View Full Version : WoW money maker

December 28th, 2004, 11:44 AM
Like the fishing strat, this is purely for money making and varries from server to server.


Spare cash


Buy up low level magic items from the AH (try to keep it under 8s per item. 5s or less is best).
Disenchant the items for dust, shards or any other resources used in enchanting.
Resell the resources in stacks of 10 on the AH

ex: you spend 25-30s on AH for magic items. Disenchant them for (hopefully) a stack of 10 strange dust. A stack of 10 will sell for anywhere from 50s to 1g. The trick is to snatch up auctions that are short or very short in time.

Stuff like greater magic essence or shards sell for much more.

If you have an alt or a friend who is grinding leatherworking, get them to make Hillman's shoulders. You can disenchant them all day long for strange dust and do this for near free.

Yet another way is to disenchant loot drops. In some cases the resources you get from the disenchant are FAR more valuable then the item itself. This does work. Ive done it and am currently doing it. I'm hoping to come home to about 3-4g after spending 20 minutes browsing the AH for items.

The problem with this (like all quick cash strats) is they have a very short lifespan because too many people do it and it skews the pricing table for both the magic items and the resale of the resources. Strike while the iron is hot.

December 28th, 2004, 12:34 PM
^ so confused ^

December 28th, 2004, 12:54 PM
Buy the game you nub....

December 28th, 2004, 02:01 PM
i would if you told me how you went out and kicked all this arse and found all this treasure, not that you teadeously sold and bought things for hours to make money
MMORPG Tycoon..I can see it now, obviously everyone will play it..instead of Jedi, you see who gets to be Bill Gates.
You will get to fish, put them in your tanks, that you made from hours of digging up sand and making into glass to form the tanks, then selling the company, to buy a pot, so you can crush it into dust, and finally sell it back as dust particles on the open market and earn lots of cash. Then the wipers and peasents can go before you dropping money, so your feet will never touch bare ground

December 28th, 2004, 02:22 PM
shake your money maker!

December 28th, 2004, 02:26 PM
Oddly enough, I had a WILDLY successful aquarium shop in SWG. :D

I made MILLIONS!!!

You b00n, I don't spend all my time looking for cash cows. I run quests, explore (and get lost), experiemtn with diffrent classes on diffrent servers...all kinds of stuff. My main is a level 20 priest and thats from playing EXCLUSIVELY on the weekend mornings...I can kick ass too but it doesn't take a genius to kill mobs all day for XP. The finesse is in the "hidden tricks". Some of this stuff is a pure accident that the devs NEVER expected would occur...thats the fun part. Finding those things. :)

December 28th, 2004, 06:58 PM
I don't worry so much about the money. I'm finding that it attends to itself mostly. I do the auctions to sell goods and items, but don't spend all my time there. I like playing the game for the fighting, so I loot all my selling goods. Heck I checked my mail today and instantly went up 15g. I make more money pillaging, looting and pickpocketing my way through quests... and it's more fun the sitting in the AH all day. That's just me though, I'm weird like that.

December 28th, 2004, 07:35 PM
hmm...where does it say I spend ALL DAY in the AH? I spent 20 minutes there before I logged. Sigh...ok, I'll stop with the money strats.

December 28th, 2004, 08:02 PM
thanks for the tip i may do this when iget the game soon hopfully it wasnt in my stalking from santa so ill have to go buy it myself hehe

December 28th, 2004, 08:35 PM
Well I can't even find the stupid game I searched all over Shreveport today and couldn't find it. I went to Bestbuy, Target and 2 different Wall-Mart.

January 1st, 2005, 10:41 PM
AH is awesome

January 21st, 2005, 08:07 AM

I really need 'em right now.I've got about 7k xp before I have to buy my mount, and I need about 44 gold as it stands right now. =(

January 21st, 2005, 10:35 AM
Seems like the characters that have the money problems the most are warriors and others that use Plate. I heard it is quite costly to repair that stuff. Leather isn't to bad. I can have everything broken (at level 55) and it only cost a little over 1.8 gold to fix it up again. I'm not sure what it would take to repair Plate at the same level. Anyone know?

March 1st, 2005, 12:47 AM
thats a good plan cowboy from hell, I usually spend a few minutes while at the AH to look through major trade items (silk cloth, iron bars... etc) and there are usually a few with SUPER low buyouts compared to the rest. I just buy them up and put them back on the AH for a little below the average, takes no time and its free money. Keep thinking up money solutions, I waste all my gold on leveling up my professions.

March 1st, 2005, 05:11 AM
This works REALLY WELL if you have a high level leather worker or even tailor or engineer. Make a bunch of of greens yourself and disenchant them. Hillmans shoulders from leather worker are great for this.

The other way I make great cash is the buying of limited purchase recipes and selling them on the AH. People are, by nature, lazy or just plain uninformed. There are SEVERAL recipes I pay between 10 and 20s for and resell DAILY for 97s. The easiest location Ive found for this is in Wetlands. In SUndown Marsh there is a beat looking windmill with a gmone and a dwarf. HE sells Lovingly Crafted Boomstick plans and Minor Recombobulator. She sells Green leather armor, red whelp gloves and one other thing I cant remember. I'll spend about 90s for all the recipes and flip it into 4-5g every day and sometimes twice on Saturday and Sunday. At lvl 38, Im sitting on 102g, Have virtually the best armor/weapons out there and my mount is more then covered when I hit 40. I spent about 8g yesterday leveling leatherworker to 190 and made back 6g of it doing this in one day.

March 1st, 2005, 06:42 AM
well i was a pally, i didnt have to worry about buying a mount, weee, but, just grinding in Orcs near south shore i made 50g just from lvl 38-40 from grinding orcs in southshore and i level'd from 37-40 in one day just by hunting "soloing"... quest blow..not for items but for exp they sure doo...

March 1st, 2005, 01:17 PM
I get a lot of money by farming SM, VC, and other instances. What doesn't sell on the AH gets disenchanted. This is a great way to get equipment for my alternate characters as well.

March 2nd, 2005, 10:22 PM
I have a paladin as well, but Im doing mining and blacksmithing, hard to make quick cash there. I decided to make an alt that will do leatherworking and enchanting, I can just send him all the extra green items I get and do what you (cowboy from hell) are talking about with the hillsbrad shoulders and the like. This should be interesting.

March 3rd, 2005, 07:46 AM
I have 4 characters.

1 lvl 60 rogue (leatherworker/skinner)- He's the main money maker and item gatherer. Use him to farm SM and Gnomeregan and VC for items and gold.

1 lvl 20 priest (alchemy/herbology) - Used to keep my thief supplied with the herbs he needs and potions for my other characters.

1 lvl 20 mage (enchanting/tailoring) - used to disenchant the farmed items and create cool bags and other useful items for my alts.

1 lvl 20 warrior (blacksmith/miner) - used to supply my other characters with blacksmith components mostly)

The only thing I'm missing is a an engineer. I'm thinking of making a hunter that will fill up that role. but I'm going to hold off until I get the current alts up to 60 too. =P

March 3rd, 2005, 08:38 AM
And that boys and gilrs is one organized individual. I did my profs arss backwards. My priest is leather/skinning and my rogue is alch/herb :rolleyes:

I JUST hit 200 leatherworking this morning....Im off to Ariel Peak for my artisan training. At what lvl can I specialize and what do you suggest? I know tribal has the best gear but everyone and thier mother is tribal. I thought elemental but Im not sure

March 3rd, 2005, 08:44 AM
I have a paladin as well, but Im doing mining and blacksmithing, hard to make quick cash there. I decided to make an alt that will do leatherworking and enchanting, I can just send him all the extra green items I get and do what you (cowboy from hell) are talking about with the hillsbrad shoulders and the like. This should be interesting.

Too make money in mining is pretty easy. Mine...smelt...AH

Im a leatherworker and a skinner so I can get my own leather but it sure is a TON easier to buy it off the AH. I bought 20 stacks of heavy leather this morning so I could go from 190 to 200. I paid right around 27s per stack. It was worth it to me and it's worth it to ALOT of other people who have more money then time.

Give it a try. :)

March 5th, 2005, 02:35 AM
Im finding it a bit tougher to sell stuff on the AH on my server, the population is always between low and medium, so most the people are resourceful enough to find what they need outside of the AH.

I havent found out how to specialize my blacksmithing yet, Im at 224 and they tell me I should talk to so and so about doing armor or weaponsmith but when I go to them they dont say anything, am I missing something?
