View Full Version : Anyone know Visual Basic....

April 22nd, 2002, 12:28 PM
Aight I need some help with this visual basic program...

the person has to put in 5 numbers, and then the program will convert it using the ASCII Character set... those 5 numbers will convert to 5 letters thus forming a word.... if anyone knows how, then offer suggestions

I'm on AIM ALL day... Poutlipper

April 22nd, 2002, 12:46 PM
Are you using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange Chart or just a regular layout.. cause regular layout of the ASCII chart, only numbers 65-90 are alphabetic charaters .. Well, those are uppercase and 97-122 are lower case.. Do you imput your own charater set? explain a little more in detail. Are you limited on what can be in the code? :confused:

April 22nd, 2002, 02:00 PM
using 32-127, not using the control characters...

April 22nd, 2002, 03:44 PM
alright dude, give me a little more details.. how do you add in the numbers... do you add in one at a time or do you put them all in at one time? What all do you want it to do? I could do this about 20 different ways. How do you want it to print out?

April 22nd, 2002, 05:30 PM
aight.... 5 input boxes, a number in each one, 5 labels or text boxes however is simpler/easier, you put your 5 numbers in and when you computer/calculate, the first number goes to first text box, 2nd to 2nd, 3rd to 3rd, etc.
They have to be in order though, so if i put in 83, 119, 101, 101, 116, it'd output S, w, e , e, t

April 22nd, 2002, 05:51 PM
Do you just want me to write it up real quick?

April 22nd, 2002, 05:53 PM
if you could...

April 22nd, 2002, 06:01 PM
When do you have to have it ready by?

April 22nd, 2002, 06:05 PM
well preferably by tonight but i dont wanna rush you

if you could get it to me by 6 oclock am eastern... thatd be 'swell'

April 22nd, 2002, 06:07 PM
It should only take me about 15-20 minutes.. I just have to get to my computer cause I don't have vb installed here at work. What do you want it to look like? iface? You want it to be pretty? Activeskins? Any backdoors? lol :D

April 22nd, 2002, 07:49 PM
no no no no no.... simple as possible, nothing hidden nothing what so ever, when i show it to him all i do is print out the code, he may ask to see actual program but may not, so just simple

April 23rd, 2002, 03:56 AM
I think it actually took me all of 8 minutes to write.. lol.. but now what? No email address? hmmm

You can get it here Word ( .. the source is included along with the exe.. Its not pretty but I didn't wanna jazz it up to much.. didn't want to get you in trouble.. Also, I'll email it to perm just in case.


April 23rd, 2002, 05:21 AM
w00t.... thanks Toby... you'll r0x0r some one's b0x0rs one day f0r sure
