View Full Version : WD Raptor SATA Probs....

January 7th, 2005, 12:13 AM
im gunna throw this thing out the window.... i am running a kt600 plus v2 soyo board and it supports SATA. now, bios sees the drive but when i go to install windows it cant find the drive. i have hit f6 to install mass disk / SCSI and it asks me for the disk. well i have done this before, so i d/l the proper drivers for the SATA and when i put in the disk it keeps asking me for the disk...used 3 floppy drives and 2 cables thinking that they might be bad...i have read everything that i could on soyo's site and i cant get this darn thing to work. any ideas?


January 7th, 2005, 04:42 AM
Go into the bios and make sure that you have SATA enabled...that would be the first thing to try.

January 7th, 2005, 08:46 AM
i did that....i cant get it to work within windows 2000 server AFTER i installed the raid drivers and everything....the raid program sees the 36 gb raptor and says its fine but i guess windows wont recognize it.

January 7th, 2005, 08:53 AM
Did you fdisk it yet? If the disk isn't set up (fdisked and stuff) the computer may not see it (esp Win2k)

January 7th, 2005, 09:48 AM
Tech, even during Windows 2000 setups, the install should see the drive and prompt for configuring without having to manually fdisk before hand. This sounds like a driver issue.

What exactly is on the disk that you downloaded the drivers too? If it keeps asking for the disk, then apparently there is no driver files of any kind that it could locate on the disk. Make sure that perhaps you needed to extract the files from a zip file or something.

January 7th, 2005, 10:21 AM
I thought he had an existing system that he was adding the HD to...(I probably misread his explination...sorry)

January 7th, 2005, 01:26 PM
I have SATA WD Raptor drive, if it's not fully supported by your Mother board you will have to install 3rd party drivers. It sounds like you have been trying to do that, but I wonder if you are installing these driver during the windows installation or just booting off of the floppy and installing the drivers and then trying to do the windows install.

I'm just looking for clarification. My roommate had a similar problem and from what he told me is that at the very beginning of the Windows installation (when it's loading files for install) you will see a prompt asking if you need to install 3rd party SCSI raid drivers. You hit F6 (or what ever button it ask for) then point it to your floppy, install and continue on your merry way.

And you are saying that you did this exact thing and can't get it to work?

(I got lucky, I have all SATA drives and I didn't have to do anything different to install windows, didn't even have to install any 3rd party drivers)

January 7th, 2005, 02:10 PM
it shows my hdd when i boot up, but when i get into the os installer it wont recognize the hdd. the mb supports a single drive in the SATA RAID controller. i downloaded the drivers from soyo.com and followed the instructions. put em all on the floppy and to no avail it says put in the floppy disk. do you think that i need a driver for the hdd???

January 7th, 2005, 02:24 PM
No special drivers are required for the HDD.

sounds like the drivers aren't on the Floppy correctly or it's the wrong drivers.

All you should have to do is press F6 when windows ask for 3rd party drivers, pop in your floppy and go. if you aren't getting that or it keeps asking you to put in the floppy then the drivers aren't there or are for the wrong OS. You might want to take a closer look at that floppy

January 7th, 2005, 05:22 PM
hmm.... well ill take a look at it again tonight...i wanna throw it out the window...thanks for the help :D

January 7th, 2005, 11:16 PM
Adding Second Drive:
Click the Start button and then access Control Panel - >Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management.

The Write Signature & Upgrade Wizard displays.

Note: When you see the message, "No signature found on Disk 1", press YES. You must use this wizard to write a Signature to the drive. Otherwise, it will not work in Windows 2000. Drives are numbered as follows: drive 0 being the boot drive and drive 1 and above are all other drives.

-/me slamms head against wall.
why didnt i think of this???

January 8th, 2005, 07:36 AM
That's good you found it! I think you had us confused as we/I thought you were trying to install Windows to the drive you just installed. Had you said, I can boot to windows, but cannot see the drive in My Computer, we could have gave you the instructions you found. But anyway! Good learning experience! :)

January 8th, 2005, 07:39 AM
See, that's what I thought he meant...sheesh. Good jearb finding that as it's not really what I said to try

January 8th, 2005, 07:48 AM
:havemercy :notworthy


January 8th, 2005, 08:10 AM
I still think he should have thrown it out the window, and made a video of it...
It would have been more interesting than the 1st solution.

January 8th, 2005, 09:21 AM
Shotting it with the bow would have been my suggestion. lol

January 8th, 2005, 01:07 PM
well i was trying to do both. well one or the other...i got it to work in windows...i had to borrow an 80 gig drive from my buddy ( we wanted to play source now!) and i got win2k on it and i got the drive to work in win. now i gotta get it to take an installation.....
