:58 PM
Mmmmmm, hypnotic blade, I'm just about ready to head into SM to get that bastage, or maybe the illusionary rod, not sure which one I want yet, maybe both. The stockades were a breeze, but then again, I think my whole group was a bit high level for that one when we finally did it.

CFH, what are you doing with your talents? I'm going fully shadow right now and then I'm gonna start tossing stuff into disc to get the improve sheild and fortitude buff. I will hopfully hit 40 tonight and that point is going directly to shadowform. I play more of a backup healer or backup/primary nuker with my preist.

January 19th, 2005, 02:07 PM
Testing post, did put up yesterday

January 19th, 2005, 02:39 PM
I'm a solo'r mostly but Im not shadow spec'd. Im 3/3 in shield and 5/5 wands with enough holy to get holy fire and enough shadow to get improved PW:Pain, silence and vampiric embrace (down the road). Anything left over will most likely go into Fortitude. I havent planned that far ahead yet. Best thing I ever did was wand spec. Druids can root me all day long and I will WHOOP THEIR ASS with my wand. I can mind blast once...maybe twice and get 3 wand shots off before the root breaks. Ive crit'd for 160 with my wand and that was at lvl 28. I just hit 30 now. Can't wait to mind control in PvP. I kicked the dog snot out of 2 warlocks and thier void walkers the other day with pain and my wand..even with the constant fear they were dropping on me. That made my day.

January 19th, 2005, 03:10 PM
Hey CFH - I'm playing a Druid right now, but thinking about starting another character. What are some good reasons to play a priest?

January 19th, 2005, 03:26 PM
how about keeping my ass alive? is that a good reason?!?


January 19th, 2005, 03:27 PM
btw my main is a night elf hunter, but i plan on playing a rouge with heather when she starts over.

January 19th, 2005, 03:52 PM
Priest sux till about lvl 20. Its a slow grind and quests like Princess that most classes can solo you'll die. Even the little Kobolds will knock you around hard. Don't play a priest unless like }{ says, you want to keep peoples asses alive. That is youre main purpose in a group. Damage dealing is secondary even if youre shadow spec'd because chances are youre with guys who are wearing plate or at least chain armor. Youre sorry cloth armor isn't worth much. Another thing you have to consider is you better hope you play with a good group. Your heal spells are MASSIVE aggro magnets....even if youre faded.

Once you hit 20 you'll have some talent points to play with and this is where you start becoming viable as a solo player. You can now comfortably handle mobs 2 levelsabove you with very little worry. You can even deal with adds nicely. Ive taken down 3 mobs that were the same level as me. I had no mama and next to no health but I made it. Sorry..Im rambling.

To answer your question, good reasons to play a priest.

People are happy to have you in thier group
You can heal the hell out of yourself
If you play with }{ or anyone else alot you can res them
Power Word: Shield
It's a little played class (if youre into that)
Dunno why it's fun...it just is


Nonexistant armor
Die very easily
Weak damage spell selection (you'll only use 3 at the most on a regular basis...I only use 2)
Tough to level solo until you hit 20
Best support profs are a pain in the ass to level (herbalism/alchemy)
Blizzard seems to have a hard on for priests. We are constantly being hit with the nerf bat.

January 19th, 2005, 03:57 PM
Another thing that sux about priest compared to other casters...

Warlocks get minions
Mages have *****EN AOE spells
Druids get root (not to mention leather armor)
Priests.....primal scream that only chases 2 mobs until you hit level 28
At 30 we get mind control but Bliz has allready nerfed it once and is threatening to nerf it again.

Even with all the negativity, I love my priest. She's a hoot to play.

January 19th, 2005, 08:46 PM
Ahhahah, i love the new announcements on WOW. Turns out people are lvling there characters to 60 within a few days and selling them on ebay. To bad whoever buys them wont be able to play on them because they will be terminated. Just thought that was kind of funny because i saw someone mention it in game.

January 19th, 2005, 08:58 PM
Same thing with SWG and Jedi. There are ways to do it...you just have to have a little common sense about it.

January 19th, 2005, 09:40 PM

January 20th, 2005, 08:05 AM
So far I've made 4 different characters, but the only one that I really like is the rogue. The ability to sneak, pick pocket, poison and do crazy amounts of damage is so nice. They don't have much armor but they don't need it since with a 300+ agility its harder then hell to hit them anyway and that's if I don't disarm, cheap shot, kidney shot, blind and gogue you into not moving. Paladins used to be the only class that could kick my butt, but since I got cold blood I can dispatch them pretty easily now. I wonder how long it will be before they nerf the rogue. Right now my character has a 50% to critical and with a 5 point combo cold blooded evisorate I can deal out over 2000 hp in one wack. Nice for dispatching bosses. If you guys are thinking of making an alternate character, give rogues a try. I'd be willing to bet you'll like them.

January 20th, 2005, 08:23 AM
I will say that after I maxed out my rogue I was going to play my priest more. I got mine up to lvl 13 in a couple of hours and had a lot of fun playing them. I don't think they are as gimped soloing as most people make them out to be. I've been able to solo very effectively with them, you just have to be sneakier (something playing a rogue has given me a great amount of practice at). :p

January 20th, 2005, 09:15 AM
if you are going to go far enough into shadow to get Vampric Embrace I would say you *must* get Mind Flay. At it's highest level it does around 500 damage in 3 seconds, plus the 50% slow. It's a good damage spell for when Mind Blast is recharging, but it's best use it for runners.

January 20th, 2005, 11:09 AM
if you are going to go far enough into shadow to get Vampric Embrace I would say you *must* get Mind Flay. At it's highest level it does around 500 damage in 3 seconds, plus the 50% slow. It's a good damage spell for when Mind Blast is recharging, but it's best use it for runners.

Flay is actually my next target. I think I can get it around 36 with my current spec. I could have used it last night as this ***** troll hunter ran from me. I had him down to about 10% health with Pain still ticking. I got a wand shot off that missed and durring the cast time he made it out of range so I couldn't end his suffering. :D Then, while trying to run him down, I picked up aggro from a raptor. That's while HIS raptor was trying to bite me in the ass through my shield. End of story...we both ended up surviving. I'm loving Pain right now. I cant tell you how many people Ive burned to the ground with it as they try to run away. :D :D
